(Ken: You needed that, yes. 28,400 exactly. You are in a tie for the lead with "Jeopardy! James" Holzhauer.) [James high-fives Matt.]
(Matt: Oh... [blows air] um, what's [**]? [Shakes head]) (Ken: Uhhh... Yeah, we'll take that, [*].) (Matt: [Surprised] Oh, it does rhyme!) (Ken: You didn't do the rhyme, but... You look as surprised as anyone.)
Shaquille O'Neal (Shaq accepted)
(Ken: You are tied for the lead.)
Adoration of the Magi
(Matt: [Making his wager] Thirteen thousand, one hundred and nine--no. Thirteen thousand, two hundred.) (Ken: [Laughing] Let's round up. Thirteen two.)
Death of Marat
[James also gives his response doing an impression.] (Ken: Well, yours was better than mine, I think.)
Harry Caray
(Ken: Now for those of you at home who are wondering where the Daily Doubles are, we'll show that right now. [Beep boop] Andrew, go ahead and select.) ... (Ken: The shoes are on and he's back.)
Charles Dodgson
(Matt: What's... hew?)
(Matt: What's Thunberg?)
Jane Fonda
(Ken: Elvis Costello's longtime Attractions keyboardist, [*].)
Steve Nieve
(James: [Wagering] Eh, send it in.) (Ken: 10,400, am I understanding you correctly?) (James: [Overlapping] Yeah, yeah.)
(Charles) MacIntosh
(Ken: By the way, that's the first clue in the entire game that no one has answered correctly.)
Tycho (for Tycho Brahe)
(James: What is Portrait of Dr. Gachet?)
The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp