Show #3290 - Friday, December 18, 1998

James Arey game 4.


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Alan Cates, an attorney from Newport Beach, California

Gina Diamante, a computer support technician from Temecula, California

James Arey, a hotel concierge from New Orleans, Louisiana (whose 3-day cash winnings total $23,302)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 12
This Norman lord was probably promised the English crown in 1051, but only took it 15 years later
    $100 18
On June 17, 1994 95 million people watched the California Highway Patrol follow one of these Ford vans
    $100 6
Sacre Bleu! "Godzilla" was chosen as the 1998 closing-night attraction at this Riviera festival
    $100 10
Meaning "leather shorts", they can be seen at German festivals like Oktoberfest
    $100 1
The 8 in this collegiate group include Yale, Brown & Harvard
    $100 13
John Travolta received an Oscar nomination for his performance in this 1977 movie
    $200 19
As a Ford exec., Lee Iacocca sired this sporty car introduced in April 1964
    DD: $600 7
(Hi, I'm Alicia Witt.) In 1994 I won a special acting award at this festival supported by Robert Redford
    $200 11
Zipperless pants called broadfalls are worn by this U.S. group named for Jacob Ammann
    $200 2
Fortunes from this classic toy include "Outlook not so good" & "Reply hazy, try again"
    $200 14
Tomatoes & belladonna are members of this plant family
    $300 20
In the U.S. this subcompact was Volkswagen's successor to the Beetle, but it didn't catch on the same way
    $300 8
The New York Film Festival is sponsored by this institution "centrally" located at 64th & Broadway
    $300 15
From Spanish for cape, this garment, a cloak with a hole in the middle, is common among Bolivian countrymen
    $300 3
This Byrds song says, "And when you touch down you'll find that it's stranger than known"
    $300 24
In this children's book, a little bunny bids adieu to the objects in his room at bedtime
    $400 21
This British car maker developed from a company that made motorcycle sidecars
    $400 9
2-word name for the grand prize at the Berlin Film Festival, or for golfer Jack Nicklaus
    $400 16
It's been popular in the U.S. since the '60s & is still worn in Africa
    $400 4
On "M*A*S*H" Klinger dressed in women's clothes to try to qualify for this type of insanity discharge
    $400 25
"Thou wast not born for death, immortal bird!" Keats wrote in this ode
    $500 22
For 1980 American Motors let it soar as the 1st domestic-built 4-wheel-drive car
    $500 23
"The Crying Game" & "The Piano" had their U.S. premieres at the festival in this Colorado mining town
    $500 17
Hats worn in this country, unlike those just named for it, are braided, not woven
    $500 5
The Eightfold Path leads to release from suffering in this religion

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

James Gina Alan
$1,100 -$100 $900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Gina Alan
$800 $100 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
Lanford Wilson won a Pulitzer for "Talley's Folly" in 1980 & this Wilson won for "The Piano Lesson" in 1990
    $200 20
Not England's Elizabeth I, but Russia's Elizabeth I was the daughter of this "Great" czar
    $200 17
Caused in part by sulfur dioxide emissions, it has "killed" 500 bodies of water in the Adirondacks
    $200 16
Now Ho Chi Minh City, it was this as the capital of South Vietnam
    $200 1
The evidence is clear, he played Quincy
    $200 11
Things are this if they are like Sir Thomas More's perfect island
    $400 7
He noted, "The greatest of evils and the worst of crimes is poverty" in his preface to "Major Barbara"
    $400 21
He wasn't England's Henry VIII, but Henry VIII of Bavaria who was also this empire's Henry IV
    $400 18
After 1961, when its namesake fell out of favor, this city was known as Volgograd
    $400 2
Everything was shipshape & passionate when he played Capt. Merrill Stubing
    $400 12
Resembling the totalitarian future described in "1984"
    $600 8
His play "Glengarry Glen Ross" had its world premiere at the National Theatre in London in 1983
    $600 27
Not to be confused with the Roman emperor, Constantine II was the last king of this nation in 1973
    $600 19
The "Coast" was clear for this old name for Ghana before its independence in 1957
    $600 3
He's gone comically where no alien has gone before as Dick Solomon
    $600 13
"Like the impractical idealist in a Cervantes satire" reduces to this adjective
    $800 9
He wrote "Tea Party" & "The Birthday Party" -- what a party animal!
    $800 25
Unlike England's "Merry Monarch" Charles II, this country's Charles II was "El Hechizado", The Bewitched
    $800 24
At a warm one you get regular rain; at a cold one, thunderstorms
    DD: $1,600 4
(Hi, I'm Renee Jones from Days of Our Lives.) Before he was B.J. Hunnicutt on "M*A*S*H", this actor played Scott Banning on "Days of Our Lives"
    DD: $3,100 14
Also used of some "bargains", this adjective means "similar to Goethe's soul seller"
    $1000 10
He collaborated on his hit comedy "Beggar On Horseback" with Marc Connelly, not Moss Hart
    $1000 26
Unlike feelings toward France's Louis XVI, Louis I of this country was known as "Lajos The Great"
    $1000 23
Orographic precipitation is caused by moist air rising over one or more of these, oros in Greek
    $1000 22
Out with the old! For 300 years before 1925, Oslo was known as this
    $1000 5
Gomer could tell you this actor played Goober Pyle
    $1000 15
In a word, "like Pantagruel's father"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Gina Alan
$10,200 $2,500 $800
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 of the 3 successive presidents who were Republicans, born in Ohio & generals in the Union army

Final scores:

James Gina Alan
$10,001 $2,000 $0
4-day champion: $33,303 2nd place: Trip to Hotel Melia Victoria, Palma de Majorca, Spain 3rd place: Trip to Ingleside Inn, Palm Springs, California

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

James Gina Alan
$9,000 $2,500 $3,900
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
9 R,
3 W
11 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $15,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1998-10-14
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