Show #9140 - Friday, July 5, 2024

Isaac Hirsch game 3.


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Sarah Crocker, a writer and editor from Aurora, Colorado

Alex Wang, a rising senior at Duke University from Harrington Park, New Jersey

Isaac Hirsch, a customer support team lead from Burbank, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $47,986)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
It's the country (& continent) where you'll find the Murray-Darling Basin
    $200 28
The African Wildlife Foundation looks out for our 4-legged friends, as in its ad campaign "Only Elephants Should Wear" this
    $200 29
In Côte d'Ivoire French slang, mon pain, literally "my" this, means "my boyfriend"
    $200 26
Learning that her ex had become engaged to another woman inspired her to write "Someone Like You", a No.1 hit in 2011
    $200 30
In dating strata or layers of rock, this pretty basic principle is called the law of superposition
    $200 18
A classic New York one of these uses cream cheese & Graham cracker crust; it should be cooked in a water bath too
    $400 22
One theory says the name of this mountain chain comes from the Quechua for "high crest"
    $400 24
The National Alliance to End this says on a given night in 2023, about 650,000 people in the U.S. were experiencing it
    $400 19
Some French people hold une clope, one of these, between 2 fingers outside a bistro as they contemplate life's meaning
    $400 17
This duo's albums include "Sounds of Silence" & "The Concert in Central Park"
    $400 27
In painting your masterpiece, it's "fat over lean": each successive layer should have a higher content of this standard medium
    $400 16
The name of this ring-shaped cake pan is a trademark of Nordic Ware, which added a "T" to a German word
    DD: $600 10
The Brahmaputra River runs through 3 countries from its source to its confluence with this other great river
    $600 23
Jeremy Belknap founded this state's historical society back in 1791 & got Paul Revere to write him an account of that famous ride
    $600 9
Tomber dans les pommes is a phrase for passing out but literally means "falling in" a bed of this fruit
    $600 1
Gospel singer Merry Clayton sang, "Rape, murder, it's just a shot away" on this Rolling Stones song that reflected the unrest of 1969
    $600 4
Protecting soil & becoming nutrients, a forest layer alliteratively named this "litter" is actually all kinds of tree droppings
    $600 5
King cake is a tradition of this holiday & is often decorated in purple, gold & green, the holiday's traditional colors
    $800 11
Illyria is an ancient name for the northwest part of this European peninsula
    $800 20
In 1947 GATT was a temporary deal to regulate world commerce; it endured until this global org. was created in 1995
    $800 13
BCBG translates to "good style, good class", "good" being this "B" word in French
    $800 2
"Might Delete Later" is a 2024 mixtape from this rapper, first name Jermaine
    $800 6
The layered hair of this Austro-French woman was not a chic bob but a heap of tresses including wigs colored with turmeric
    $800 7
This cake became a little cheaper & a lot more vivid when Adams Extract suggested using its red food color in the recipe
    $1000 12
This South Pacific island country is about the size of New Jersey--but where would you rather vacation, Newark or Suva?
    $1000 21
With a saint & a vehicle in its name, this British-based charity traces its history from 11th century Jerusalem to CPR training in 2024
    $1000 14
Unique to Québécois slang & meaning "get ready!" is attache ta tuque; a tuque is one of these
    $1000 3
"Creep" was a single from "CrazySexyCool", a 1994 album by this trio
    $1000 8
When layering clothing, the closest to your skin pulls moisture away, called this action in the outdoor fabric wear world
    $1000 15
Literally French for "melting", it's a creamy, sugary paste used in cake- & candy-making

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Isaac Alex! Sarah
$5,800 $0 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Isaac Alex! Sarah
$7,000 $400 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 20
The United States never ratified this treaty that officially went into effect January 10, 1920
    $400 19
The title restaurant of this Fox animated series sits next to It's Your Funeral Home & Crematorium
    $400 26
Nuts, whole grains, fruits & veggies, & maybe a serving of Metamucil are all ways to get to the recommended 25-30 grams of this a day
    $400 23
This "Peanuts" vendor got early exposure with weekly comics in the Minneapolis "Tribune" & St. Paul "Pioneer Press"
    $400 25
Angostura makes varieties of this bar-friendly liquid that looks like the plural form of a resentful word
    $400 22
With some seriously out-of-the-box thinking on covering the 1956 MLB All-Star Game, S.I. got this venerable poet from New England
    $800 18
Waitangi Day in New Zealand commemorates the signing of a treaty between the British crown & this indigenous people
    $800 5
After accepting the role of NYC police commissioner on this series, Tom Selleck was going to shave off his mustache but CBS said it was fine
    $800 30
November is awareness month for both lung cancer & the group of inflammatory lung diseases known by these 4 initials
    $800 21
This bow-tied popcorn mogul grew up on an Indiana farm & died in his Jacuzzi in California
    $800 15
This compound word referring to someone who spoils things for others doesn't refer to an actual murder
    $800 12
In 1962 Jimmy Breslin noted, "Basically, the trouble with" this new Major League team "is the way they play baseball"
    $1200 1
An 1881 treaty established the boundary between Chile & Argentina in this southern archipelago
    $1200 2
Its theme song began, "Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started"
    $1200 27
The name of this mental health condition refers to the cycle of extreme highs & lows that can last from weeks to months
    $1200 6
The first purpose-built women's soccer stadium houses the NWSL's Kansas City Current, founded by her
    DD: $2,000 13
This slang term for an unethical lawyer starts with a bashful word
    $1200 9
Fresh off an early novel titled this, where football players try to go, Don DeLillo wrote a piece on gambling
    DD: $2,000 16
Theodore Roosevelt won a Nobel Peace Prize for helping to negotiate the Treaty of Portsmouth, ending a war between these 2 countries
    $1600 3
Alice Pearce won an Emmy for Best Supporting Actress for playing nosy neighbor Gladys Kravitz on this sitcom
    $1600 28
At menopause estrogen levels drop, which can lead to bone loss & a higher risk for this fragile bone condition
    $1600 7
Each episode of this show salutes "our program's co-founder", Chicago giant of public radio "Mr. Torey Malatia"
    $1600 14
Found before a certain "membrane" in the body, this word ends with a bit of fear
    $1600 10
Perhaps telling readers how to adjust their big shoulders, this American poet offered some putting tips in 1954
    $2000 17
Under the 1898 Treaty of Paris that ended the Spanish-American War, Spain ceded Guam & these 2 "P"roperties
    $2000 4
During the summer of 1972, reruns of this long-running Western were shown under the title "Ponderosa"
    $2000 29
Pinkeye is an inflammation of this membrane that covers the surface of the eyeballs & lines the insides of the eyelids
    $2000 8
In 2023 this Iowa-born techie behind the Mosaic & Netscape browsers posted an inspiring or scary "Techno-Optimist Manifesto"
    $2000 24
Meaning a lucky coincidence, this 11-letter word coined by Horace Walpole ends with a word of sympathetic sorrow
    $2000 11
Famous for novels about an ex-basketball star, he combined his love for hoops with pictures by Walter Iooss in 1972

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Isaac Alex! Sarah
$26,200 $1,600 $5,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The flag of Aruba features a 4-pointed star symbolizing its 4 major languages: the local Papiamento & these 3 imported ones

Final scores:

Isaac Alex! Sarah
$22,200 $2,010 $500
3-day champion: $70,186 2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Isaac Alex! Sarah
$25,000 $2,200 $5,000
33 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
4 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $32,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-05-15
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