Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: Minute to go now, Mark.)
(Mark: What is salt?)
(Mark: Who is Isaiah?) ... (Alex: Lots of lamentations.)
(Mark: What is cauliflower?)
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):
David |
Mark |
Karen |
$5,400 |
-$200 |
$0 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
David |
Mark |
Karen |
$6,800 |
$2,200 |
$2,000 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
Jason Alexander the Great
(Alex: [after allowing David 6 seconds of mental calculation] Give me your--) (David: I'll wager... [pauses for 2 additional seconds] $4,000.)
Augusta National (Golf Club)
(Karen: What is the Soup Nazi?) (Alex: I need more than that.) (Mark: [After ringing in; without being called on] What is [*]?) (Alex: That's right, Mark. Thank you.)
Talk Soup Nazi
(Karen: What is a Cairn terrier?)
(Karen: What is the Strait of Japan?)
the Strait of Formosa (or Taiwan Strait)
(David: Who is Uncle George Steinbrenner?)
Uncle Leo (the Lip) Durocher
(Mark: What is the Julia Louise-Dreyfus Affair?) ... (Alex: You called her "Louise" and it's L-O-U-I-S, Mark. Sorry about that; one letter can cost you dearly.)
the Julia Louis-Dreyfus Affair
(Alex: Oh, they're lovely dogs, too.)
the Welsh Corgi
(Alex: Correct. You heard that line in Apocalypse Now. Heart of Darkness was Conrad's work.)
Joseph Conrad
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
David |
Mark |
Karen |
$18,800 |
$8,700 |
$5,200 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: He had an insurmountable lead. He remains Jeopardy! champion and he now has a 9-day total of $217,100, so he's gone over the $200,000 mark. Can he make it to $250,000 or $300,000? Keep watching Jeopardy! and you'll find out. So long, everybody.)Karen | What is The Secret Garden? | $3,501 | Mark | What is Charlotte's Web? | $1,300 | David | What is The Diary of Anne Frank? | $200 | Charlotte's Web |
Final scores:
David |
Mark |
Karen |
$18,600 |
$10,000 |
$1,699 |
Game dynamics:
David |
Mark |
Karen |
$16,200 |
$8,200 |
$5,200 |
Game tape date: 2004-12-15
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