Jeopardy! Round responses
(Dan: I'm sorry, I don't know.)
Nancy Reagan
cut off their tails with a carving knife
(only) a 3-year old (can run)
(Dan: What is a delta?) (Alex: ... I don't think we can accept that.) ... (Alex: We wanted you to be very specific on that.)
the mouth
(Alex: We've got less than a minute to go in the round...)
Buster Crabbe and Johnny Weissmuller
(Alex: You got all the information we were looking for in that one, congratulations.)
a Davy Crockett coonskin hat
(Alex: Yes, and what a marvelous point of view that is.)
Eleanor Roosevelt
(Denice: [No response])
(Dan: What is, uh, Wizard Lake?)
Crater Lake
(Dan: What is a... I'm sorry.) (Denice: What is a coaster?)
a mortarboard
(1 of) Niagara and the River of No Return
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):
Dan |
Denice |
Warren |
$1,100 |
$100 |
$300 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Dan |
Denice |
Warren |
$2,000 |
-$700 |
$2,900 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Dan: What are scales?)
(Warren: [no response]) ... (Alex: You just got it in in the nick of time. Remember, if you're the second contestant to buzz in, you've got to be prepared to give me a question immediately or it'll cost you.)
(Alex: ...and they destroyed 85% of it.)
[The end-of-round signal sounds.] (Alex: Whoops! There's the signal that means we are out of time. Denice, yeah, you should be upset, because you're in a deficit situation and that means you won't be able to play in our Final Jeopardy! Round. It was a delight having you with us, however. Stay where you are for now, while I address my comments to the two fellows...)
the (Roman) Catholic Church
(Dan: What is... [buzz] [*]?) (Alex: Nope. Sorry, too long.) (Denice: What is [*] and dividing? [covers mouth]) (Alex: [over "and dividing"] [*]. Yes, indeed, that's it.)
(Dan: What is the dominant trait?)
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
(Warren: What is... [buzz] [*]?) (Alex: [To judges] Did he make it in time? ...I don't think so, either. Denice?) (Denice: What is seven?) ... (Alex: You had the right question, but you've got to be a little faster. Warren, you're still in control of the board. Make a selection.) (Warren: [Speaking quickly] I'll try to make it faster. MATHEMATICS for a hundred.) (Alex: For a hundred? A thousand.) (Warren: I'm gonna do it for a thousand, what the heck.)
(Dan: What is, uh, western?)
Best Western
(Warren: What is a cone?) (Dan: What is a sphere?) ... (Alex: You guys are going the wrong way. You ought to be building up your scores!)
a cylinder
(Alex: We've got less than a minute to go in this Double Jeopardy! round.) ... [Audience laughter] (Warren: Who is Bert and Ernie?)
Statler and Waldorf
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Dan |
Denice |
Warren |
$2,800 |
-$500 |
$3,000 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: We go down to Warren Pistell who was leading, and he's looking very grim. Let's find out why. First of all, did he have the correct Final Jeopardy! question? "Who is [*]?"... Yes, indeed. That's right!) [Warren laughs and jumps around the stage] ... (Alex: By the way, Dan, [*], the character has appeared in 175 films, more than any other character.)Dan | Who is Hamlet? | $2,300 | Warren | Who is Sherlock Holmes | $2,650 | Sherlock Holmes |
Final scores:
Dan |
Denice |
Warren |
$500 |
-$500 |
$5,650 |
Game dynamics:
Dan |
Denice |
Warren |
$2,800 |
-$500 |
$3,800 |
Game tape date: 1984-09-18
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