A journalist from Crown Point, Indiana...

Eric Berman

1987 Tournament of Champions semifinalist: $5,000.
Season 3 4-time champion: $37,101 + his & hers Daniel Mink Cobra Collection watches.

Eric won $20,000 on Trivial Pursuit on 2024-12-02.

Eric appeared in the following 5 archived games:
#673, aired 1987-07-08 Eric Berman vs. Mike Berkowitz vs. David Peterman Eric Berman game 5.
#672, aired 1987-07-07 Eric Berman vs. Mary Frechette vs. Craig Miller Eric Berman game 4.
#671, aired 1987-07-06 Eric Berman vs. Vaughn West vs. Mary Ellis Eric Berman game 3.
#670, aired 1987-07-03 Eric Berman vs. Elaine Brewer vs. Bill Wray Eric Berman game 2.
#669, aired 1987-07-02 Doug Molitor vs. Carol Center vs. Eric Berman Doug Molitor game 5. Eric Berman game 1.
Eric would later appear on Jeopardy! as Eric Berman in the following 2 archived games:
#738, aired 1987-11-18 John Ryan vs. Bob Verini vs. Eric Berman 1987 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 3.
#731, aired 1987-11-09 Dave Traini vs. John Podhoretz vs. Eric Berman 1987 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 1.

[player statistics]

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