(Rae: What is a lithp?) [Laughter] (Alex: I think you blew our microphone out by leaning in that way, but thank you anyway.)
a lisp
(Paul: Who is Winnie-the-Pooh?)
Doctor Dolittle
(Paul: What is the Congo?)
tsetse fly
(Rae: Who is David?)
(Paul: What is fossil fuels?)
the Sun
(Rae: What was Robinson Crusoe?) ... (Alex: Nowadays quintuplets are commonplace, almost, but in those days, they weren't.)
delivering the Dionne quintuplets
(Albert: Who are the Bantu?)
the Watusi
(Rae: [No response])
(Albert: On your knee.)
(Paul: What is an alternator?)
a generator
(Alex: And we've got less than a minute to go in the round.)
Dr. Joyce Brothers
(Paul: [No response])
the Mayor of Casterbridge
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
(Paul: What is the Civil War?) (Albert: What is the 15th Amendment?)
the 13th Amendment
(Rae: Who is Albert Schweitzer?)
Dr. (Thomas) Dooley
(Rae: Who is Dante?) ... (Alex: Boy, you're doing well, and you're doing well on second chances, because Rae and Albert, quite often, beat you to the punch in terms of ringing in, but they give me an incorrect question, and you're sitting back and picking up easy bucks, as we say in the business. Easy bucks, Paul.)
Doctor Faustus
(Albert: What is momentum?)
kinetic energy