Jeopardy! Round responses
(Erin: What is the... Genome Project?)
the Innocence Project
(Alex: You can risk any or all of your $2,600.) (Tom: [Makes pushing-all-the-poker-chips motion with both hands] All in.) (Alex: All of it?) (Tom: Yeah.) (Alex: All in, all right.) ... (Tom: Who are... [*]... and...) (Alex: You're halfway there.) (Tom: I am halfway there. Uh...) (Alex: But hurry!) (Tom: I--) [The time expiry signal sounds.] (Alex: Yep, sorry. [**]; [*] and [**].)
Barbara & Jenna
(Erin: What is... 1949?)
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(Justin: What is [*]?) (Alex: That's right.) [Laughter]
a fool for a client
(Alex: Correct, you're back in second place again.)
Romulus & Remus
(Alex: You have to love the names.)
Diamonds Are Forever
(Tom: Whew, heh.)
the Southern Poverty Law Center
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):
Justin |
Tom |
Erin |
$3,800 |
$2,000 |
$1,000 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Justin |
Tom |
Erin |
$6,400 |
$4,400 |
$1,000 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Justin: Who is... Boy George Steinbrenner?) ... (Alex: We need all three; we need before, during, and after.)
"Oh, Danny Boy" George Steinbrenner
(Erin: [Selecting the clue] I'm gonna go with OPERATIC COSTUMES for $400.) (Alex: Good for you.)
eminent domain Name That Tune
(Justin: Who is... Puccini?)
(Gioachino) Rossini
(Alex: Yes, Six Characters in Search of an Author.)
a Trojan Horse-fly on the wall
(Tom: Not my category.) (Alex: Not your category, but you want to see me in something, don't you? Something fitting?) [Tom chuckles.] ... (Alex: I must have been doing a really good job.) (Tom: You sold me, yeah. [Laughs]) (Alex: Sold you!)
the Barber of Seville (Figaro)
Pete Best in Show me the money
(Alex: [*], yes. $26,200; great game, Tom.)
[Applause for Tom's near-run of the category]
Omaha Beach Boys from Brazil
(Justin: What is... Parsifal?) ... (Alex: The opera was [*], and try as I might, I couldn't bring that hat home.) [Laughter]
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Justin |
Tom |
Erin |
$10,400 |
$26,200 |
$5,400 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: [To Justin] The woman who killed Marat in his tub.)Erin | Who is Joan of Arc? | $5,398 | Justin | Who was Charlotte Corday? | $10,399 | Tom | Who is Corday? | $1,001 | Charlotte Corday |
Final scores:
Justin |
Tom |
Erin |
$20,799 |
$27,201 |
$2 |
Game dynamics:
Justin |
Tom |
Erin |
$10,400 |
$29,000 |
$5,400 |
Game tape date: 2011-09-27
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