Show #4298 - Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Brian Weikle game 5.

(Sarah: Come on, the curtain's about to rise! Theatre clues</a> next, on Jeopardy!)


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Vicki Deniston Reed, a high school teacher from Omaha, Nebraska

Russell Redder, a civil engineer from Fort Worth, Texas

Brian Weikle, a project manager from Minneapolis, Minnesota (whose 4-day cash winnings total $123,200)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And finally, a little bit of everything in...)
    $200 17
He wrote the verse "Hush, hush, whisper who dares, Christopher Robin is saying his prayers"
    $200 1
...& the Gang
    $200 26
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from the set of The Producers.) According to the cast of "The Producers", actors say this three-word phrase, instead of "Good luck"
    $200 11
On April 10, 1849 Walter Hunt received a patent for this cloth diaper fastener
    $200 12
In Sweden, if you hear funny noises in your home or in your chest, dial 112 instead of this U.S. equivalent
    $200 6
It's the year in which the last U.S. Census was taken
    $400 18
This author's "Lord of the Flies" has been turned into films directed by Peter Brook & Harry Hook
    $400 2
...& the Miami Sound Machine
    $400 27
(Sofia of the Clue Crew reports from backstage at the Gershwin Theatre.) These are the areas just offstage, & actors wait in them to make their entrances
    $400 22
In 1825 Hannah Montague, tired of washing her husband's shirts because this was soiled, invented a detachable one
    $400 13
The British may call home by "reversing the charges", which we know as calling this way
    $400 7
It's a big lie, or a big burger from Burger King
    $600 19
Near the end of this novel, Madame Defarge is killed with her own gun during a struggle with Miss Pross
    $600 3
...& the Blackhearts
    $600 28
(Sarah of the Clue Crew has snuck into the dressing room of Hairspray.) It's considered bad luck to mention the name of this play in the dressing room; actors call it "The Scottish Play"
    $600 23
Eli Whitney's model for this was stolen & manufactured by competitors before he received his patent in 1794
    $600 14
By our informal estimate, this question from the "Scooby-Doo" theme song also begins 70% of cell phone calls
    $600 8
The name of this dark brownish red comes from the French word for "chestnut"
    $800 20
The traveller in this 1895 tale finds himself in the year A.D. 802,701
    $800 4
...& the Funky Bunch
    $800 29
(Oooooooklahoma! Where Sofia's standing on the set.) It's the term for raising or lowering scenery above the stage; it's also what Mary Martin did in "Peter Pan"
    $800 24
His father Robert attempted to build a mechanical reaper but failed; he succeeded & became quite wealthy
    $800 15
Including a transmitter & a receiver, the part of a telephone you pick up has this "manual" name
    $800 9
It's the answer to the Sphinx' riddle: "What walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 at noon, and 3 in the evening?"
    $1000 21
It's J.G. Ballard's saga of a British boy separated from his parents & interned in a Japanese prison camp during WWII
    $1000 5
...& the Range
    $1000 30
(Jimmy and the rest of the Clue Crew, on stage at the St. James Theatre.) It's the two-word term for the event after a play when the actors appear to take their bows
    DD: $2,000 25
His 1769 patent was for "a new invented method of lessening the consumption of steam and fuel in fire engines"
    $1000 16
Dude, your mobile phone is, like, so bad; call me back on this alliterative term
    $1000 10
By definition, orogeny is the geologic process by which these are formed on Earth

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Brian Russell Vicki
$5,600 $1,800 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Russell Vicki
$11,600 $3,200 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 9
Richard Nixon's Checkers speech said that his wife was named Patricia Ryan & born on this holiday; neither was true
    $400 14
He wrote the short story "The Sentinel" on which the film "2001: A Space Odyssey" was based
    $400 23
You'll find the island of Madagascar in this ocean
    $400 1
This ribbed cotton fabric can be wide-wale or pin-wale depending on the width of the ribs
    $400 8
Britain's National Army Museum says she used the lantern seen here, not the glass one she's usually pictured with
    $400 3
A public burial ground for poor or unidentified people
    $800 10
Mexicans under Gen. Zaragoza won a great victory on this date in 1862, celebrated with a fiesta on L.A.'s Olvera Street
    $800 15
I'm sorry, Dave, Douglas Rain provided the voice of this ultimately murderous computer
    $800 24
Bermuda's capital city, it shares its name with the last name of a man on U.S. currency
    $800 2
The Federal Trade Commission classifies wool that is new, pure & unrecycled as this
    $800 16
A volunteer nurse for the Union, this little woman published her wartime letters in 1863's "Hospital Sketches"
    $800 4
A wood or coal-burning stove with a rounded, bulbous body
    DD: $3,000 11
On the festive day of April 5, 1722 Jakob Roggeveen visited this South Pacific island
    $1200 28
He directed "2001: A Space Odyssey" between "Dr. Strangelove" & "A Clockwork Orange"
    $1200 25
Jagiello, Grand Duke of Lithuania, married Queen Jadwiga & became King Wladyslaw II of this country in 1386
    $1200 18
This brocaded fabric uses gold or silver metallic threads; Elvis had a famous gold tuxedo made of it
    $1200 17
Called the "Moses of Her People", she served as a cook & a nurse for the Union Army during the Civil War
    $1200 5
It's formed by the confluence of its North & South branches near Cumberland, Maryland
    $1600 12
In 1970 this country moved Carnival from before Lent to late July
    $1600 29
Starring Roy Scheider, it's the sequel to "2001" filmed in 1984
    $1600 26
Communities on this "potent potable" island N. of Venezuela include Emmastad, Nieuwpoort & Julianadorp
    $1600 19
Before this can be made into linen, it must be retted, or partially decomposed, to separate the fibers
    DD: $4,000 21
Trained as a nurse at White Plains hospital, she's credited with coining the term "birth control"
    $1600 6
The Big 3's last meeting during World War II took place in July 1945 in this city near Berlin
    $2000 13
Appropriately, this 1846 California "Revolt" began on Flag Day, June 14
    $2000 30
This composer's tone poem "Thus Spake Zarathustra" has become virtually synonymous with the film
    $2000 27
The Mosel is a tributary of this 820-mile-long European river
    $2000 20
The name of this crinkled, striped fabric is from Persian for "milk sugar"; it's both smooth as milk & bumpy as sugar
    $2000 22
This Australian nurse devised a method for treating polio
    $2000 7
In the Bible, he buys Joseph as a slave

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Russell Vicki
$25,600 $11,400 $1,400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This 20th century U.S. president was the first to receive full-time protection from the Secret Service

Final scores:

Brian Russell Vicki
$26,000 $10,000 $2,700
5-day champion: $149,200 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Brian Russell Vicki
$24,600 $13,600 $1,400
35 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
7 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $39,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2003-01-28
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