2002 Million Dollar Masters final game 2.
[<< previous game]
Bob Verini, a film journalist and test prep teacher from Los Angeles, California (subtotal of $6,800)
Eric Newhouse, a director of technical assistance from Vermillion, South Dakota (subtotal of $0)
Brad Rutter, a network administrator from Lancaster, Pennsylvania (subtotal of $11,800)
Jeopardy! Round responses
(Brad: What is "Sweet Emotion"?)
"One Sweet Day"
(Brad: What is Laos?)
(Eric: What is Dr Pepper?)
Pepsi (or Pepsi-Cola)
(Bob: Who are The Statler Brothers?)
the Bellamy Brothers
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):
Brad |
Eric |
Bob |
$2,200 |
$5,400 |
$1,200 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Brad |
Eric |
Bob |
$5,600 |
$7,200 |
$2,800 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
[After he puts himself on the plus side on the last clue, the audience applauds for Bob, and Eric gives Bob a pat on the back]
(Alex: Good time for a guess, perhaps, to come up with [*].)
(Eric: What is Madagascar?)
[ERRATUM: Cecil B. DeMille's name is usually spelled without a space between "De" and "Mille".]
The Greatest Show on Earth
(Bob: Who is Earl Warren?) (Eric: Who is Lewis Powell?)
William Brennan
(Alex: You are now in third place, trailing Brad by $2,400.) [Alex's math was off; Bob actually trailed Brad by $2,000.] (Bob: You know what?) (Alex: Ohh-hh! Oh-oh!) [Bob throws up his arms--"why not?"] (Bob: I came to play; I'm going home with more money than I started with; all of it.) [Huge cheers and whistles] (Alex: Gutsy move; here is the clue; listen carefully:) ... (Bob: What is... I'm sor--I don't know.) [The audience audibly winces in pain.] (Alex: What is [*]?) (Bob: [*].) (Alex: Pre-posteri. All right.) [The audience applauds for Bob.] (Alex: Go again, Bob.)
(Alex: You have the lead at $15,200.) (Bob: Uh, $5200.) (Alex: All right. Here is the clue in THEY'VE BEEN BENCHED.) [Bob crosses both his fingers] ... (Bob: [With conviction] Who is William Howard Taft?) [The applause starts for Bob; Eric goes to give Bob a little "attaboy" punch in the arm] (Alex: No.) [The applause stops and the audience gasps; Bob does too] (Bob: Huh?) (Alex: Who is [*]?) (Bob: Ohhh.) (Alex: [*]. You are now in second place with $10,000. Select again.) (Bob: Wow... Hey, I'm surprised, too, folks.) [Laughter]
Charles Evans Hughes
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Brad |
Eric |
Bob |
$13,600 |
$12,800 |
$400 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: Bob, you won a lot of fans here with that gutsy move on that Daily Double. Let's take a look and see if you were able to come up with the Final Jeopardy! response. Who is [*]?) (Bob: [Shaking his head] No.) (Alex: Yeah, you're right.) (Bob: Oh, is it?) (Alex: It is.) (Bob: Okay.) (Alex: You double your score to $800. We add that to what he had yesterday, and that gives him a 2-day total of $7,600. Eric, you had $12,800 today, and your response was... correct also. How much did you wager? Everything. You move to $25,600. Brad was leading yesterday and he was leading going into Final again today. Did he come up with [*]?) (Brad: In very bad handwriting.) (Alex: Very bad handwriting. You had to risk... You had to risk enough... $201.) [Some of the audience gasp at Brad's seemingly low wager.] (Alex: That takes $13,801 today. When you add that to $11,800--the margin is a dollar, but it makes you a millionaire!) (Brad: Oh, my God!) (Alex: Enjoy the moment, Brad!) (Brad: Oh, congratulations, guys!) [Brad hugs Eric and Bob.] (Alex: Eric Newhouse will receive $100,000 and Bob Verini, $50,000. And this man gets million dollars! Hey, look at your cheering section with the T-shirts!) (Brad: Oh!) [Brad's friends are wearing white T-shirts painted with the red letters R-U-T-T-E-R.] (Alex: Great, great performance. Is that Mom and Dad?) [Brad's mom is grabbing Brad's dad by the head and screaming into his face.] (Alex: You deserve it, you played so very well. You were leading yesterday and again today.) [Alex holds Brad's arm up in the air.] (Alex: That's it for the Million Dollar Masters invitational. A very special Jeopardy! tomorrow. Do join us for that one. So long, everybody!)Bob | Who was Thomas Jefferson? | $400 | Eric | Who is Jefferson? | $12,800 | Brad | Who is Jefferson? | $201 | Thomas Jefferson |
Final scores:
Brad |
Eric |
Bob |
$13,801 |
$25,600 |
$800 |
Cumulative scores:
Brad |
Eric |
Bob |
$25,601 |
$25,600 |
$7,600 |
Game dynamics:
Brad |
Eric |
Bob |
$13,600 |
$11,200 |
$16,000 |
Game tape date: 2002-03-26
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