Located somewhere in the Rockies, the Capitol of this country dominates its 12 surrounding districts |
(Ken: From Hunger Games, right.)
The Victorians loved these supernatural little creatures, often spelled with an "E" in place of an "I", as in Yeats' "The Stolen Child" |
In 2024 the NAR, National Assoc. of these, settled a big case & agents must now have a contract before showing a buyer a property |
By him in 1705: "A Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets" |
(Edmond) Halley
Colorado honors Jack Swigert, who flew aboard this successful failure of a Moon mission & was elected to Congress in 1982 |
Apollo 13
An ever-questioning monkey of literature asks how he became the actor who won an Oscar for "Syriana" |
(Sarah: Who's George Clooney?)
Curious George Clooney
George Lucas said of this "Return of the Jedi" guy, "Richard M. Nixon was his name. He subverted the Senate & finally took over" |
Emperor Palpatine
In this poem, Tennyson wrote, "When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wondered" |
"The Charge of the Light Brigade"
Now in fresh water, the parasitic sea lamprey is a foe of the U.S.-Canadian fishery commission named for this quintet |
the five Great Lakes
2024 breaking news: "Evidence of Dark" (not photosynthetic) this element "Production at the Abyssal Seafloor" |
Alabama is represented by this woman, depicted as a young girl astonished by the discovery of her first word--"water" |
Helen Keller
Winter underwear worn at the university where the Peabody Institute is located |
long Johns Hopkins
Secretary of Education Laura Roslin suddenly ascends to the presidency of the 12 Colonies on this series |
Battlestar Galactica
Thomas Hardy really liked this made-up name, writing a poem about its "Captains" as well as a novel about its "Mayor" |
(Eric: Ooh.) (Ken: Eric?) (Eric: Ah.) ... (Ken: That novel's probably better known--The Mayor of [*] is that made-up place.
In 2019 this organization that gives films their ratings from G to NC-17 dropped "of America" from its name |
the Motion Picture Association
2012: "Tidal Heating Shrinks" this adorably named not-too-cold, not-too-hot "Zone" |
Vermont has a statue of him, despite or maybe in part because of the fact he was run out of towns in Massachusetts & Connecticut |
(Ashley: Who is Benedict Arnold?)
Ethan Allen
A proverbial admonition not to weep over mishandled dairy that turned into a caramel-&-chocolate Hershey product |
(Sarah: Uh, don't--what is don't cry over spilled Milky Way?) ... (Ken: Milk Duds is the Hershey product.)
don't cry of spilled Milk Duds
This "Star Trek" organization, the UFP for short, has a president, a Federal Council & a Supreme Court |
the United Federation of Planets
His "Barrack Room Ballads" covers India & beyond, as in "Ford o' Kabul River" |
This 56-nation organization rooted in an empire includes Tonga in the Pacific & Eswatini in Africa |
British Commonwealth
2012: "Observation of a New Particle in the Search for the Standard Model" this particle "with the Atlas Detector at the THC" |
the Higgs boson
Rhode Island honors Nathanael Greene & this man, which seems the least the state could do, as he founded the original colony |
Roger Williams
A phrase about a photo's value equivalent to a certain amount of prose gets into a Scrabble-like online game founded in 2009 |
a picture's worth a thousand Words with Friends
A prominent member of the Ape National Assembly, this doctor is both Minister of Science & chief Defender of the Faith |
(Ashley: Who is Caesar?)
Dr. Zaius
Thackeray wrote that this 1851 London exhibition hall "stands in High Park like Noah's Ark, a rainbow bint above it" |
the Crystal Palace
"A" is for AIDS in this acronym, an organization founded in 1987 to advocate for better AIDS treatment |
(Ashley: What is amfAR?)
2021: "The Soundscape of the" this proposed human-dominated epoch "Ocean" |
There is a Georgia statue for Alexander Stephens, though the man did hold this job from 1861 to 1865 |
vice president of the Confederacy
A 1981 "meal" movie with Wallace Shawn tags in a huge pro wrestling legend & a co-star of Shawn's in a film 6 years later |
(Ken: Yes, he was in Princess Bride with him.)
My Dinner with Andrew the Giant