Rich Lerner game 5.
Jeopardy! Round responses
(Susan: Who is Elizabeth I?)
Elizabeth II
(Rich: What are skunks?)
(Robert: What is Italy?)
(Rich: What is the bee?) ... (Alex: [*], yes. Castor is French for beaver.)
the beaver
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
(Susan: What is I froze myself?)
froze to death
(Susan: I blew it.) (Rich: What is one?) ... (Alex: A dot on a die is a [*]. We didn't say the equivalent, or what it represents.) [Alex reverses his ruling against Robert before the Double Jeopardy! Round, and points out the pattern of responses in the category (but incorrectly says that the last response was "sip").]
(Rich: What is the amount of money printed by the United States?) (Alex: Ooh no, sorry. Those figures going by were [*], and it is increasing very quickly, as you can see it; changing constantly: $4 trillion. All right.)
the national debt
Jeanie (with the light brown hair)
(Robert: Who is Nancy Reagan?) ... (Alex: Correct response? It's the wife of the vice president, [*], has been doing it, and she says she's going to continue doing it!)
Barbara Bush
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):
Rich |
Robert |
Susan |
$400 |
$100 |
$200 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Rich |
Robert |
Susan |
$1,200 |
$1,500 |
$400 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
kissing the girls
(Alex: Yes, "Silent Cal" was the other nickname.)
(Susan: [*]? ...[*]?) ... (Alex: Oh Susan, you're gonna hate me, because as you know: in Double Jeopardy!, we have to have it expressed in the form of a question. You did give me the right word, but you didn't express it properly. Rich, back to you.)
the Theodore Roosevelt family
(Rich: Who is Bill Bradley?)
Washington Irving
(Robert: Who is Harding?) (Rich: Who is Taft?) [Alex mistakenly calls for Robert to select the next clue.]
Woodrow Wilson
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Rich |
Robert |
Susan |
$2,600 |
$6,200 |
$3,000 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: [Revealing Robert's response] He didn't get New Jersey either!) (Robert: I was born in New Jersey.) [Laughter]Rich | What are N.J. + | $2,500 | Susan | What are Kentucky and | $3,000 | Robert | What are Kentucky and ? | $100 | Kentucky & New Jersey |
Final scores:
Rich |
Robert |
Susan |
$100 |
$6,100 |
$0 |
Game dynamics:
Rich |
Robert |
Susan |
$2,900 |
$6,300 |
$2,600 |
Game tape date: 1989-02-06
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