Show #9219 - Thursday, December 5, 2024


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Lisa DiLeo, a business support analyst from Garwood, New Jersey

Dave Bond, a retired grant writer from West Henrietta, New York

Stevie Ruiz, an assistant front office manager from Montauk, New York (whose 2-day cash winnings total $35,987)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 28
Cervantes is responsible for this adjective meaning impulsive, rash & extravagantly chivalrous
    $200 27
Some historians say medieval folks broke this up into 2 segments, with a middle-of-the-night interval for light tasks or intimacy
    $200 16
Cursing someone after inflicting bodily harm is literally piling on this way
    $200 5
Actually about Idi Amin:
"The Last King of ____"
    $200 10
Bert Lahr & E.G. Marshall were Estragon & Vladimir when this Beckett play opened on Broadway in 1956
    $200 3
Orange juice & vodka, basically
    $400 2
This rubber rainwear was named after a British military hero said at one time to have worn something similar
    $400 26
A medieval historian said during the People's Crusade of 1096, a goose inspired people to leave everything & go to this holy city
    $400 17
There's a geometric shape & a number in this phrase meaning to start over
    $400 6
A documentary about gun violence:
"Bowling for ____"
    $400 14
In 1980 this play was on Broadway with Ian McKellen as Salieri, Jane Seymour as Constanze & Tim Curry in the title role
    $400 4
A JPEG or an MP3
    $600 1
This Protestant movement that followed Lutheranism is named for its founder who died in Switzerland in 1564
    $600 19
The Ortoo system, also known as the Yam, was a postal system set up by this Central Asian empire
    $600 18
Once upon a time, if you worked or studied late into the night, you really did do this, because of a type of lamp
    $600 11
Where monsters go to get away from it all:
"Hotel ____"
    $600 15
In 1967 this play based around a classic one debuted on Broadway & pretty much promised the 2 title guys wouldn't make it out alive
    $600 7
For the way he pounded foes, Charles, 8th century ruler of the Franks, was known as Martel, or this
    $800 29
In the 1860s, a former Kentucky legislator developed this variety of lettuce on the ground of his old Kentucky home
    $800 24
An admirer of the ancient Greeks, in his "Summa" he referred to Aristotle as "The Philosopher"
    $800 22
Do this, improve on an existing invention, "and the world will beat a path to your door"
    $800 12
A 2006 sequel:
"The Fast and the Furious: ____ Drift"
    DD: $2,400 20
In an interview one of the 2 title characters of this play admits he let Americans down & his political life is over
    $800 8
As a noun, it's a cutting tool; as a verb, it's a synonym for cheat
    $1000 30
Named for the Dutchman who navigated it in 1642, this sea off Australia's southeast coast gets notably stormy
    $1000 25
This battle in 1485, where Henry Tudor was a victor, is considered the end of the English Middle Ages
    $1000 23
The gut-brain connection is one theory on why when you're nervous, you feel this phenomenon in your gut rather than brain
    $1000 13
What a cast--Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart & Kate Hepburn:
"The ____ Story"
    $1000 21
Gooper & Brick return for their dad's birthday in this 1955 play that won a Pulitzer, but let's just say the party gets rough
    $1000 9
NFL star Jack Reynolds got this nickname after using one to cut a car in half after a frustrating loss

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Stevie Dave Lisa
$2,000 $1,400 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Stevie Dave Lisa
$2,000 $2,600 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Celebrating its 40th anniversary this year.)
    $400 26
By eating crabs, these fluffy critters help keep eelgrass growing, making them a keystone species of estuaries
    $400 21
Stacy Schiff's Salem bestseller "The Witches" had in its subtitle this condition; the "Mass" type is an outbreak of fear
    $400 9
Before "Seinfeld", she was a cast member on "Saturday Night Live" with soon-to-be hubby Brad Hall
    $400 20
"On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service" is a 2024 memoir by this ex-head of the Natl. Inst. of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
    $400 19
Now with an Algonquian-derived name, this national capital was once known as Bytown
    $400 11
Spiel or speech
(7 letters)
    $800 27
The aquarium carts around rescued birds of this type; in the wild, they fly thousands of miles in search of food
    $800 22
A small group with high status & disproportionate influence; a 1956 book described "The Power" one
    $800 6
Eerie music & "The Truth Is Out There" were part of the opening credits of this TV series
    $800 7
"Like, Comment, Subscribe" tells of the "Chaotic Rise" of this platform
    $800 16
Formed in the aftermath of World War I, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats & Slovenes was renamed this in 1929
    $800 12
It means family in Hawaiian
(5 letters)
    $1200 28
The 28-foot forest exhibit of this large rootless algae that depends on sunlight, is home to leopard sharks & a bass named for it
    $1200 23
Embezzling money is one form of this type of crime often committed within one's own company & named for a clothing article
    $1200 1
There are 4 hyphens in the title of this Beatles song in which we hear Desmond say to Molly, "Girl, I like your face"
    $1200 3
He gave us both "Into Thin Air" &
"Into the Wild"
    $1200 10
Now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, from 1971 to 1997 it was known by this one-word name meaning "great river"
    $1200 13
Like Pollyanna
(10 letters)
    $1600 29
Unlike other jellyfish, comb jellyfish use these hairlike projections for movement; they also diffract light at their exhibit
    $1600 24
Prominent in India, this closed system of class stratification is based on hereditary position at birth
    DD: $1,200 2
"Global Offensive" is one title in this Valve video game shooter whose name refers to a type of military retaliation
    $1600 4
Kevin Fedarko recounts how he & a buddy took "A walk in the Park" --a 750-mile hike traversing this gorge
    DD: $7,000 17
After the fall of South Vietnam in 1975, it was good night, Saigon & good morning, this new city name
    $1600 14
(5 letters)
    $2000 30
At the Rocky Shore Exhibit, the giant green species of this animal uses stinging cells on its tentacles to neutralize prey
    $2000 25
This adjective relating to a strong desire applies to the reference group that you want to belong to, like the middle class or NBA
    $2000 5
Paul Thomas Anderson wrote & directed this 2002 movie with Adam Sandler as a lonely guy who finds romance
    $2000 8
"Anyone Can Grow Orchids" is a chapter of this book by Susan Orlean
    $2000 18
The Hawaiian Islands were once called this after a British earl
    $2000 15
Government by the few
(9 letters)

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Stevie Dave Lisa
$12,000 $25,200 $2,400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

They've been described as having the unique scent of "slightly earthy soap with pungent, leather-like clay undertones"

Final scores:

Stevie Dave Lisa
$7,201 $25,000 $2,000
2nd place: $3,000 New champion: $25,000 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Stevie Dave Lisa
$12,000 $22,200 $3,600
17 R,
3 W
25 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $37,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-10-02
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