Show #9289 - Thursday, March 13, 2025


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Liz Engelhardt, a teacher from Concord, New Hampshire

Jack Goldfisher, a screenwriter and director from Los Angeles, California

James Corson, a nuclear engineer from Frederick, Maryland (whose 2-day cash winnings total $70,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
Here he is, our favorite "Little Corporal", getting his tootsie looked at by a field surgeon
    $200 23
Our panel agrees: Many renewable energy engineers work on this, the most abundant type of renewable energy
    $200 29
A regal Nicki Minaj decreed, "If you was as real as me, you would never let another girl sit in" this seat
    $200 11
Auto-folding & power-folding for these objects on cars are helpful when you park on a busy street
    $200 28
By the power of thorium-232! that has a this of 14.05 billion years, you know, give or take
    $200 8
In some situations "heads up!" means this, more like "heads down!"
    $400 24
This president said bathing his feet in cold water every morning at Monticello kept him from getting colds
    $400 21
Divide & conquer:
It's the denominator's upstairs neighbor
    $400 19
In "I Wanna Be Sedated", this group urges, "Put me in a wheelchair, get me to the show"
    $400 30
The GMC Hummer EV has a parking feature called this crustacean "walk" that allows it to move its wheels diagonally
    $400 27
In 1998, snowboarding entered the Olympic Games & Switzerland & Germany took gold in this event
    $400 17
It's a fluke, or to struggle & thrash as if on muddy ground
    $600 6
In 2013 this Argentinian broke tradition by washing the feet of female & Muslim inmates at a detention center
    $600 1
We have this rover, yes we do; we have this rover touching down in Mars's Gusev Crater on January 3rd, 2004, how 'bout you?
    $600 2
"Love, soft as an easy chair", sang Barbra Streisand on "Evergreen" , the love theme from the 1976 remake of this film
    DD: $1,000 9
This airport in Wash. named for 2 cities has one of the largest parking garages in the U.S.--13,000 spaces, 8 stories high
    $600 26
A traditional guideline for waist size, measured at the navel, is to keep it under half of this
    $600 16
It's a burrowing mammal, a nickname for a resident of a Midwest state & a verb that means to annoy
    $800 7
In the 1660s the Qing emperor Kangxi banned this practice that harmed girls, but it didn't leave for good until the 20th century
    $800 10
A pinnacle would often add stability to a "flying" one of these inclined bars typical in Gothic architecture
    $800 3
Jason Aldean had a 2016 country hit called "Any Ol"' this chair (naturally the song mentions "more Jack in my Coke")
    $800 13
In 2015 the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration removed this alliterative feat from its driver's test
    $800 5
Solomon calls for a child to be cut in half in 1 this Bible book, but of course there's a wise method to the seeming madness
    $800 14
A wading bird, or to shoot at someone from a concealed spot
    $1000 22
During a restoration, a trap door was fitted between the front paws of this structure found in Giza
    $1000 20
Attempting to unify many scientific ideas, "On the Dynamical Theory of Heat" was Kelvin's take on the 2nd law of this
    $1000 18
Their 1985 album "Songs From the Big Chair" includes their hits "Shout" & "Everybody Wants To Rule The World"
    $1000 12
Located in the Southeast, this most-visited U.S. natl. park requires a parking tag if you want to stay longer than 15 minutes
    $1000 4
50% of King George V, or a tie knot you finish by going up into the neck loop from under & down into the loop you created in front
    $1000 15
A bullet, or to punch a guy; Raymond Chandler used it both ways

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

James Jack Liz
$1,600 $3,800 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Jack Liz
$2,000 $7,600 $4,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: First, oh, we got one for Jack.)
    $400 30
His mustache became bushier over the years & was perhaps the most famous one in science
    $400 4
The title of this Steinbeck novel came from a line in "Battle Hymn Of The Republic"
    $400 25
I'm sculpting in the Carrara type of this stone
    $400 27
The title of this Matthew McConaughey film describes the space between the stars
    $400 23
In 1949 it replaced "Marcia Trionfale" with "Inno E Marcia Pontificale"
    $400 19
The leader of the pack (of dogs) goes by this Greek letter
    $800 29
He was the last president to sport a 'stache
    $800 28
"Matilda" was one of the last books by this author of beloved children's stories
    $800 24
I'm playing this sport with goalposts at either end of a 300-yard-long grass field
    $800 26
A continental right-lateral strike-slip fault gives us the title of this Dwayne Johnson film
    $800 15
In use since 1770, its "Marcha Real" is one of the few national anthems with no lyrics
    $800 17
This common salad ingredient with a peppery taste is also called garden rocket
    $1200 10
Two of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution were the mustachioed Pancho Villa & this Tiger of Morelos
    DD: $5,000 5
Regarding the double-talk name of this character in "Lolita", Nabokov said, "It is a hateful name for a hateful person"
    $1200 12
I'm playing this arcade game with 5 holes & randomly appearing insectivores
    $1200 1
This Aaron Eckhart film has the name of an "inner" & "outer" layer full of iron & nickel
    DD: $5,200 16
Because of political pressure, it uses "Guo Qi Ge", the "National Banner Song", in place of its anthem at international events
    $1200 7
Fear of the brown recluse & its relatives
    $1600 11
Perhaps it was his mustache that gave this superman philosopher his strength
    $1600 6
This author & her "Mrs. Dalloway" figure prominently in Michael Cunningham's novel "The Hours"
    $1600 13
I'm playing this instrument with a German name meaning "bell play"
    $1600 2
This 1985 Brat Pack movie was a real electric phenomenon
    $1600 18
A collective of 49 students & teachers from the University of Juba wrote its anthem, selected at a 2010 talent show to cheering crowds
    $1600 8
A psychedelic plant medicine traditionally used by indigenous cultures in South America & by Aaron Rodgers
    $2000 21
This mustachioed composer was best known for his opera "Pagliacci"
    $2000 14
In 1935 his semi-autobiographical "Of Time and the River" was published as a sequel to "Look Homeward, Angel"
    $2000 22
A surgical one, please--I'm performing this 11-letter operation to change the nose's shape & improve breathing
    $2000 3
This 1997 sci-fi film with Laurence Fishburne shares its name with the boundary at the edge of a black hole
    $2000 20
Its anthem has 4 different titles, in French, German, Italian & Romansch
    $2000 9
Per Ovid, "They bound her fettered arms fast to the rock" to "grieve her mother's tongue"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Jack Liz
$13,200 $20,400 $16,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This game inaugurated a craze that "scandalized the puritanical and drove chiropractors wild with delight"

Final scores:

James Jack Liz
$13,200 $32,401 $5,800
2nd place: $3,000 New champion: $32,401 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

James Jack Liz
$12,800 $16,400 $12,400
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $41,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2025-01-27
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