(Sherri: Who is Dianne... ahhh!) (Christopher: Who is Dianne Krall?)
Dianne Reeves
(Sherri: Okay, that's not Jenny from the Block.) (Katie: I was misled.) (Sherri: That was the bait & switch.)
Joe Louis
(Ken: Do you feel more confident, Katie?) (Katie: Okay, um, no. So, let's do...) (Ken: If you were yelling at the screen at home, what would you want them to do?) (Katie: Risk it all! And I'm not gonna do that.) (Ken: Okay.) (Katie: I'm just gonna get right ahead of that.) (Sherri: But what's in the middle of risk it all and, like, playing it safe?) (Katie: $1,000.) ... (Katie: What are chimpanzees?) ... (Ken: It turns out the small wager was right.) (Katie: I'm not doing well at these doubles.)
mountain gorillas
(Christopher: Bet it all! Bet it all! [Pointing towards Katie] Now I'm you. Now I'm you.) (Sherri: Is the pressure on?) (Christopher: I'm biting my nails.) (Ken: You've got enough to take the lead if you so choose, Christopher, and you're correct.) (Sherri: And it took you a long time to get here, so you think about this.) [Laughter] (Sherri: I mean, that's not bad, I'm just saying. Like, Katie's a little different. You had to earn this.) (Christopher: Can someone mop me up? I'm getting a little... okay, let's uh, $2,100.)
Jack London
(Sherri: What is a four-leaf clover? No.) (Ken: That's wrong, I'm sorry.) (Sherri: I know, that's why I said no.) (Ken: You were way ahead of me.)
a heart shape
(Sherri: [No response]) ... (Sherri: That's what I was gonna say.) (Katie: I know it was.) (Sherri: That's exactly... I was gonna say, what's a [**]?) (Ken: You gotta guess.) (Sherri: Go back.) (Ken: There's no downside to guessing.) (Sherri: That's exactly what I was going to say.) (Ken: Easy to say now, Sherri, I'll tell you that.) (Sherri: Oh, my gosh!)
a bra (brassiere)
(Katie: Yes!) [Applause] (Ken: You're at positive 900. Well done, you needed that. Why don't you do this, Katie?) (Katie: Can you bring it, Ken?) (Ken: I will bring it.)
Edward Scissorhands
(Ken: Share the wealth, Katie.) (Sherri: Can you live a little?) (Katie: Here's the thing, when I'm at home, I'm like, "Bet it all!" And now I'm like, "$2, please, Ken." I'm gonna take up a little bit more of a risk. We'll do $3,000.) (Sherri: There you go.) (Ken: Little baby steps, right?) ... (Katie: What is...) (Ken: Say something.) (Katie: A pew... I don't know.) [The time expiry signal sounds.] (Ken: [*].) (Katie: [*]? You just made that up.) (Ken: I did, in fact, yeah. That's kind of my prerogative as host. But look how it made the game a little closer. It drops you down to $8,500.) (Katie: Oh my God, no, I liked when there was the two numbers at the beginning, okay.) (Sherri: But you'll get it back.)
(Christopher: Who is... Joan Collins?) (Sherri: Who is Joan Collins's sister?)
Diahann Carroll
(Ken: Those are longtime "friends", [*].)
Frog & Toad