Show #3151 - Monday, April 20, 1998


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Theresa Muir, a musicologist from Brooklyn, New York

Bill Barnett, an academic record keeper from Westminster, Maryland

Kathy Hennington, a banking vice president from Decatur, Georgia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $9,700)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: All of them are authors--I will give you the first names; you come up with the author's last name.)
    $100 7
Jerome David
    $100 2
This composer of the Hallelulah Chorus also wrote the Hallelujah Concerto
    $100 16
Joe's Flag Day special is a brandy & port cocktail named for this seamstress
    $100 26
Ponce de Leon should have tried a facelift, as he never found this liquid rejuvenizer
    $100 13
Kristen Johnston's Sally Solomon is an alien posing as a leggy woman on this hit sitcom
    $100 1
According to lyricist Bob Merrill, "People who need people are" this
    $200 8
Edward Estlin
    $200 3
"Anatomical" term for the part of a string instrument where you'll find the fingerboard
    $200 17
Trader Vic himself taught Joe how to make a "Wahine" with the light Puerto Rican type of this liquor
    $200 27
A lot of sleepless "knights" were spent questing for this chalice given to Joseph of Arimathea
    $200 14
Yvonne Zima is Anthony Edwards' daughter Rachel Greene on "ER"; this actress is Rachel Green on "Friends"
    $200 12
In 1997 Bill Cosby won Favorite Male in a New Series, his 15th of these awards
    $300 9
David Herbert
    $300 4
On sheet music, ff stands for this Italian word that means "very loud"
    DD: $1,000 18
On June 7, Joe celebrates Liam Neeson's birthday with this cocktail made of sweet vermouth & scotch
    $300 28
Some think the Bimini Road is evidence of this Lost Continent
    $300 15
Caroline Rhea is this teenage witch's kooky Aunt Hilda
    $300 21
This phrase for the Jews refers to Exodus 19:6, "Ye shall be unto me... a holy nation"
    $400 10
Wystan Hugh
    $400 5
This famous group, heard here, was founded 500 years ago, in 1498:
    $400 19
Joe's customer Tex orders a tequini straight up, made with dry vermouth, this liquor & a twist of lemon
    $400 29
Henry Hudson "passed" on while seeking this elusive route to Asia
    $400 22
Before replacing Farrah Fawcett on "Charlie's Angels", this actress sang on "Josie and the Pussycats"
    $400 24
A song from this international program's festival is heard here:

"Everybody's everybody /
And nobody is the same, no, no no no..."
    $500 11
John Ronald Reuel
    $500 6
Beethoven called it "Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia", but we know it by this "lunar" name
    $500 20
Joe dreams of Vivien Leigh when he makes his Southern Comfort & cranberry juice cocktail
    $500 30
He walked on the moon & walked up Ararat, searching in vain for Noah's Ark
    $500 23
The Borg Seven of Nine & Captain Kathryn Janeway are 2 of the women aboard this Federation starship
    $500 25
You can tour scenic downtown Detroit or Miami on this type of mass transit system

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kathy Bill Theresa
$200 $2,000 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kathy Bill Theresa
$1,100 $5,100 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
Found in Eastern Australia & Tasmania, this mammal's scientific name means "bird-snout"
    $200 16
Nicolas Cage & John Cusack team up when inmates hijack a plane in this 1997 thriller
    $200 1
This cardinal, "The Red Eminence", made his enemies see red, so he was banished in 1617
    $200 6
For the voice of Sneezy in this 1937 classic, Disney "achoo"sed Billy Gilbert
    $200 26
It's the largest city on the island of Honshu
    $200 21
One form of this pre-meal prayer begins, "Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts"
    $400 8
This metal used in storage batteries is refined mainly from a gray metallic ore called galena
    $400 17
Cusack was the voice of Dimitri & Meg Ryan was this Russian princess in a 1997 animated film
    $400 2
In 1619 this math whiz could have said, "I think, therefore I am joining the duke of Bavaria's army"
    $400 12
In 1997 the price of this spice went up to $2.70 a pound & that's something to sneeze at
    $400 27
A national park on Honshu boasts lakes, hot springs, beaches & this tallest Japanese mountain
    $400 22
He wore his brother Esau's clothes to finagle his father Isaac's blessing
    $600 9
The retina has about 75 to 150 million rods & only about 7 million of these receptor cells
    $600 18
Cusack plays a journalist who's sent to Savannah, Georgia in this 1997 film based on a book of the same name
    $600 3
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin began using this 1-word stage name in the 1640s
    DD: $1,500 13
A "photic" sneeze is caused by this
    $600 23
Term for Jesus' 8 statements beginning with "Blessed are the poor in spirit..."
    $800 10
This inert gas symbolized Ar is used to fill light bulbs to prevent the tungsten filament from evaporating
    $800 19
Cusack was third baseman Buck Weaver in this 1988 film about the Black Sox
    DD: $1,000 4
This Frenchman is most famous for inventing the device named for him, seen here:
    $800 14
This woman, seen here, says a doctor had to teach her how to sneeze--& laugh--properly
    $800 24
"May His great name be blessed to all eternity" is the nucleus of this Jewish mourner's prayer
    $1000 11
In digital watches, LCD stands for liquid crystal display; LED stands for this
    $1000 20
Cusack starred with Minnie Driver in this 1997 movie about a Michigan high school reunion
    $1000 5
This director of the "New Wave" film "Breathless" once wrote under the pseudonym Hans Lucas
    $1000 15
If you're "up to" this, you know it used to be kept in a "sneeze-box"
    $1000 25
The U.S. Constitution was established to "secure the blessings of" this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kathy Bill Theresa
$3,500 $10,400 $3,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The offices of N.M. Rothschild in London fix this twice every weekday, at 10:30 A.M. & 3 P.M.

Final scores:

Kathy Bill Theresa
$6,500 $12,400 $2,200
2nd place: a trip to the Bahamas Princess Resort & Casino New champion: $12,400 3rd place: a Jeep Electronics portable color TV/CD player/AM/FM radio

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kathy Bill Theresa
$3,300 $8,800 $3,200
8 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
17 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $15,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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