The name of this mountain that straddles the Switzerland & Italy border comes from German words for "meadow" & "peak" |
the Matterhorn
Serious poet W.H. Auden's anthology of light verse includes "the old woman who lived" here, but she buys a coffin for her "many children" |
(Ken: Yeah, buys a coffin, but don't worry, finds them all "loffeing".)
a shoe
The name of this Los Angeles MLS team refers to all the stars & celebrities found there |
the (LA) Galaxy
This exercise, where you lie on your stomach with your arms outstretched, is named for how it resembles a flying red-caped hero |
a Superman
Too little of this is why home cooking is often bland compared with restaurant food--try the Maldon type & feel like a chef |
(Kelly: Bring it.)
We're not sure how many words the Inuit have for snow, but the hard type used to build this is pukaangajuq |
Shrines devoted to Konohana-Sakuya Hime, a Shinto goddess, dot the trails of this 12,388-foot volcano |
Mount Fuji
"'Mister!' he said with a sawdusty sneeze, 'I am"' this title character, "'I speak for the trees'" |
(Ken: Yeah, not hard for a librarian.)
the Lorax
He's the part owner of Inter Miami CF, seen here |
Lie on your backs & raise your hips off the floor in this structurally-named exercise |
From 1949 to 1957 the U.S. went through this climate event worse in some states than the one 20 years earlier |
(Kelly: What's a Dust Bowl?) ... (Ken: It was even worse than the Dust Bowl it was another [*].)
In "The Marriage of Figaro", the countess & her maid Susanna pretend to be one another--the ol' this |
a switcheroo
The American Alpine Institute says that Kahiltna Glacier on this mountain has "some of the widest temperature swings on the planet" |
Ogden Nash wrote that this Scottish poet, that "gifted souse, kindly immortalized the louse" |
One of the USA's premier soccer complexes & home to the NWSL's Courage, Wakemed Soccer Park is in Wake County in this state |
North Carolina
One way to get your summer 6-pack on is to brace your abs & throw & catch one of these heavy exercise balls |
a medicine ball
Hypoglycemia, too little blood sugar, is caused by having too much of this hormone |
Flamboyant advertising, or to publicize in a showy way |
(Ken: Tough category so far, what is [*]?)
The Rongai Route passes by the Mawenzi Peak before hitting Uhuru Peak on this mountain |
"We'll go where the chalk-white arrows go, for the children, they mark, and the children, they know, the place where" this "Ends" |
the sidewalk
The U.S. women's team won 2008 & 2012 Olympic gold & the 2015 World Cup behind, or in front of, the play of this goalkeeper |
Hope Solo
A Chicago Tribune article called this French-named urban sport "skateboarding but without a skateboard" |
5-word phrase before "to Ride" for many sad too-little kids; it's the title of a documentary about R.I.'s famed Rocky Point Park |
you must be this tall
Another word for a cowboy, or a somewhat dismissive way to address a guy |
a buckaroo
Mount Corno in central Italy is the highest peak in this range |
the Apennines
This Victorian nonsense poet wrote, "the wandering dong through the forest goes!... the dong with a luminous nose!" |
In 2024 a poor showing in this quadrennial Spanish-named tournament cost the U.S. men's national team coach his job |
Copa América
This martial art that involves slow & gentle movements translates to "extreme & limit" in Chinese |
tai chi
When the rebels ran out of ammo & fled, the Redcoats were victorious at this June 1775 Boston battle, but at a heavy cost |
Bunker Hill
1940s movie star Veronica Lake was known for her hairstyle, dubbed this |
(Ken: She was the "[*] Girl", for obvious reasons.)