Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: That is right, and you've got $50--) (Michael: All right.) (Alex: --you're on the scoreboard, good beginning for all of you. Jack, you have $300, Cynthia has $500, and Michael, who finally made it with $50. Nice going, we're going to take a pause right now, and when we return, we'll get a chance to chat with each of our players, but right now, this break, then more of Jeopardy!)
the Empire State Building
(Michael: What is down?)
(Michael: What is meringue?) (Alex: Wrong. Cynthia or Jack--Cynthia?) (Cynthia: What's devine--[*]! [*]!) (Alex: [*]. That's it. What is [*]? Giving you and extra $150, taking you to $1650. Select again.)
(Cynthia: [Impersonating Hitchcock's low voice] What is [*]?) (Alex: You're right again. Nice going. I love the dramatic effect as well. Cynthia, you're in control of the board, and the game. You've got $250 to tie you for the lead with Jack. Please select.)
"Good evening"
(Jack: What is the U.S. Treasury?) (Michael: What is the, um, U.S. Capitol Building?)
the White House
Debbie Reynolds & Eddie Fisher
[The end-of-round ship's bell rings.]
the spilt salt shaker (or 13 at the table)
(Michael: What is the Purple Heart?) (Jack: What is the Medal of Valor?)
the Congressional Medal of Honor
[Big applause for Cynthia]
Pike's Peak
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 7):
Jack |
Cynthia |
Michael |
$300 |
$500 |
$50 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Jack |
Cynthia |
Michael |
$1,000 |
$1,650 |
$150 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Jack: What is Louisville?)
Richmond, Viriginia
General (William Tecumsah) Sherman
(Alex: Michael, any time.) (Michael: What is [*]?) (Alex: What is [*], yes. "As Time Goes By." Michael, you're in the lead with $2500 right now!)
(Michael: That's easy. What is [*]?) (Alex: You're right, again, it is easy, for you. Select once more.) [Laughter]
the Battle of Gettysburg
(Alex: Looks like I'm the only gambler here, and I'll have to give it to you. The correct question is "What is [*]?" "What is [*]?")
(Jack: Who was Dorothy Hamill?)
Peggy Fleming
Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers
the Monitor & the Merrimack
(Alex: You got it, I bet you saw the film, too.) (Cynthia: Yeah.)
Terms of Endearment
(Cynthia: Oh, no, who were Clarence Darrow and, um... who's the other guy?!) (Alex: Hurry!) (Cynthia: [Bouncing up and down] I don't know!) [The time expiry signal sounds for Cynthia.] (Alex: Oh, I'm sorry, Cynthia, we can't give it to you! That's an incorrect answer. Jack?) (Jack: Who were [*]?) (Alex: That is the right question. Cynthia, I'm sorry, our law clerk didn't make it that time. And we've got less than a minute to play. Jack, select for me!)
Clarence Darrow & William Jennings Bryan
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Jack |
Cynthia |
Michael |
$4,500 |
$2,450 |
$3,300 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: [Revealing Cynthia's response] I'm sorry, that is incorrect, that is--first of all, not an American novel, that is a British novel, and it's wrong.)Cynthia | What is Treasure Island | $2,450 | Michael | What is Moby Dick? | $2,500 | Jack | What is Moby Dick? | $2,500 | Moby-Dick |
Final scores:
Jack |
Cynthia |
Michael |
$7,000 |
$0 |
$5,800 |
Game dynamics:
Jack |
Cynthia |
Michael |
$4,100 |
$2,450 |
$2,850 |
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