Show #5014 - Thursday, June 1, 2006


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Jonathan Spencer, a box office manager from Alameda, California

Kathy Daum, a retired registrar and volunteer from Montevallo, Alabama

Nathan Meyers, a software developer from Medford, Massachusetts (whose 1-day cash winnings total $15,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will be made up of letters that can be found in the word "variety".)
    $200 25
Dufourspitze of Monte Rosa in the Alps is this country's highest mountain
    $200 2
The instrument seen here belonged to this musician who died in 1987
    $200 17
Rose McConnell Long served as a U.S. senator from this state after the 1935 murder of her husband
    $200 1
Excluded from the "Who's Who" big red book, Mae West said the publisher "isn't in my" this "book either"
    $200 11
In 1492 the Santa Clara & La Gallega were given these names & joined the Pinta on an epic ocean voyage
    $200 12
Bridgestone product
    $400 26
In a 1939 decree in Spain, he was proclaimed "Supreme Chief, responsible only before God and history"
    $400 3
Mr. Bunny Rabbit, the bunny seen here, helped this TV host earn the love of children
    $400 18
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Duke University, Durham, NC.) As a student here at Duke, she was known as Mary Elizabeth Hanford; in her senior year, she was Leader of the Year & the May Queen
    $400 7
"English As She Is Spoke" is an 1855 self-described one of these, written by 2 Portuguese men who knew no English
    $400 22
For many years prior to leaving for America in 1620, this ship had served in the wine trade between England & France
    $400 13
A division of geologic time
    $600 27
Established in 1919, this Amsterdam-based airline is the world's oldest still under its original name
    $600 4
The uniform seen here was worn by this patriotic songwriter when he played himself in "This Is the Army"
    $600 19
Bobby Kennedy's daughter Kathleen Kennedy Townsend was the first female lt. governor of this state
    $600 8
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew demonstrates a novel book.) By changing one element on each page, we've created one of these, first patented in 1882
    $600 23
A PBS "Nova" special on the salvage efforts to recover it called this ship "Lincoln's secret weapon"
    $600 14
A large, deep vessel for holding liquids such as dye
    $800 5
The mask will be familiar if you managed to catch this show in its 42-year off-Broadway run
    $800 20
In January 1964 this Maine senator announced that she would seek the Republican nomination for president
    $800 9
Term for a tome that gives the pedigrees of horses
    $800 24
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands in front of a model ship in the FDR Presidential Library in Hyde Park, NY.) A Navy buff, FDR had a model of this famous War of 1812 ship; it was built by the ship's carpenter
    $800 15
A short metal fastener often used to join 2 sheets of metal together
    $1000 6
Ja, the costume shown was worn by this master of dialect as the German professor on "Your Show of Shows"
    $1000 21
This governor of Connecticut was fondly known as "Mother Ella"
    $1000 10
It has lyrics & chords & is often used by cocktail lounge pianists instead of standard sheet music
    $1000 16
Adjective meaning feeling great anger

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Nathan Kathy Jonathan
$1,200 $0 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Nathan Kathy Jonathan
$3,400 -$200 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 13
In the 1980s California farmer Mike Yurosek came up with the baby one of these veggies, a popular snack
    $400 1
One of Britain's most popular toys this breed of dog seen here
    $400 6
It's believed bingo originated in this country around 1530 as the game "lo giuoco del lotto"
    $400 11
He was nominated for a Best Actor Oscar for "The Stunt Man"
    $400 19
The name Nabisco comes from abbreviating the National this Company
    $400 26
A 1985 Nobel Prize went to "Intl. Physicians for the Prevention of" this potentially devastating type of conflict
    $800 14
William Ferguson Massey, an Auckland-area farmer, advanced farm interests as this country's P.M. from 1912 to 1925
    $800 2
The techichi, a small dog prized by the Toltecs, was the ancestor of this even smaller dog
    $800 7
On a standard bingo card, the minimum number of called numbers needed to win when a "free space" is included
    $800 12
He was Speaker of the House from 1977 to 1987
    $800 22
This type of butterhead lettuce is also called limestone
    $800 27
BINGO is business-oriented NGO; ENGO stands for this type, like the Sierra Club
    $1200 15
Farmer/congressman Dudley Hughes sponsored the law that led to this organization, the FFA
    $1200 3
Prior to the 1930s the borzoi was known in America as the Russian this
    $1200 8
Of yardie, housie or barnie, what bingo is known as in Australia
    $1200 18
In 1934 this writer had an "Appointment in Samarra"
    $1200 23
It's a person who loves or collects books
    DD: $2,000 28
Based in Illinois, this league with a Spanish name is trying to get mothers to put down that bottle
    DD: $1,600 16
Boekenhout-Fontein is the farm of Paul Kruger, a leader of these people who warred with Britain in the 1890s
    $1600 4
In Tibetan tradition these dogs, like the one seen here, were regarded as reincarnated lamas
    $1600 9
During the Depression, a verson of bingo called screeno was played across the U.S. in these locations
    $1600 20
Bestsellers by this political satirist include "Parliament of Whores" & "Give War a Chance"
    $1600 24
The first peacetime atomic weapons test was conducted here on July 1, 1946
    $1600 29
Orbis International says 28 million people stricken by this don't need to be
    $2000 17
This Roman wrote the "Georgics", an instructional work on farming, before turning to historical epics
    $2000 5
2006's winner of Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club dog show was a colored type of this terrier
    $2000 10
The first recorded use of bingo for charity fundraising was in 1930 at a church in Wilkes-Barre in this state
    $2000 21
This Irish playwright wrote "Juno and the Paycock" for the Abbey Theatre in Dublin
    $2000 25
The name of this ball game comes from the French for "sticks"
    $2000 30
The NGO now called this began with people of a British college town trying to feed WWII Greece

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Nathan Kathy Jonathan
$9,400 $3,000 $10,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 2005 Broadway's Virginia Theatre was renamed to honor this late author, the first African-American so honored

Final scores:

Nathan Kathy Jonathan
$8,399 $1 $18,801
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $18,801

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Nathan Kathy Jonathan
$9,400 $2,200 $10,400
14 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
15 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $22,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2006-03-30
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