Ming Emperor Chengzu moved the capital of China from Nanjing to this city & built a 30-foot wall surrounding it |
You know that it'd be untrue, though it's said he played the lyre, if I was to say to you, this Greek sun god sang "Light My Fire" |
In 1972 Humble Oil XXed out the name Enco & renamed its stations this |
This cocktail made with bourbon has been the official drink of the Kentucky Derby since 1939 |
(Jackson: Thank God, what is [*]?) [Laughter] (Ken: Yes.)
a mint julep
Matthew Perry & Courteney Cox were among the friends who attended her lavish wedding to Brad Pitt |
Jennifer Aniston
You can be doing this (presently!) both down an airport runway or 42nd Street in public transportation |
Cannons helped decide the outcome of 1453's Battle of Castillon, the last major clash of this conflict |
the Hundred Years' War
In book XI of Ovid's "Metamorphoses", this man "touched a clod of earth, and by the power of touch, the clod became a nugget" |
This brand makes the Axent knife |
Alabama's state quarter features an image of this woman & her name in English & Braille |
Helen Keller
The multiple Oscar-nominated films of 2000 included "Gladiator" & this one with co-stars including Helen Hunt & a ball |
(Juveria: What's... As Good As It Gets?) ... (Ken: Yeah, a volleyball.)
Cast Away
It's this job: Now who wants to bid $100 I hear $100 thank you do I hear 2 yes 2 OK now 4! $400 once... twice... sold for $400! |
(Ken: Correct, can your daughter do that, by the way?) [Laughter] (Juveria: Don't tempt her.)
an auctioneer
Itzcoatl allied with neighboring states in 1428 & made this empire the dominant force in Central Mexico |
the Aztec Empire
Achilles took a dip for invulnerability in this body of water, but uh oh... looks like mom missed a spot |
the River Styx
This gum brand makes Refreshers, gum that's coated in tiny crystals with a chewy center |
(Ken: Brand of gum with an "X"--what is it? [*]; [*] gum.)
In the original version of the game Monopoly, many of the locations were taken from this New Jersey resort metropolis |
Atlantic City
This hot new video game of the year had players controlling the day-to-day lives of virtual people |
The Sims
You know how to play this instrument, aka mirliton, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together around it & blow... I mean, hum. You hum |
(Jackson: What is a whistle?)
a kazoo
This Wallachian prince picked up his killing-method-based nickname in battles against the Ottoman Turks |
(Ken: Yeah, that's when he did his impaling.)
Vlad the Impaler
Early Postmates man Hercules nabbed golden fruit guarded by these maidens whose name is Greek for "daughters of night" |
the Hesperides
Microsoft launched this gaming console in late 2005 at a price of $399 |
(Jackson: What is Xbox?) (Ken: Can you be more specific?)
the Xbox 360
In 1996 a village 25 miles north of New York City changed its name to this in honor of an 1820 horror story set there |
Sleepy Hollow
Eminem released this "LP", his follow-up to "The Slim Shady LP", & often considered his best album |
[Juveria did not include the leading article in her response.]
The Marshall Mathers LP
2 U's have different sounds in this word for an unbroken line or sequence |
a continuum
The structure called this, after the old city of Tokyo, was built; over centuries, it expanded greatly, then contracted |
(Juveria: What's Edo?) [Ken does not rule.] (Juveria: "Ay-do"?) (Ken: No, I'm sorry, [*] is the structure.) (Juveria: Oh.) (Ken: We needed the structure called this--[*].)
Edo Castle
Half woman, half serpent but 100% dangerous, this monster whose name is also that of an Aussie mammal was the Sphinx' mom |
the Echidna
Here's the logo of this clothing brand that has been around since 1991 |
(Juveria: What's Armani Express?)
Armani Exchange
Joining the U.S. as the 19th state in 1816, Indiana had been part of this vast tract of land ceded to the U.S. after the Revolution |
the Northwest Territory
In 2000 this future Oscar winner won an Emmy & a Golden Globe for her portrayal of Dorothy Dandridge |
Halle Berry
Flowering plants, or old-timey loose trousers that women used to wear for athletics |