Her first line to Antony is "If it be love indeed, tell me how much" |
Joe Raposo wrote "'C' Is For Cookie" & co-wrote the theme to this series that used it |
Sesame Street
Early 20th century King Njoya, of the Bamum, defied colonial cartographers with his own map of his land; this, at the top, denotes west |
(Ken: That's [*], that's why it's west.)
the setting sun
John Ronald Reuel, which would have taken up waaaay too much of a book cover |
J.R.R. Tolkien
Cephalalgia is a medical term for this: take a couple of aspirin or ibuprofen & call me in the morning |
a headache
Jane knows this is the German equivalent of "wonderful", down to the 3-letter adjective suffix |
Polonius saying "I hear him coming, let's withdraw, my lord" is the cue for this immortal line |
(Ken: Ooh, in the nick of time, yes.) ... (Ken: Hamlet enters in a thoughtful vein.)
to be or not to be
A song called "Nemesis" sets up the undercurrent of mistrust on this drama starring Reese Witherspoon & Jennifer Aniston |
The Morning Show
Cattle are a big deal to the Nuer of the Nile region; a man is often called by the name of his prize this, a castrated bull |
(Gino: What is [**]?) [Ruled incorrect; reversed before the Daily Double at clue 16]
his ox (steer)
18th century composer Carl Philipp Emanuel, no relation to 20th century composer P.D.Q. |
(C.P.E.) Bach
Denoting a tumor, this suffix follows lymph-, sarc- & blast- |
"Tocca ferro" or "touch iron", Jane clarifies, is the Italian version of this superstitious saying |
knock on wood
Published in 1597, this Shakespeare play looks back a bit over a century to the "winter of our discontent" |
Richard III
Matthew Weiner used an instrumental version of RJD2's "A Beautiful Mine" for the opening of this period drama that he created |
Mad Men
The Hutu people are the majority group in this country & Burundi |
"Avatar" & "The Shield" actress, Carole Christine Hilaria |
(Ken: Oh, that's the great [*].)
CCH Pounder
It may ring a bell that this is the medical term for ringing in the ears, though it can be other noises like buzzing or hissing |
Jane doesn't know it will someday be a TV streaming platform, but she is aware that this means "six" in Japanese |
Lady Macbeth thinks her husband is not ruthless enough, "too full of" this item not actually in the dairy case |
the milk of human kindness
"Everywhere You Look" was the theme song to this show that ran until 1995; Carly Rae Jepsen's cover was used for the Netflix sequel |
Full House
Lesotho minus L-E gets you the Sotho people; the Western Sotho are called these, another country minus B-O |
the Tswana
William Edward Burghardt, unafraid to edit things down |
W.E.B. Du Bois
Ulcerative or otherwise, it's an inflammation of the large intestine |
Jane explains, this word solo is a Japanese toast but after "tenno heika", a war cry meaning "may the emperor live 10,000 years" |
(Josh: What is kanpai?) ... (Ken: You probably know it better as a war cry; it's [*].)
Ralph Fiennes made his directorial debut with a modern battle gear adaptation of this play of ancient Rome with a 1-word title |
This classic comedy used the haunting instrumental theme "Suicide Is Painless" |
Ethiopia's 2 largest ethnic groups are the triple-O Oromo & this triple-A group whose name recalls a local language |
(Ken: Right, like Amharic.)
the Amhara
Confederate cavalry officer James Ewell Brown |
J.E.B. Stuart
From Greek for "a knot of tissue", this type of cyst often appears along the tendons or joints of the hands or wrists |
(Josh: What are, uh... [*] cysts?)
17-letter German words are child's play for Jane, who tells the Navy that Unterwasserbomben are these 2-word anti-sub weapons |
(Josh: [Sighs] What are... uh... ocean mines?) ... (Josh: Fair enough.)
depth charges