Jeopardy! Round responses
(Jasmine: What is a fish?) (Stephen: What's an elephant?)
a whale
(Mayim: Correct, and that gives you the lead.)
(Mayim: An extremely important food, yes.) (Jasmine: I'm allergic.)
peanut butter
(Ella: What is Groundhog Day?)
(Ella: What are lungs?)
(Ella: What is Easy A?) [Mayim, not Stephen, gave the film's subtitle.]
Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
(Stephen: What is a lark?)
a grouse
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):
Ella |
Jasmine |
Stephen |
$400 |
$3,000 |
$1,200 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Ella |
Jasmine |
Stephen |
$2,400 |
$4,600 |
$4,600 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Stephen: What is the moon and star? Er, crescent and star?)
crescent moon & star
(Stephen: What is Othello?) (Mayim: No. What is [*]? And the title tempest causes a shipwreck.)
The Tempest
(Stephen: What is Quebec?) (Mayim: I'm sorry, no. What is [*]? St. Andrew's Cross is a symbol of Scotland.)
Nova Scotia
(Stephen: Who is Wallace?)
William Jennings Bryan
(Ella: What is "What Do You Mean"?)
"Turn Down For What"
(Ella: What is Julius Caesar?)
Titus Andronicus
(Ella: What is deadmau5?) [Ella pronounced it "dead-mau-five".] ... (Mayim: That's right, and I've seen him perform live, in case you're curious.)
the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Ella |
Jasmine |
Stephen |
$5,600 |
$6,200 |
$14,300 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
Ella | What is rose? | $5,600 | Jasmine | What is rose venus flytrap? | $6,199 | Stephen | what is rose | $0 | the Venus flytrap |
Final scores:
Ella |
Jasmine |
Stephen |
$0 |
$12,399 |
$14,300 |
Game dynamics:
Ella |
Jasmine |
Stephen |
$5,400 |
$6,200 |
$17,800 |
Game tape date: 2021-11-21
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