[ERRATUM: "Anders" was misspelled as shown.]
(Regis: [*], what is, who is, what is, [*]?) (Alex: Yes. To all of the above.) [Laughter] (Alex: Select.) (Regis: [To Carol] I'll get you.) (Alex: You give a medley of responses, I love it. Go again.)
"Fly Me To The Moon"
(Regis: What is "Day And Night"?) (Alex: No.) (Regis: [*]!) (Alex: "Day and night, [*]," all right, we'll give it to you.) [Laughter] (Regis: Couldn't wait to say no, could you?) [Laughter] (Regis: "No Regis, no!") (Alex: Select again, Regis.) (Regis: Thank you, Miss Judge, for overruling Mr. Big Shot here!) [Laughter continues] (Alex: All right. Select again.) (Regis: Yes, yes Alex, my dearest friend.) [Laughter]
"Night And Day"
(Alex: And we have less than a minute to go. Regis, pick again.)
(Alex: Regis, here's a great opportunity for you, your first chance in the game to take the lead. Carol has $4,000, you trail her by $1300. How much of your $2700 are you going to risk?) (Regis: So if I go for 14--if I go for $1200, uh...) (Carol: This isn't about math!) [Laughter] (Regis: If I go for $700 I'll go ahead of Carol Burnett. $700.) (Alex: Your math is very bad. You will not go ahead of Carol Burnett with $700, but for $700 here is the clue...) [Laughter] ... [Regis tries to ring in.] (Alex: You don't have to ring in.) (Regis: Oh! [Throws down signaling device]) ... (Regis: How come I'm still behind Carol Burnett?) (Alex: Because you didn't wager enough.) (Regis: All right.)
Who could ask for anything more?
(Regis: It's delightful, it's delovely, it's...) (Carol: [Sings] [*]?) (Alex: And the phrasing?) (Carol: What is it?) ... (Regis: Don't I get two-thirds of that?) (Alex: No! Pick again, Carol.) (Regis: I don't even get two-thirds of that.)
It's delightful, it's delicious, it's delovely
[The end-of-round signal sounds]