Scattering of clues and responses in Double Jeopardy! entered from audiorecording.
Jeopardy! Round responses
(David: What is [*]? [after time expiry signal])
(Dan: What is its country?)
the party
(David: What is a gratuity?)
(Sara: What is air?)
(Sara: What is take everything?)
leave it (out)
(Dan: What is...)
the grocery cart (shopping cart)
(David: What is New York?)
(Dan: What is rugby?)
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
when man bites dog
(Alex: We've got about a minute to go in the round.)
Joe Palooka
(Dan: What is Secretary of State?)
U.N. ambassador
(David: What is France?)
(Alex: That was Lawrence Tibbett, by the way, in a very old recording.) (Dan: What is Italy?)
(David: What is the War of 1848?) (Alex: Is that right? I want you to be more specific.)
the Mexican-American War
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 7):
Dan |
Sara |
David |
-$200 |
$0 |
$100 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Dan |
Sara |
David |
$500 |
$800 |
$900 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: It was his Cabinet room.)
Abraham Lincoln
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Central Park
the League of Women Voters
(David: What is patronage?)
the spoils system
(Dan: What is, uh, [*]?) (Alex: I'm sorry, I'll have to disqualify it because I heard it come out of the audience. Uh, a kindly lady up there said it. We just heard it there coming out of the audience.)
(David: What is wildfire?) (Dan: What is a forest fire?)
oil well fires
(David: Who is Bathsheba?)
(Alex: [Before David's wager] We've got about a minute to go in the game.)
Smith & Landon
(Alex: East of Eden, yes.)
the Land of Nod
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Dan |
Sara |
David |
$10,000 |
$800 |
$5,400 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
Sara | What are Pisces and Cancer | $795 | David | What are Pisces and Capricorn? | $5,000 | Dan | What is Cancer + Aquarius | $800 | Pisces & Cancer |
Final scores:
Dan |
Sara |
David |
$9,200 |
$1,595 |
$400 |
Game dynamics:
Dan |
Sara |
David |
$7,400 |
$800 |
$4,300 |
Game tape date: 1984-12-12
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