Show #9228 - Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Ashley Chan game 5.


[<< previous game]

Eric Weldon-Schilling, a bar manager and sommelier from Houston, Texas

Sarah Rosenthal, a fundraiser from New York, New York

Ashley Chan, a publicist from Lewisville, Texas (whose 4-day cash winnings total $67,400)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
Hannah Arendt compared totalitarianism to this bulb vegetable, with a central leader wrapped in layers of followers
    $200 3
"Have" this rhyming type of "Christmas; it's the best time of the year"
    $200 20
Grand Coulee,
    $200 29
The Queen Alexandra Mountain Range of this continent was named in 1908 by Ernest Shackleton for the then British queen
    $200 11
A Mattel doll is based on this Kate McKinnon character from a 2023 movie
    $200 22
The American Heritage Dictionary: "the act or practice of dressing to resemble or portray a fictional character
    $400 9
The idea that the political spectrum is an arc with far right & far left bending toward each other is this lucky symbol theory
    $400 5
"Born is the king of Israel", this song tells us
    $400 19
Full house,
dead man's,
pocket rockets
    $400 28
Uganda's Rwenzori Mountains may have been the "Mountains of the Moon" once thought to be the source of this
    $400 21
In cognitive science, the acronym "WEIRD" stands for "Western, Educated, Industrialized", this financial state "and Democratic"
    $400 15
The Oxford English Dictionary: "an inadvertent call made on a mobile phone in one's rear trouser pocket"
    DD: $1,000 1
Texas Sen. Lloyd Bentsen gets credit for coining this term for an organized effort to fake a grassroots movement
    $600 6
"It's Christmas time in the city, ring-a-ling (ring-a-ling), hear them ring, (ting-a-ling) "--these
    $600 18
General Sherman,
General Grant,
Grizzly Giant
    $600 27
Mount St. Helens in Washington & Lassen Peak in California are 2 volcanoes in this mountain range
    $600 10
Weird Tales magazine published his story "The Black Ferris", which formed the basis for "Something Wicked This Way Comes"
    $600 14
Collins Dictionary: "a person who creates a false identity on social media... to lure someone into... a relationship"
    $800 8
This judicial "-ism" holds that the text of the Constitution is "not living but dead"--fixed in the meaning it had when written
    $800 7
Singing along with Bing, The Andrews Sisters tell us of this second day of Christmas gift
    $800 16
    $800 25
Host of the 2014 Winter Olympics the city of Sochi is at the base of these mountains along the coast of the Black Sea
    $800 24
The Weird U.S. travel guide includes such sites as the Fall River, Massachusetts house of this accused murderess
    $800 12 " characterizes someone or something as unoriginal... is said to like pumpkin spice lattes"
    $1000 2
It's the 3-word doctrine that the individual branches of government are distinct & shall not infringe on the others' authority
    $1000 4
"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire," this personage "nipping at your nose"
    $1000 17
    $1000 26
The highest mountain range in New Zealand, the "Southern" these top out at a bit over 12,000 feet
    $1000 23
It's the formal & familial though maybe not terribly polite way to address the trio of witches in "Macbeth"
    $1000 13
Cambridge Dictionary: "a sudden feeling that you dislike someone... because of something they do"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ashley Sarah Eric
$2,600 $1,400 $3,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ashley Sarah Eric
$2,800 $3,800 $6,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 2
Located somewhere in the Rockies, the Capitol of this country dominates its 12 surrounding districts
    $400 1
The Victorians loved these supernatural little creatures, often spelled with an "E" in place of an "I", as in Yeats' "The Stolen Child"
    $400 7
In 2024 the NAR, National Assoc. of these, settled a big case & agents must now have a contract before showing a buyer a property
    $400 30
By him in 1705: "A Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets"
    $400 28
Colorado honors Jack Swigert, who flew aboard this successful failure of a Moon mission & was elected to Congress in 1982
    $400 9
An ever-questioning monkey of literature asks how he became the actor who won an Oscar for "Syriana"
    $800 3
George Lucas said of this "Return of the Jedi" guy, "Richard M. Nixon was his name. He subverted the Senate & finally took over"
    $800 10
In this poem, Tennyson wrote, "When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wondered"
    $800 16
Now in fresh water, the parasitic sea lamprey is a foe of the U.S.-Canadian fishery commission named for this quintet
    $800 23
2024 breaking news: "Evidence of Dark" (not photosynthetic) this element "Production at the Abyssal Seafloor"
    $800 29
Alabama is represented by this woman, depicted as a young girl astonished by the discovery of her first word--"water"
    $800 15
Winter underwear worn at the university where the Peabody Institute is located
    $1200 4
Secretary of Education Laura Roslin suddenly ascends to the presidency of the 12 Colonies on this series
    DD: $2,800 11
Thomas Hardy really liked this made-up name, writing a poem about its "Captains" as well as a novel about its "Mayor"
    $1200 22
In 2019 this organization that gives films their ratings from G to NC-17 dropped "of America" from its name
    $1200 24
2012: "Tidal Heating Shrinks" this adorably named not-too-cold, not-too-hot "Zone"
    $1200 14
Vermont has a statue of him, despite or maybe in part because of the fact he was run out of towns in Massachusetts & Connecticut
    DD: $3,000 20
A proverbial admonition not to weep over mishandled dairy that turned into a caramel-&-chocolate Hershey product
    $1600 5
This "Star Trek" organization, the UFP for short, has a president, a Federal Council & a Supreme Court
    $1600 12
His "Barrack Room Ballads" covers India & beyond, as in "Ford o' Kabul River"
    $1600 19
This 56-nation organization rooted in an empire includes Tonga in the Pacific & Eswatini in Africa
    $1600 26
2012: "Observation of a New Particle in the Search for the Standard Model" this particle "with the Atlas Detector at the THC"
    $1600 8
Rhode Island honors Nathanael Greene & this man, which seems the least the state could do, as he founded the original colony
    $1600 21
A phrase about a photo's value equivalent to a certain amount of prose gets into a Scrabble-like online game founded in 2009
    $2000 6
A prominent member of the Ape National Assembly, this doctor is both Minister of Science & chief Defender of the Faith
    $2000 17
Thackeray wrote that this 1851 London exhibition hall "stands in High Park like Noah's Ark, a rainbow bint above it"
    $2000 18
"A" is for AIDS in this acronym, an organization founded in 1987 to advocate for better AIDS treatment
    $2000 25
2021: "The Soundscape of the" this proposed human-dominated epoch "Ocean"
    $2000 13
There is a Georgia statue for Alexander Stephens, though the man did hold this job from 1861 to 1865
    $2000 27
A 1981 "meal" movie with Wallace Shawn tags in a huge pro wrestling legend & a co-star of Shawn's in a film 6 years later

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ashley Sarah Eric
$2,400 $8,400 $19,600
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The unofficial anthem of this U.K. territory mentions kelp, penguins & "the wind from the Horn"

Final scores:

Ashley Sarah Eric
$2,400 $11,400 $21,000
3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000 New champion: $21,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ashley Sarah Eric
$3,400 $11,400 $22,400
14 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
24 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $37,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-10-29
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