(Sharon: What is kilowatt?) [Initially accepted as correct; reversed prior to Final Jeopardy!, when Alex mentioned that Sharon forgot the "hour" part of the correct response, hence the score change.]
kilowatt hour
(Alex: We've got less than a minute to go in the round.)
the New World Symphony
(Ty: What is a pig?)
a fish
(Sharon: What are the Virgin Islands?)
(Carl: What is droop?) ... (Alex: Just the opposite, Carl; it's a nose that [*] at the end, not one that goes down.)
turns up
pennants (at Yankee Stadium)
(Ty: What is the East India Company?) (Alex: Be a little more specific.) (Ty: The East India Trading Company?) (Alex: No.)
The British East India Company
(Carl: What is throwing him out?) (Alex: Be more specific.) (Carl: What is throwing him out of the door?) (Alex: Sorry, that is wrong. "Fenestration", "Fenestrate," the window; [*]. Woosh! So you lose 500 bucks, but you're, uh, still in control of the board. Go again.)
throwing him out the window
(Alex: You're gonna love this one or you're gonna hate this one: "Who is Chief Justice [*]?") [Carl groans as audience laughs at the response] (Alex: Yeah, I know, Carl. You can give us another "oooh" if you want, another groan.)
Warren Burger
(Carl: What is Japan?) ... (Alex: You were in the right part of the world, Carl, but the correct response is "What is [*]?". But you select again.)
(Carl: What are ohms?) ... [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
(Ty: What is Alabama?)
(1 of) Georgia or Mississippi