2000 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 2.
From the Atlanta Civic Center.
Jeopardy! Round responses
(Jeremy: Who is Ghali?)
U Thant
(Alex: Eddie, you didn't have to say it that way!)
(Eddie: What are circuits?)
(Jeremy: What is boiled?) (Alex: Be more specific.) (Jeremy: [No response]) (Eddie: What is steamed?)
(Chacko: Who is Boutros Boutros-Ghali?)
Trygve Lie
(Jeremy: What is black tea?)
green tea
(Alex: You ran the category and you're in the lead!)
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
(Jeremy: [No response])
Dr. Frederick Banting
(Chacko: What is France?)
the Dutch
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):
Chacko |
Jeremy |
Eddie |
$800 |
$1,400 |
$100 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Chacko |
Jeremy |
Eddie |
$700 |
$1,600 |
$2,900 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Chacko: What is Iowa?)
(Chacko: Who is Damon...)
Keenan Wayans
(Chacko: What is a needle?)
(Eddie: Who is Acheson?)
Robert McNamara
(Eddie: Is there one [clue] left there?)
Edna Ferber
(Jeremy: What is ambergris?)
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Chacko |
Jeremy |
Eddie |
$4,500 |
$7,200 |
$4,200 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
Eddie | WHO WAS HO CHI MEN? | $3,100 | Chacko | Who is Vo Nguyen Giap? | $4,500 | Jeremy | Who was Ho Chi Minh? | $1,900 | Ho Chi Minh |
Final scores:
Chacko |
Jeremy |
Eddie |
$0 |
$9,100 |
$7,300 |
Game dynamics:
Chacko |
Jeremy |
Eddie |
$4,300 |
$8,000 |
$7,100 |
Game tape date: 2000-03-19
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