A homemaker from Hertfordshire, England...

April McManus

Date of First Appearance:

Total Winnings:

1992 Teen Tournament Champ

Favorite anecdote associated with being on the show:
While dancing in a disco in Belfast, a man approached me and said, “Hey, you're the girl from the movie... The Pauly Shore movie!” I told him I wasn't an actress, but that if I were I certainly wouldn't be in a Pauly Shore movie! Months later my uncle, then the parent of teenage sons, informed me that one of my Jeopardy! appearances was featured in a Pauly Shore movie.

What did you do with your winnings?
I was able to buy my first car.

Anything else you would like the viewers to know about you?
Lives in England, and misses hockey and Cheetos.

"A high school senior from Minnesota when she won the 1992 Teen Tournament, today she's a homemaker living in Hertfordshire, England..."

2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Elite Eighteen (Round 2 winners) member: $57,801.
1992 Tournament of Champions wildcard semifinalist: $5,000.
1992 Teen Tournament winner: $25,000.

April appeared in the following 3 archived games:
#4774, aired 2005-05-12 John Cuthbertson vs. Robert Slaven vs. April McManus 2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 3, game 4.
#4770, aired 2005-05-06 April McManus vs. Ed Schiffer vs. Jonathan Groff 2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 2, game 18.
#4746, aired 2005-04-04 Paul Thompson vs. April McManus vs. Larry Cloud 2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1, game 39.
April previously appeared on Jeopardy! as April McManus in the following 2 archived games:
#1886, aired 1992-11-16 Leszek Pawlowicz vs. Richard Kaplan vs. April McManus 1992 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 1. Clips of this...
#1883, aired 1992-11-11 Phil Yellman vs. Kirk Ditzler vs. April McManus 1992 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 3.

[player statistics]

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