(Ken: You guys are getting better and better at your Esperanto.)
brother & sister
(Ken: Yes, you guys do speak Esperanto.) [Laughter]
Happy New Year
(Isaac: What is... [*]?) (Ken: Yeah, we'll take that.) (Isaac: Okay, yeah--) (Ken: They're all [**].) (Isaac: Yeah!) (Ken: We've--we've all been there.) (Isaac: Okay! Uh, sure.)
live on him (living in his antlers)
(Isaac: What are... north and south?) (Drew: What are right and left?) ... (Ken: They sound like what they are--[*].)
hello & goodbye
(Ken: You found them both in the round, Drew, and you are knocking on the door of the lead right now.) (Drew: Well, you know, it's, uh... it's an exhibition game. I'll go all-in.) [Applause] (Ken: Okay. That's kind of reckless, foolhardy play we want to see when nothing counts.) ... (Ken: Yes, you have $16,800... of fake money.)
(Ken: Yeah, you love your backing bands.) (Isaac: I love my backing groups.)
Huey Lewis
(Adriana: What is money?) (Isaac: What is water?) (Ken: No, it's also not water. Those are good things to have. I'm not saying they're not.) ... (Ken: I'm starting to think you three don't speak Esperanto at all.) [Laughter] ... (Adriana: I'm going to quit trying to speak ESPERANTO. Let's go ANAGRAMMED BIBLE PEOPLE, $1,600.)
(Ken: [TuneIn version] Yes, and I feel bad for our Tune-In listeners 'cause that was a very cute photo.) (Ken: [video version] Yes, that was a very cute photo.)
(Ken: Nobody wrote about 7th grade like [*], that is correct.)
Judy Blume
(Adriana: I knew it was somewhere around there.)
8 seconds
(Adriana: What is speak?) (Ken: No, I'm sorry. Isaac or Drew? Isaac, were you about to say "speak"?) (Isaac: I was.)
(Ken: Yeah, we're really tough on [*] Bennet on this show.)