Hey Ark-La-Tex, I'm Charlie Penrod from Natchitoches, home of the Northwestern State Demons. Watch me school the competition, on Jeopardy!
[2010-11-29 Winner's Circle interview]
How does it feel to be the new Jeopardy! champion?
Well it's exciting to be a Jeopardy! champion. It's something I've always dreamed of, and I'm glad that it's finally here, and it's amazing. It still hasn't sunk in. But I'm just so excited about it.
Was there a turning point for you?
I--I think I felt comfortable after the first Daily Double, whenever I was able to wager a little bit more and get that one right. That's when I think my nerves finally started calm--calming down, but before that, I was butterflies all over.
How did you feel about your competition today?
Oh, they were very good, they were very, uh, fast on the buzzer, and, uh, I had two very smart people and I wish 'em the best.
Any messages to the folks back home?
I do. I want to thank my, uh, my high school social studies teacher, Ms. Brenda Robinson, who started me in quiz bowl, and started me get--into the process of--of learning how to answer questions, and without her, I probably wouldn't be here right now. |