As a noun, it's the person who is in charge of the money; as a verb, it means to dismiss from service |
It's not the rent-a-car company, it's the historic landmark seen here |
the Alamo
He's the happy headbanger heard here |
Woody Woodpecker
Tres tragique was this year when France was first occupied in World War II |
Put it tightly in place over the drain, release any trapped air & ram the handle up & down |
a plunger
You're one of these if you're young, live in the city & are a professional |
a yuppie
Mickey D's doesn't have a maitre d', which is short for this |
maitre d'hotel
Over 700 feet high, this dam is the largest of its type in the United States |
Hoover Dam
He's the brother heard here:
"Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!" |
Curly (of the Three Stooges)
C'est tout! The armistice ending "La Grande Guerre" was signed in the Compiegne Forest in this year |
(Diane: What is 1945?)
1918 (World War I)
Connect the 2 positive posts; connect the charged battery's negative post to metal on the dead car |
jumper cables
You were "happy" if you were a member of this '60s radical group that included Abbie Hoffman & Jerry Rubin |
The builder of a ship's water heater, especially if he played for Purdue |
a boilermaker
The column seen here honors this sailor, who died in 1805 |
Lord Horatio Nelson
This African native is a true carnivore |
a hyena
Alors! In this year France lost the battle of Dien Bien Phu & saw revolution begin in Algeria |
Cross long end over short, pass it through loop, double short end into loop, give up, get a clip-on |
(Diane: How do you tie a necktie?) (Alex: Be more specific...) (Diane: Tie?)
a bow tie
You're one of these little deer if you're an animal between 365 & 730 days old |
The "barb" in barber is from the Latin for this |
A historic place of pilgrimage, this English cathedral dates from the 11th century |
She's the sitcom star heard laughing here |
Fran Drescher
Vive la Revolution Francaise! which began in this year |
Set it in motion with your feet, then wet your fingers before centering the clay |
throwing a pot on a potter's wheel
You're this if you're a convict or a recruit or a member of an early Eric Clapton band |
a yardbird
Even though it's about a doctor, this 1925 Sinclair Lewis book could be called "Fletcher" |
(Brendan: What is Babbitt?) (Andrew: What is Arrowmaker?)
This cataract was discovered in 1935 from the air |
Angel Falls
This Australian native, heard here, is also known as the laughing jackass bird |
a kookaburra
Une annee horrible was this year of Napoleon's death, 6 years after Waterloo |
(Diane: What is 1850?)
Shackle, then gradually pay out the line; snub the line to get a bite into the bottom; move fast |
Hoot, mon! If you're an old Scot you know this food's name is a Scottish word for potato |