Show #9125 - Friday, June 14, 2024

Adriana Harmeyer game 13.


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Kaitlin Tarr, an aspiring ceramicist from Denver, Colorado

Susan Ayoob, a content strategist from San Francisco, California

Adriana Harmeyer, an archivist from West Lafayette, Indiana (whose 12-day cash winnings total $278,500)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
The American Colonization Society approved this name for a country established on the West African coast
    $200 12
"Wuthering Heights" speaks of spending time in these grasslands, "on a bank of heath... with the bees humming dreamily"
    $200 17
Toss a standard pair of dice & your odds of rolling the total known by this serpentine name are 1 in 36
    $200 1
A trip on a party boat with alcohol aplenty
    $200 6
Kerry Washington grew up in the Bronx, where this girl "from the block" was her substitute dance teacher
    $200 30
For a classic gin & tonic, you can use this brand's sapphire gin
    $400 23
18-year-old Henriette Sontag was the soprano as this man's final symphony premiered in Vienna
    $400 13
"As You Like It" finds the Duke & his retinue exiled to the lush environs of this forest
    $400 18
Once upon a midday weary, researchers in Sweden found these birds were better at planning ahead than apes or 4-year-olds
    $400 2
There's a male first name in this phrase meaning all tied up or 50-50
    $400 7
This "American Idol" finalist played Motormouth Maybelle in the 2016 live TV production of "Hairspray"
    $400 11
Remembered now as a gift to Jesus, this rare 5-letter gum derived from thorny trees was used in tinctures & perfumes
    $600 24
The U.S. War Department created the B.I.A., this agency, to handle Native American issues
    DD: $1,000 14
The first act of this Verdi opera takes place in the king's palace in Memphis (not Tennessee)
    $600 19
The trail named for this pair winds 4,900 miles through 16 states
    $600 3
Bangers & mash or fish & chips, maybe alongside a pint of ale
    $600 8
In "Office Space" she played a waitress at Chotchkie's who was reprimanded for not wearing enough "flair"
    $600 27
Remedies used this daisy-like flower as an antiseptic; you may be more familiar with it in your herbal tea
    $800 25
This man whose independence forces defeated the Spanish army in Peru was proclaimed its dictator
    $800 15
Prince Siegfried in this ballet named for its setting takes a gander at Odette & later, her maidens dance a waltz
    $800 20
Supreme Court Justice John Campbell wrote a concurring opinion in the 1857 decision about this enslaved man
    $800 4
The main roads & side roads of a place, collectively
    $800 9
In "Legally Blonde" Reese Witherspoon as Elle teaches her as Paulette how to "bend & snap"
    $800 28
Now interchangeable with "liqueur", this type of alcohol, from the Latin for "heart", once meant the drink had the qualities of a tonic
    $1000 26
Florida's capital was moved to Tallahassee, midway between these two cities that had been alternating in the role
    $1000 16
James Hilton wrote that its pavilions "clung to the mountainside... with the chance delicacy of flower petals impaled upon a crag"
    $1000 21
This 5-letter word can stand by itself or precede Mennonite to refer to a Christian group in America
    $1000 5
There are 2 negatives in this 4-word phrase meaning something can be done without difficulty
    $1000 10
She served as press secretary for President Biden & got her own show on MSNBC in 2023
    $1000 29
If you've heard of a tonic, you've heard of a balm that gets its name from this type of tree that's 2 letters longer than "balm"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Adriana Susan Kaitlin
$2,800 $2,400 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Adriana Susan Kaitlin
$7,200 $3,000 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll name the artist.)
    $400 7
The Scottish Parliament & the royal residence of Holyrood Palace are in this city
    $400 6
The woman we know as this submitted her first great work "Renascence", for a prize under the gender-hiding name E. Vincent Millay
    $400 26
Before he slipped into a coma in January 1957, he told Lauren Bacall, "Goodbye, kid. Hurry back"
    $400 5
"God's Plan" &
"Nice For What"
    $400 24
Norwegian for "sloping track", it's the sloping track seen here
    $400 16
In truly a hairy situation, these parasitic insects have biting types & sucking types, all of which sound just delightful
    $800 8
These Scottish geographic features include Rannoch, Lomond & Ness
    $800 21
"Some, Too Fragile for the Winter Winds" is a poem from this "Belle of Amherst"
    $800 27
After he passed away on Halloween in 1926, his widow Bess held annual seances on that date to try to make contact with him
    $800 4
"Savage" & "WAP"
    $800 25
This Italian diminutive word applies to works like 1890's "Robin Hood", featuring the tune "Brown October Ale"
    $800 15
That ain't your house! Cuckoos practice brood parasitism, putting an egg in this place, so other birds rear the young
    $1200 17
Inverness is in the center of this elevated region, the most northerly mainland Scottish region
    $1200 20
In 1981, this poet's home on East 127th St. was declared a New York City landmark
    $1200 28
A grandson of Diego Rivera has suggested that Diego may have helped end the life of this suffering wife as a final act of love
    $1200 3
The artist formerly known with a "$", in 2010:
"We R Who We R" &
"Tik Tok"
    DD: $3,000 11
"Health" in Spanish; you're wishing someone good health when you toast them saying this word
    DD: $2,000 14
Anopheles mosquitoes transmit one-celled parasites of the genus Plasmodium to humans, causing this sometimes-fatal disease
    $1600 18
This home of golf is also home to the first university in Scotland, founded in 1413
    $1600 22
Louis, the father of this Beat Generation figure, was also a poet but wrote more traditional verse like "Morning in Spring"
    $1600 29
After this president's death in 1908, his wife Frances would become the first first lady to remarry
    $1600 2
One week in 1998:
"One Week"
    $1600 9
From the Yiddish, it can mean chicken fat or excessive sentimentality
    $1600 13
You give me fever, the hard type of this parasite--
Texas cattle fever, hemorrhagic fever,
Q fever...
    $2000 19
A major industrial burgh in the east, Dundee is the principal city of this former county that shares its name with a cattle breed
    $2000 23
Sparing him a treason trial, this poet was declared insane in 1946 & spent the next 12 years in a hospital
    $2000 30
Sadly, an assassin's bullet took civil rights activist Medgar from this wife June 12, 1963 in Mississippi
    $2000 1
"First Class"
with the Fergie sample
    $2000 10
A member of the Communist power structure in Russia, it's come to mean the loyal subordinate of a political leader
    $2000 12
Parasitic worms in undercooked pork can cause this disease, so cook those BBQ ribs to at least 137 degrees

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Adriana Susan Kaitlin
$12,400 $10,200 $12,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Helping draft an executive order in 1961, Hobart Taylor Jr. almost used the word "positive", but instead chose this alliterative phrase

Final scores:

Adriana Susan Kaitlin
$20,500 $0 $12,390
13-day champion: $299,000 3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Adriana Susan Kaitlin
$12,000 $10,200 $15,000
19 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
9 R,
0 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $37,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-05-07
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