Jeopardy! Round responses
[Ken reads the quote imitating JFK.]
the Moon
(Amy: What is... Michigan?)
[Ken reads the quote imitating JFK and Amy gives her response also in an imitative manner.] (Ken: That's the phrase, yeah, and accent.) [Laughter]
Ich bin ein Berliner
(Brigid: What is Indiana?) (Steve: What is Iowa?)
(Brigid: What is Red Stripe?)
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):
Amy |
Steve |
Brigid |
$5,200 |
$200 |
$200 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Amy |
Steve |
Brigid |
$14,800 |
$200 |
$1,000 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Brigid: What is premiere?)
(Ken: It's the top that falls first, so this is [*].)
to topple
[NOTE: Amy said it as "dip-LOW-DOCK-us" while Ken said it "DUH-plaa-DUH-kuhs".]
(Amy: What is [**]?) [Amy's response was ruled incorrect and she was credited with a correct response before the reveal of the Final Jeopardy! clue.]
a nosedive (tailspin)
(Ken: That's a tough one, yes; very good.)
(Ken: You got it and you kept Amy from running the category.)
Office Space
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Amy |
Steve |
Brigid |
$42,400 |
$9,500 |
$2,600 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Ken: [To Amy] Oh, from Gypsy, I guess? The musicals--[*] Get Your Gun and [*].)Brigid | What is Mary? | $2,000 | Steve | What is Melissa | $500 | Amy | What is Rose? | $20,000 | Annie |
Final scores:
Amy |
Steve |
Brigid |
$22,400 |
$9,000 |
$600 |
Game dynamics:
Amy |
Steve |
Brigid |
$35,000 |
$8,200 |
$2,600 |
Game tape date: 2021-11-02
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