Show #4200 - Friday, November 29, 2002


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Michael Kelly, a teacher from Laurel, Maryland

Raj Dhuwalia, a graduate student from Gainesville, Florida

Faith Love, a systems analyst from Boyds, Maryland (whose 4-day cash winnings total $40,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: There are 2 "W"s somewhere in each response.)
    $200 12
An owl cannot move these from side to side, so it must move its head
    $200 29
This co-founder of the Golf Channel is seen here in his playing prime
    $200 16
A halftone print is really an optical illusion; it's actually lots & lots of these that seem to form an image
    $200 1
One who's recently married
    $200 22
The ginger ale and grenadine drink once called a pussyfoot is better known by this dimpled darling's name
    $200 5
He ran for the Senate in 1858 & lost; 2 years later he was elected president
    $400 13
Grevy's, the largest species of this striped mammal, is named for former French president Francois Grevy
    $400 30
TGC's original programs include "Celebrating 50 Years" of this, which says it's the oldest women's sports assoc.
    $400 17
XBLD, short for this, designates a very heavy typeface
    $400 2
147 pounds is the maximum in this class of professional boxing
    $400 23
This milk & ice cream combo sounds like the leader of an Arab tribe
    $400 6
He was the first person to be runner-up in a U.S. Presidential election & then later win the job
    $600 14
Called a "bamboo chicken" by locals in Belize, a male one of these lizards can reach over 6 feet
    $600 15
The Golf Channel website offers online lessons in downswing, impact & this next & final stage of the swing
    $600 18
The group of songs a singer performs, or a set of available characters in a font
    $600 3
Cuddly creatures seen here
    $600 24
Philadelphia pharmacist Charles Hires invented this beverage in the mid-1800s
    $600 7
New York governor Samuel J. Tilden lost the 1876 presidential election by this many electoral votes
    $800 28
This 2-humped camel is probably named for the ancient country in central Asia where it originated
    $800 11
A display of those having the best scores so far in the tournament, it's also a Monday night "Report" on TGC
    $800 19
A trademark of the A.B. Dick Co., this largely obsolete duplicator uses a stencil fitted on a cylinder
    $800 4
Clumsy, lacking skill or grace
    $800 25
As a byproduct of his investigations into oxygen, Joseph Priestley invented this modern beverage
    $800 8
He lost to Nixon by the largest electoral margin in history, 520 to 17
    $1000 27
This "butterfly" dog was often represented in the paintings of Peter Paul Rubens & his followers
    $1000 10
In 1982 the 17th hole shot seen here helped win the U.S. Open for this man
    $1000 20
These marks around the Jeopardy! logo are the crosses or angles printed to line up 2 or more colors in process printing
    $1000 21
This Mills Brothers song standard says, "Light up you little ol' bug of lightnin'"
    DD: $2,000 26
An order of Franciscan friars founded in 1525 lends its name to this popular coffee drink
    $1000 9
The only Republican presidential nominee to lose twice, his running mate the 2nd time was Earl Warren

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Faith Raj Michael
$1,400 $2,200 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Faith Raj Michael
$3,400 $2,000 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Not ODD JOBS.)
    $400 18
Georges Braque said that he & this Cubist were like climbers roped together, each pulling the other up
    $400 21
A hostler or ostler was employed at an inn taking care of these animals
    $400 15
Winston Churchill's first House of Commons speech was about this continent in the aftermath of the Boer War
    $400 9
Starring Sean Penn
    $400 26
A 1944 explosion killed 320 at the Port Chicago Ammo Depot on the Sacramento River in this state
    $400 4
Of pestilent, perspicuous or periapt, the one that means "obvious" or "clear"
    $800 17
In 1963 he began a series inspired by girls' romance comics that included the painting seen here
    $800 22
As this type of now-outdated scientist, Paracelsus sought a primal substance called alkahest
    $800 19
In 1601 she said, "The glory of my crown (is) that I have reigned with your loves"
    $800 10
With Orson Welles
    $800 27
In the 19th century Japan's only port for westerners was this second A-bomb site
    $800 5
Mentioned in "Henry VIII", "to congee" is to do this; as in "They first congee unto her, then dance"
    $1200 3
He conveyed the loneliness of life in the big city in paintings like "Chop Suey" & "Nighthawks"
    $1200 23
A supervisor of slaves; "Uncle Tom's Cabin" refers to the "driving lash" they used
    $1200 20
In 1975 she told her party, "We believe that everyone has the right to be unequal"
    $1200 12
With Jimmy Stewart
    $1200 28
Port Adelaide was established in 1837 to serve ships coming from England to this vast land
    DD: $2,000 6
In this play Shakespeare makes an easy pun on "cates", a word for delicacies or sweetmeats
    $1600 2
Born in the Jewish village of Vitebsk in 1887, this painter lived till the ripe old age of 97
    $1600 24
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from the fire.) A blacksmith worked at the forge; this appropriately named counterpart worked with the finished iron
    DD: $4,000 16
In 1984 this royal called a proposed Trafalgar Square structure "a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a... friend"
    $1600 13
Starring Steve Martin
    $1600 29
Le Havre, or "the haven", is a port in Normandy, on this historic body of water
    $1600 7
This word Shakespeare coined for "encumbering paraphernalia" is now something carried on trips
    $2000 1
Jackson Pollock & this Rotterdam-born artist created American abstract expressionism
    $2000 25
Change the first letter in "butler" to get this old job of selling provisions to soldiers
    $2000 11
Assuming command of Britain's Eighth Army, he said "We are going to finish with this chap Rommel once and for all"
    $2000 14
Featuring Lon Chaney Jr.
    $2000 30
In 1641 the Dutch chased the Portuguese out of this Malaysian port that gave its name to a cane
    $2000 8
(Pun!) A quartet of old Roman predictors of the future, or several actors in a Shakespearean play

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Faith Raj Michael
$10,600 $12,000 $7,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

1 of the 2 current African nations that were independent at the start of the 20th century

Final scores:

Faith Raj Michael
$10,000 $21,200 $11,400
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $21,200 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Faith Raj Michael
$12,600 $9,600 $9,400
20 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
14 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $31,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2002-08-26
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