Under Pedro II & Teresa Christina, Brazil moved to an export economy based on this, producing more than half the world's supply |
(Will: What is sugar?) (Colleen: What is rubber?)
From a refugee family, in 1997 Alek Wek became the first African model on the cover of this mag with a French pronoun name |
"Heavenly" term for a high-net-worth individual who supplies a start-up with cash in exchange for a piece of the business |
angel investor (an angel)
This Pennsylvania place gave its name to a railroad line seen on Monopoly boards |
Understand the value of keeping these, bins for short, always at the ready in case a new species shows up |
Big Ben is located within this big government building also called the Palace of Westminster |
Houses of Parliament
You've seen his beard, but have you seen his penmanship? His wife Jenny got to share his socialist ideals & copy his manuscripts |
(Will: 19th CENTURY BEARD, $400.) (Ken: Beards and history, your two specialties, right?) (Will: You got it.)
Karl Marx
Keith Carlos dedicated his win, the first by a male on this show, to men "trying to succeed in a female dominated industry" |
America's Next Top Model
To be this food "profitable" means to cover basic expenses like the same-named Maruchan instant noodles |
This mountain's major peaks are named Liberty Cap, Point Success & Columbia Crest, which is actually the summit |
Mount Rainier
Know the frustration when a sky rat, a common "rock" one of these birds, is the only bird around |
a pigeon
Inside this building in Agra are the "False" sarcophagi of Shah Jahan & wife Mumtaz; their actual graves lie elsewhere within |
the Taj Mahal
Wife Isabella must've been proud as the Canadian Pacific Railway's Donald Smith drove the last this in British Columbia, on November 7, 1885 |
a railroad spike
Jamie Dornan was in Armani ads before portraying this title S&M enthusiast on film |
Christian Grey
"Do you think you have the" this word "to do more work?"--the word has expanded to mean more than just "data capacity" |
The name of this state of northwest India means "land of the kings" |
(Will: What is Punjab?)
Know that the lawn carp is a nickname used for the Canada type of this bird that's spotted in many urban environs |
The building in Dessau that bears the name of this artistic movement has door handles designed by Walter Gropius himself |
Turning the gap between her teeth from a liability to a trademark, she's kept on modeling past her 80th birthday in 2023 |
(Kaitlin: Who is Twiggy?) (Colleen: Who is Lauren Bacall?) ... (Ken: You might've been thinking of the right model, Colleen, but it's [*].)
Lauren Hutton
It's an 8-letter portmanteau word for a product that has no cost upfront but has cost for all of the supplemental stuff |
a freemium
McMurdo Sound is an inlet of this, which, despite its name, is a deep bay of the Southern Ocean |
the Ross Sea
Only birders who brave the sea get a chance to spot pelagic birds, like the albatross & the little type of this 3-letter bird |
(Will: What is puffin?)
an auk
La Pedrera, a masterpiece of architecture from this Spaniard, has lots of art inside, & apartments, too |
(Ken: It's in Barcelona; his name is [*].)
Wife Nadezhda shared a love of music, 7 children & a set of initials with this Russian composer of "Scheherazade" |
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
This Victoria Secret supermodel is from Brazil, but her last name is the capital of another South American country |
Adriana Lima
No, our company didn't do this to keep people from seeing your dog's Halloween costume; the head of IG says it's "not a thing" |
[Ken reads "IG" as "Instagram".]
shadow ban
In July 1429 a triumphant Joan of Arc stood near the French king as he was crowned in the cathedral in this city |
(Will: What is Rouen?)
Can feel the joy from sighting one of the rarest of birds, the South Philippine dwarf this, a name Huey Long would love |
This Kuala Lumpur landmark has a transfer point on the 41st floor between its 2 towers & a concert hall below |
Petronas Towers