Show #9212 - Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Kevin Laskowski game 2.


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Samantha Altschuler, an academic dean from Brooklyn, New York

Ryan Smith, a writer originally from South Pasadena, California

Kevin Laskowski, an Episcopal priest from Falls Church, Virginia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $15,200)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: All responses will begin with the letters "C-U".)
    $200 26
Victoria was 18 when she became queen & 19 when her coronation took place here
    $200 21
If a ship is flying the flag seen here, an officer is aboard of this high rank
    $200 16
In 1933 baseballer Clarence "Climax" Blethen bit himself in the butt sliding into a base with these in his pocket
    $200 11
Homing pigeons delivered the results to the participating cities in these events in 776 B.C.
    $200 1
This movie franchise spawned a Velocicoaster, where you may feel like one of the hunted for a while
    $200 3
Used in chili & curry, this spice is said to taste like caraway
    $400 27
So devastated was Queen Victoria by the death of this consort, that she wore black mourning wear for 40 years
    $400 22
5 future presidents served in the U.S. Navy during WWII, including this one commanding the torpedo boat PT-109
    $400 17
Matthew 7:15 warns, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in" this 2-word attire, "but inwardly they are ravening wolves"
    $400 12
In "On the Origin of Species", he agreed with other naturalists that all pigeons descended from the rock pigeon
    $400 2
See if you're up to snuff with a trip through a supervillain lab on Minion Mayhem, inspired by this 2010 film
    $400 6
Instead of a vest or suspenders, a groom may wear this satin sash with face-up pleats
    DD: $1,500 28
In 1857 the Queen awarded the first Victoria Crosses for acts of valor during this recently ended war
    $600 23
More than a TV show, this primary law enforcement arm of the Navy includes thousands of agents working out of 191 locations worldwide
    $600 18
In humans "false" these don't connect to the sternum directly & are attached to the 7th pair by cartilage
    $600 13
In 1850 Paul Julius Reuter started a news service using carrier pigeons where there was a 76-mile gap of this technology
    $600 4
Don't fret (or do) on the Emotional Whirlwind for too long on the ride based on this Pixar film
    $600 7
If you're hiding something in England, it's not a skeleton in the closet, it's a skeleton in this place
    $800 29
While she didn't have symptoms, Victoria was a carrier of this bleeding disorder & passed it on to several children
    $800 24
When a ship is named for an individual, this dedication is by tradition conducted by the eldest living female relative
    $800 19
Time to raise this alliterative term for an attack planned to look like it was done by someone other than the perpetrators
    $800 14
This reclusive electrical genius claimed to be in love with a pigeon & believed the pigeon loved him back
    $800 5
There are no small parts in Nano Battle, based on the antics of this title Marvel duo
    $800 8
It's this liqueur that gives a Blue Hawaiian cocktail its color
    $1000 30
Queen Victoria was the last monarch of this ruling house; her ancestor George I was first
    $1000 25
This beloved song of the Navy was composed by the Academy bandmaster & sung as a football cheer in 1906
    $1000 20
In 1605, false him became czar; in 1606 false him suddenly became ex-him, courtesy of a boyar & pals
    $1000 15
For saving nearly 200 World War I soldiers with a message, the pigeon Cher Ami was awarded this French military decoration
    $1000 10
It's vroom, vroom when you get on the grid for the Lightcycle Power Run, just like in this film
    $1000 9
In humans, it's a tooth with a single projection point, aka canine

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kevin Ryan Samantha!
$1,400 $4,600 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin Ryan Samantha!
$5,000 $6,600 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each response made up of letters in the word "tolerable".)
    $400 7
We have a problem if you don't know that it's the fourth-largest U.S. city in population
    $400 24
In the first line of Canadian officer John McCrae's WWI poem "In Flanders Fields", we see these flowers "blow between the crosses"
    $400 6
When you're on a plane, it's the 4-letter opposing force of thrust
    $400 1
"The Sopranos" &
"Nurse Jackie"
    $400 19
Used in coal mining, a BWE is a bucket-wheel this machine
    $400 9
It's a common location for piercing & a crease in one may be a sign of coronary heart disease
    $800 15
In Colonial times Burlington & Perth Amboy served as twin capitals of what is now this state
    DD: $2,500 25
This 1915 work was the poet's joke about a pal's frequent regret about the path they took on walks together
    $800 2
This one of the simple machines, an adaptation of the inclined plane, can be used to split a log
    $800 11
"The West Wing" &
    $800 20
Oil still bubbles to the surface of Pearl Harbor from this battleship, now a part of a national memorial
    $800 8
A return of part of a payment; you might receive one for purchasing an "Energy Star" appliance
    $1200 16
Bar Harbor, Maine is located on Mount Desert Island, where the majority of this national park is also located
    $1200 26
In Herman Melville's poem "The Portent", this hanged abolitionist is "the meteor of the war"
    $1200 3
It's the type of acceleration of a body traveling in a circular motion; the same-named "force" is directed towards the circle's center
    $1200 12
"Third Rock From The Sun" &
"The Crown"
    $1200 21
In 1610, Galileo discovered this 2-letter moon of Jupiter, which is about 5 percent wider than ours
    $1200 10
It's the higher end of the audio frequency range in broadcasting & sound recording
    DD: $2,200 28
The name of this Iowa city across the river from Omaha honors the site where Lewis & Clark met with tribesmen in 1804
    $1600 27
In his classic "She Walks in Beauty", "all that's best of dark & bright meet in her aspect & her eyes"
    $1600 4
Quarks are grouped in 3 pairs: up & down, top & bottom & let's call them this "rizzy" & "odd" pair
    $1600 13
"Monk" &
"The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel"
    $1600 22
This language is celebrated every July 26--in 1887, that was the publication day for "Unua Libro", or "First Book"
    $1600 17
The shape of planet Earth can be described as this kind of spheroid, meaning it's flattened at the poles
    $2000 30
It's home to Indiana University & the little 500 bike race that inspired the movie "Breaking Away"
    $2000 29
Emma Lazarus said in this poem that the title object was "not like the brazen giant of Greek fame"
    $2000 5
A CERN document calls it a material "composed of electrically neutral particles that can... flow without friction"
    $2000 14
"This Is Us" &
"American Crime Story" as Christopher Darden
    $2000 23
Winston Churchill was born at this Oxfordshire palace; a nice example of baroque architecture in England
    $2000 18
Do I have to explain it again? It means to rebuke or scold someone angrily & at great length

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin Ryan Samantha!
$12,200 $5,100 $10,300

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Born to immigrant parents, in 1916 he was the 1st Supreme Court nominee to undergo public Senate confirmation hearings

Final scores:

Kevin Ryan Samantha!
$24,200 $0 $10,300
2-day champion: $39,400 3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kevin Ryan Samantha!
$12,200 $9,800 $11,800
17 R,
3 W
18 R,
6 W
(including 2 DDs)
15 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $33,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-10-01
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