Show #9253 - Wednesday, January 22, 2025

2025 Champions Wildcard semifinal game 3.


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Paul Clauson, a tax analyst from Madison Heights, Michigan

Mehal Shah, a software engineer from Seattle, Washington

Marko Saric, a math professor from Chapel Hill, North Carolina

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 20
An 1857 poem about Florence Nightingale says, "In that house of misery / A lady with" this "I see / Pass through the glimmering gloom"
    $200 28
"Wide Sargasso Sea" by Jean Rhys tells the story of the first wife of this character from "Jane Eyre"
    $200 30
In 2023 the Passat from this car company celebrated its 50th anniversary, having debuted as a 2- &amp; 4-door hatchback
    $200 6
Both delicious, but don't confuse these two cookies with similar names
    $200 24
As a California high schooler, he saw Led Zeppelin in concert, which would greatly influence his own music-making
    $200 25
To gather animals into a group, or the group that results
    $400 22
While she was at Cornell, this future Supreme Court justice took Vladimir Nabokov's European lit class
    $400 27
A book by Jean Améry tries to salvage the reputation of Charles, the dull, cuckolded husband of this Flaubert character
    $400 29
If folks keep buying the 96-roll toilet paper packs at this chain that merged with Price Club in 1993, it may stay in the 500
    $400 7
An atheist doesn't believe that God exists, while one of these believes it's impossible to know
    $400 23
This member of Hibbing High School's class of 1959 soon left town, "like a rolling stone"
    $400 8
To entertain guests, or Communion bread
    $600 3
Melanie Mark of Vancouver is the first female First Nations member in this province's legislature
    DD: $2,600 5
This 1880s short story ends with "never a cobra dared show its head inside the walls"
    $600 21
In November 2024 an "A" share of its stock was priced at $693,000, y'know, give or take
    $600 10
Gold prospectors often mistook this mineral, from Greek for "fire", for the real deal, hence the name fool's gold
    $600 19
He's listed in his yearbook as Cordozar Broadus; schoolmate Cameron Diaz says she may have bought weed from him
    $600 9
To turn around &amp; around, or a Scottish dance
    $800 2
A star sharpshooter in Wild West shows, she shot the ashes from a cigarette held by Germany's future Kaiser Wilhelm
    $800 1
This author is a character in "Shoeless Joe"; not happy about being portrayed, he isn't in the movie version "Field of Dreams"
    $800 17
This company makes everything from cat food to Coffee Mate... hold on... do I see a crossover product?! No. I certainly do not
    $800 18
In Greek myth naiads were freshwater nymphs &amp; these were woodland &amp; tree nymphs
    $800 11
She was about to graduate when "Foolish Beat" hit No. 1, making her the youngest artist to write, produce &amp; perform a No. 1 hit
    $800 13
To tremble, or a container for pointed projectiles
    $1000 26
In 2013 this early cosmonaut said she'd like to go to Mars, even if it were a one-way trip
    $1000 4
"Man produces evil as a bee produces honey" is a thought from this Brit who wrote about kids gone savage on an island
    $1000 16
For Q3 of 2024 this Global 500 company once based in The Hague reported $6.03 billion in adjusted earnings
    $1000 15
Cartilage is a type of connective tissue; Carthage was an ancient city settled by these seafarers &amp; traders from Tyre
    $1000 12
Here's this country legend, clean-shaven some 70 years ago as a student in Texas, back when they still wore leather football helmets
    $1000 14
To gather crops, or the season for doing it

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Marko! Mehal Paul
$1,400 $5,400 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Marko! Mehal Paul
$3,000 $7,400 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each response here is two words but they begin with the same prefix.)
    $400 24
Iran's Lake Urmia hosts salt-tolerant species like this tall, pink wading bird, sometimes a flamboyance of about 30,000 of them
    $400 18
This one-named Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist also has dozens of acting credits including "Queen &amp; Slim" &amp; "Toy Story 4"
    $400 25
The tarsals &amp; the metatarsals are among the 26 bones that make up this body part
    $400 26
Outside the normal range of perception &amp; originating from beyond the Earth
    $400 27
This animated series subtitled "The Last Airbender", set in places like the Earth Kingdom &amp; the Fire Nation
    $400 30
Sparkling in gold tesserae, the Chapel of Saint Zeno is known for this tile-y type of art from the early Christian era
    $800 9
Dubbed hypersaline at 40% salinity, Don Juan Pond in this continent's McMurdo Dry Valleys region is merely inches deep
    $800 17
The opening night audience booed but this opera about Cio-Cio-San has become one of the most often performed
    $800 11
It's where the left &amp; right hepatic ducts &amp; Kupffer cells are located
    $800 16
The movement of a soul from one body to another &amp; a flight from, say, New York to Dublin
    $800 21
This 2024 miniseries that put the focus on Kathryn Hahn's bewitching character from "WandaVision"
    $800 28
The biggest in Rome in the 1580s, a chapel in Santa Maria Maggiore shares this name with a famous one across the Tiber
    $1200 6
High in salts of sodium &amp; potassium, Little Manitou Lake northeast of Lake Diefenbaker is called the "Dead Sea of" this nation
    $1200 8
These title "Prophecies" were the subject of a 2002 Richard Gere film
    $1200 3
Each of the eyes has a natural blind spot where this nerve connects to the retina
    $1200 15
An ultra-large crude carrier like the 564,000 DWT Seawise Giant & an event observed in China in 185 A.D.
    $1200 12
The "Joker" sequel with this French subtitle--why didn't anyone tell me it was a musical
    $1200 23
The church of the Gesù in Rome, the mother church of this order, includes the chapel of Ignatius of Loyola
    $1600 7
This so-called "Sea" in a Southern California desert didn't exist until a flood filled a low basin
    DD: $4,800 19
In a Rimsky-Korsakov opera, this piece of music conveys when a prince is transformed into a certain insect (by a magical swan!)
    $1600 4
It's the 6-letter name for the thin layer of tissue that covers, protects &amp; cushions the lungs
    DD: $2,000 1
One millionth of a 60th of a minute &amp; a small region with its own pattern of weather
    $1600 13
The "Sex &amp; the Evans Family" episode of this '70s sitcom; hilarity ensues when J.J.'s mom &amp; dad find what they think is his sex manual
    $1600 22
A Caravaggio painting in the Contarelli Chapel in Rome shows Jesus pointing at this tax collector turned Apostle
    $2000 10
The lowest point on the continent, Lake Assal in this small Horn of Africa nation is a prime source of quarried salt
    $2000 20
Even then! This play by Aristophanes is a satire on the judicial system of his day &amp; the litigiousness of the Athenian people
    $2000 5
This lowest part of the uterus expands at the end of a pregnancy in order to prepare for the baby's delivery
    $2000 2
Music with multiple melodic parts sounded together &amp; having more than the usual number of digits like bluesman Hound Dog Taylor
    $2000 14
Gwyneth Paltrow as Margot, a member of the title family in this Wes Anderson film
    $2000 29
The sancta sanctorum of the Lateran Palace was the private chapel of the papacy before the popes moved to this city in France

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Marko! Mehal Paul
$5,800 $19,800 $12,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

These 2 British authors based characters--Dikko Henderson &amp; Old Craw--on Richard Hughes, journalist &amp; double agent

Final scores:

Marko! Mehal Paul
$11,600 $13,799 $9,900
2nd place: $10,000 Finalist 3rd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Marko! Mehal Paul
$5,800 $17,800 $11,200
11 R,
4 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
9 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $34,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-11-13
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