Show #9138 - Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Isaac Hirsch game 1.


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Dana Keane, an attorney from Sarasota, Florida

Isaac Hirsch, a customer support team lead from Burbank, California

Kelly Proulx, a non-profit communications director from Billerica, Massachusetts (whose 1-day cash winnings total $16,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 8
Sia lit up the charts with this song
    $200 22
The A.M.A. fought against these 2 federal programs, 1 for the elderly & 1 for the poor, before they were enacted in 1965
    $200 13
A monastery courtyard is in this word meaning "shut in alone"
    $200 21
George Eastman said the letter K "had been a favorite with me", thus he created this name for his camera out of thin air
    $200 30
This novel by Emily Brontë tells of the doomed love between Cathy & Heathcliff
    $200 28
A historical nickname for America, or a chain of fondue restaurants
    $400 5
A Wham! classic
    $400 23
On August 25, 1921 the U.S. signed a treaty restoring friendly relations with this country
    $400 12
Seclusion, maybe "One Hundred Years of" it
    $400 20
The name of this technology that allows local area networks to operate without wiring or cables just sounds cool--that's all
    $400 29
Mitch Albom still had more to learn from his dying college professor in "Tuesdays with" him
    $400 26
In 1776, a statue of this royal was toppled in New York City & pieces of it melted down to make bullets for the Continental Army
    $600 4
Dolly Parton wore it proudly
    $600 9
Ratified in 1933 the Twentieth (or "Lame Duck") Amendment moved up the date of this event
    $600 1
Delta's program for this type of "minor" offers a trackable wristband for the youngster traveling solo
    $600 17
Originally, the cartons of this luxury ice cream featured a map of Denmark although its name wasn't Danish, it was made up
    $600 14
A wolf infected with this viral disease attacks Old Yeller, so Travis makes the heart-wrenching decision to put down his dog (sob!)
    $600 24
In the last 50 years, some glaciers in Glacier National Park in this state have lost more than 80% of their ice
    $800 6
A No. 1 for Boyz II Men
    $800 10
The ACLU secured this attorney to defend John Scopes in 1925
    $800 2
This word for a person who lives away from others is in the name of the creature here
    $800 18
In the mid-1990s Colombian Alberto Perez created this dance exercise class that uses Latin & world rhythms
    $800 15
You know that Hazel & Augustus have cancer in this Y.A. novel, but Augustus' death is still a gut punch
    DD: $1,500 25
In Exodus 32 this was fashioned out of melted-down jewelry
    $1000 7
Luther Vandross' tribute to his own dad
    $1000 11
In 1948 the U.S. was one of the 21 western hemisphere nations that banded together as the OAS, this
    $1000 3
Meaning grief or sadness, it precedes "Row" in a song by Bob Dylan & "Angels" in a book by Jack Kerouac
    $1000 19
Infomercials in the 1980s touted the quality of these kitchen knives with a "Japanese" name; they were actually made in Ohio
    $1000 16
Charlie Gordon & a white mouse are both--guinea pigs? Lab rats?--the subjects of an IQ-boosting surgery that ends sadly in this novel
    $1000 27
At about -38 degrees Fahrenheit, it has the lowest melting point of any metallic element

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kelly Isaac Dana
$1,600 $2,800 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kelly Isaac Dana
$3,600 $4,000 $3,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: These are 8-letters words beginning with the letters "G-R".)
    $400 26
In mitosis, a parent cell gives birth to 2 identical cells; in this process, one cell divides into 4, each with half its chromosomes
    $400 16
In Leviticus, God says every 50th year, proclaim this "throughout all the land"; someone decided to put those words on a bell
    $400 5
A tip
    $400 24
He said a Camembert cheese that turned soft & gooey inspired the melting watches in his "Persistence of Memory"
    $400 6
In a memorable "SNL" digital short, Fred Armisen shoots this cast member to the strains of Imogen Heap's "Hide And Seek"
    $400 22
You need to obtain a permit to see Havasu Falls at the bottom of this American landmark
    $800 13
This fact should stick to you:
cobalt & samarium are used to make the permanent type of these
    $800 15
This event for Edward VIII was proclaimed in May 1936, with the big day slated for May 1937; it never happened
    $800 4
Foliage used for decoration
    $800 23
About this painting, Edward Hopper said, "Unconsciously... I was painting the loneliness of a large city"
    $800 21
Playing the evil Gideon in this Edgar Wright flick, Jason Schwartzman gets his head kicked in; K-O, Cera Cera
    $800 27
Tugela Falls in the the Royal Natal National Park of this nation has a total drop of 3,110 feet
    $1200 12
On the electromagnetic spectrum, these waves come between radio & infrared & can be as small as 1 mm in length
    DD: $4,000 17
Screening "Pillow Talk", Cincinnati proclaimed Sept. 27, 2017 this repetitive occasion to honor a beloved star & hometown girl
    $1200 2
With Walt Disney's help, Roald Dahl published his first book in 1943, about these creatures who cause damage to aircraft
    DD: $3,000 10
Following all of the publicity from a 2013 novel, this painting was moved to a larger gallery at the Mauritshuis in The Hague
    $1200 7
This Yankees owner is overcome with grief thinking Jason Alexander's character George has seen his last days on "Seinfeld"
    $1200 28
In 1969 American engineers reduced an American section of these waterfalls to a mere trickle to study rockfalls
    $1600 14
In a 1662 work Robert Boyle referred to this, measured in millibars, as "the spring of the air"
    $1600 18
Alarmed as Americans were recruited to aid revolutionary France, George Washington issued a proclamation of this position
    $1600 1
It's the degree of inclination or the rate of ascent or descent of a highway
    $1600 11
Full of life & lust, the center panel of this famed triptych by Hieronymus Bosch gives it its title
    $1600 8
Jason Segel met his fate early on in this apocalyptic 2013 comedy, falling into a fiery pit right after Rihanna
    $1600 29
A series of famous namesake cataracts on this river is located 11 miles above its confluence with the Parana River
    $2000 25
In 2012, the IUPAC gave the symbol Lv to element 116 in honor of this California lab that helped discover it
    $2000 19
Manitoba was roiled by an 1814 proclamation forbidding food exports & named for this native-named dried meat
    $2000 3
In "To Helen", Edgar Allan Poe wrote, "To the glory that was Greece, and the" this "that was Rome"
    $2000 20
Raphael brought together great scientists, mathematicians & philosophers in this fresco, an allegory of knowledge
    $2000 9
Playing him on "Game of Thrones", Jason Momoa went too soon, leaving his Khaleesi bereft
    $2000 30
A Yosemite fall with a wispy ribbon of water that flutters in the air like diaphanous cloth bears the name of this marital wear

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kelly Isaac Dana
$8,000 $19,800 $8,300
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In the 16th century, she changed the "EW" in her family name to a "U" to help her new French in-laws spell it more easily

Final scores:

Kelly Isaac Dana
$7,000 $19,185 $300
2nd place: $3,000 New champion: $19,185 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kelly Isaac Dana
$8,000 $22,000 $9,800
13 R,
1 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $39,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-05-15
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