Show #9225 - Friday, December 13, 2024

Ashley Chan game 2.


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Carla Winston, a political scientist from Baltimore, Maryland

Ram Murali, a writer originally from London, England

Ashley Chan, a publicist from Lewisville, Texas (whose 1-day cash winnings total $15,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 15
Around 1475 William Caxton printed some of the first books in English, including a history of Troy & these Chaucer tales
    $200 18
A 1991 act of Congress mandated the installation of both driver & passenger side these in passenger cars & light trucks
    $200 24
Short word for a commercial
politician J.D.
this jump forward
    $200 23
He starred with Drew Barrymore in rom-coms like "The Wedding Singer" & "50 First Dates"
    $200 30
Word found in front of a type of golf:
    $200 9
In "Henry IV, Part 2", the title monarch declares, "Uneasy lies the head that wears" this
    $400 2
An 1806 duel involving this future president resulted in the death of Charles Dickinson
    $400 16
In 1942 test pilot Helmut Schenck became the first aviator saved by one of these, which used compressed air to blast him to safety
    $400 10
A kitchen or bathroom essential
1/18 of a golf round
this natural pit
    $400 22
Adam Levine was in a group called Kara's Flowers before finding more enduring fame as "the voice" of this band
    $400 11
A prefix for "one-billionth" gives these uber-tiny machines their name:
    $400 5
Miss Havisham dolls up for a wedding that wasn't; for one that does happen, Miss Skiffins just switches green kid these for white
    $600 1
This firebrand of the American Revolution also defended the French one in "The Rights of Man"
    $600 17
Asked about the name of this device, inventor Doug Engelbart said, "It just looked like one with its tail"
    $600 25
First name of Ms. Bareilles
Roman fashion
this 1777 battle site
    $600 19
Filling some mighty big shoes, he went on tour as lead singer with Queen in 2012
    $600 12
This subatomic particle is made of quarks:
    $600 6
In "Brokeback Mountain", Ennis takes off "his boots &" these pants--"no drawers", Jack notices--yee-haw!
    DD: $1,000 3
Before an upgrade in title, he was the first bishop in France to implement the reforms laid out at the Council of Trent
    $800 27
One of the keys to the Industrial Revolution, the Bessemer process revolutionized the production of this metal
    $800 26
To rotate
a freshwater bony fish
this road with tolls
    $800 20
He's added his low-key brand of funny to shows like "Parks & Rec" & "Party Down", where he asks, "Are we having fun yet?"
    $800 13
This type of organism has but a lowly single cell:
    $800 7
"A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" complains of having "the demon's own time" getting into this
    $1000 4
A 2018 N.Y. Times obit for this woman who died in 1852 said she "imagined the modern-day, general-purpose computer"
    $1000 28
Used to carry high frequency signals for TV & Internet connections, it's the type of cable seen here
    $1000 29
Dubble Bubble or Juicy Fruit
Oxfords or brogues
this slang word for a private eye
    $1000 21
A customized Lincoln Futura became the iconic Batmobile full of gadgets & driven on TV by this actor
    $1000 14
Gulliver put out a fire at their royal palace in a unique way:
    $1000 8
Sara Crewe wears "velvet coats" & is called "your royal highness" by a school bully in this Frances Hodgson Burnett book

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ashley Ram Carla
$3,800 $200 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ashley Ram Carla
$7,600 $1,000 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: That letter sequence appears in each response.)
    $400 13
Along with his wistful "Moonlight Sonata", this composer has a "Pathetique" one with a more sorrowful feel
    $400 30
Beneath its whitish fur, the skin of this ursine mammal is black, which absorbs heat to keep it warm
    $400 25
The political drama "Recount" chronicled the tumultuous aftermath of the vote in Florida in this year
    $400 24
G'day mates! Here's an aerial view of the Ord River delta, found in the state called Western this
    $400 27
It's the feline name for the runway where models strut their stuff
    $400 5
This airline was the official partner of the 2024 Olympic & Paralympic games
    $800 12
Emil Waldteufel's "Skater's Waltz" imagines a glorious day in Paris frolicking on this waterway
    $800 17
Used as a decorative stone, malachite gets its green color from this element
    $800 8
Taking its title from one of his books, "The Gathering Storm" looked at this prime minister's life just before WWII
    $800 14
Islands in the MacKenzie River delta have a layer of this perpetually cold soil just beneath the surface
    $800 22
It can mean asunder or a pair, like in that famous line about them never meeting
    $800 2
A TV show about this Jet Age airline with Christina Ricci & Margot Robbie was sort of "Mad Men" in the sky
    $1200 9
This alliterative composer wrote 2 violin sonatas for fellow Hungarian Jelly d'Aranyi
    $1200 29
A bit underappreciated, it's good for you, it can be eaten raw or cooked & its flavor is comparable to anise or licorice
    $1200 6
The makers of 2023 winner "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story" knew this Brit was right when he asked what kind of accordion to buy
    $1200 15
This nation is located in the delta where 2 major rivers converge--the Ganges & the Brahmaputra
    $1200 19
This German Air Force was officially announced in 1935, at which time it already had hundreds of planes
    $1200 1
Lots of comedians do material about airlines; Trevor Noah made this ultra-low-cost carrier a particular butt of his jokes
    $1600 10
"Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald" is the beloved waltz "Tales from" this place
    $1600 26
The 2 main minerals that make up granite are feldspar & this
    $1600 7
"Girl meets cow" is how she described "Temple Grandin", in which she won an Emmy for playing the animal rights activist
    $1600 16
Cones of sediment from the Mississippi River delta formed a 30,000-square-mile area of this large body of water
    $1600 20
There's no wiggle room in this word for a miser
    $1600 3
From 1961 Eastern Airlines had a huge success with its shuttle from NYC to these 2 cities about 200 miles north & south, for $12 & $14
    $2000 11
In 1865 he headed south to Denmark, wrote his only piano sonata & dedicated it to Danish composer Niels Gade
    $2000 28
The pygmy type of this small monkey lives in the rainforests of South America
    DD: $2,500 18
This 1979 winner with an alliterative title tells of Michael Mullen, killed accidentally in Vietnam by his own side
    $2000 23
The inland delta of the Niger River provides wetlands for this landlocked country of western Africa
    $2000 21
It's a formal ruling on a point of Islamic law; one was famously rendered against Salman Rushdie in 1989
    DD: $1,500 4
When Sabena, this European country's national airline, got off the ground, its routes included Boma-Leopoldville-Elisabethville

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ashley Ram Carla
$16,500 $13,300 $6,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Following his unexpected death in 2001, he was referred to as the "Monty Python of science fiction"

Final scores:

Ashley Ram Carla
$13,500 $50 $10,101
2-day champion: $29,100 3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ashley Ram Carla
$15,800 $13,800 $6,800
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
11 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $36,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-10-28
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