Jeopardy! Round responses
(J.C.: Who is...Richard Nixon?)
Lyndon Johnson
(David: What is carbohydrates?)
(Alex: You're right. That French training you took is beginning to pay off.)
from bad to worse
(Alex: [*], Boston Red Sox star.)
Ted WIlliams
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
when they're 1
(Keith: Who was Saudi Arabia?) --- (Alex: And we've got less than a minute to go in the round.)
the United States
diseases (that affect potatoes)
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):
J.C. |
David |
Keith |
$2,000 |
$200 |
$400 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
J.C. |
David |
Keith |
$4,900 |
$800 |
$700 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(J.C.: What is to swim?)
(J.C. What are stilts?)
elevator shoes (or boots)
(Keith: What is tennis?) --- (Alex: Yes, [*], it's way up there.)
(Alex: What is [*], so you can see how bright they are.)
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
the Republic of China or Taiwan
(Keith: What is royal assassination?)
(David: Who are the Dodgers?)
the Braves
(Alex: Whoo, boy, you've got me at a disadvantage. (Keith: It is.) (Alex: Until we get clarification on that. William & Mary is what we were looking for, and we're gonna check up very quickly and find out if it was the Third & the Second. All right, you select again.)
William III & Mary II
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
J.C. |
David |
Keith |
$6,300 |
$400 |
$7,600 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
[Before announcing the Final Jeopardy! category, Alex confirms that William III and Mary II was indeed a correct response for Keith.] ... (Alex: [To J.C.] "Eye On The Sparrow", is that an inspirational song?) (J.C.: It's not inspiring me.) [Audience laughter]David | What is the Battle Hymn of the Republic? | $1 | J.C. | What is his eye is on the sparrow? | $5,500 | Keith | What is the Battle Hymn of the Republic | $6,301 | "The Battle Hymn Of The Republic" |
Final scores:
J.C. |
David |
Keith |
$800 |
$401 |
$13,901 |
Game dynamics:
J.C. |
David |
Keith |
$5,900 |
$400 |
$9,500 |
Game tape date: 1986-10-07
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