Jeopardy! Masters game #31 - Wednesday, May 15, 2024

2024 Jeopardy! Masters quarterfinal game 11.


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Matt Amodio, a quantitative researcher from New York, New York

James Holzhauer, the self-described "final boss" of Jeopardy! from Las Vegas, Nevada

Yogesh Raut, a cognitive and behavioral scientist from Vancouver, Washington

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Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: All correct responses will contain one of those.)
(Ken: Why not? Not Kendrick or Wintour; she's imaginary.)
    200 24
This islet is roughly equidistant from Havana & Homestead, Florida
    200 22
"They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, & we know not where they have laid him"
    200 26
Lens is a platform that helps climate scientists affordably access imagery from these craft, like the Planetscope ones
    200 27
Accidentally opened her laptop--aww, wallpaper of I'm guessing a nephew with a suitcase & bush hat, dressed as this bear
    200 19
"SCTV" alum John
a song by the Miracles
- "Around"
this 50 Cent title
    200 30
It's an 8-letter indirect reference to something
    400 23
A 2018 agreement with Greece put this new name on the map of the Balkans
    400 21
"Tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth"
    400 25
After launching this text-based app, Mark Zuckerberg took to Twitter & posted the meme of Spider-Men pointing at each other
    400 14
That cap means she's a Trump supporter--oh no, I missed a word; she must take classes in this Israeli self-defense system
    400 18
Drake's real first name
IRL New York "Hotel" in "Home Alone 2"
this actress
    400 29
It's the "C" in the condition OCD
    600 9
Rikers Island is in this tidal strait
    DD: 1,600 10
"It was a true report that I heard in mine own land of thy acts & of thy wisdom"
    600 11
The R1S from this car company is an all-electric SUV with a nearly 400-mile battery range
    600 13
Anna's closet has a denim jacket on a hanger with jeans--this north-of-the-border ensemble, ready to go
    600 17
An anatomical exhibition in Vegas
x 3
this 2022 film with Pete Davidson
    600 28
This crop goes from plants in the Andes to seeds in your bowl
    800 8
This area of the nation of Georgia declared independence in 1992; Russia & not many others cheer it on
    800 2
"Take this child away, & nurse it for me, & I will give thee thy wages... I drew him out of the water"
    800 6
VPN for short, it may use the IPsec protocol suite to tunnel encrypted data across the internet's "series of tubes"
    800 12
What's in the fridge? This parsley & tarragon salad dressing invented in Calif., homemade, not the Seven Seas version
    800 16
"Superfly" singer Mayfield
"MMMBop" band
this "B Mile" director
    800 20
Keep driving past the suburbs & you'll be in this area of often well-to-do residents
    1000 7
This Indian state has a 1,350-mile border with Bangladesh
    1000 1
"Dost thou still retain thine integrity? Curse God, & die"
    1000 4
A text-to-video system by OpenAI is named this, after the Japanese word for sky
    1000 3
What's on the fridge? A photo of her & her girls at this Vermont ski resort, "the Beast of the East"
    1000 15
Title of a Gene Kelly film
- "rain" +
a "Psycho" death location =
this line from a hit 2014 Becky G song
    1000 5
This type of diplomatic mission in a foreign country used to be more common than embassies, but there aren't any more

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Yogesh James Matt
4,200 4,800 1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll name the character who gifted us with each.)
(Ken: Words made up of letters in the word "conceivable".)
(George Stephanopoulos: I'm George Stephanopoulos. In both political communications and journalism, I've seen my share of crises, and I'll have clues about some historical ones.)
    400 26
"Life finds a way"
    400 27
The Basilica di Santa Croce in this city contains the tombs of Galileo, Machiavelli & other great Italians
    400 28
At the start of this Ralph Ellison novel, the nameless narrator listens to Louis Armstrong in an underground room
    400 23
Yes, specifically a velarium, which covered the audience in these such as the one of Pompeii, the oldest known Roman one
    400 29
Usually said with a satisfying flourish, this French word is proclaimed when something appears as if by magic
    400 30
(George Stephanopoulos delivers the clue.) JFK installed the first practical White House taping system a couple of months before this crisis, which is how we know that during a lighter moment someone said, "Let's make Bobby mayor of Havana"
    800 25
"It's been 84 years..."
    DD: 4,600 4
This golden object was stolen by the Persians from India; Pahlavi shahs used reproductions for their coronations
    800 11
In this Nick Hornby novel, Rob puts Chuck Berry's "Back In The USA" & "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye in his top 5
    800 22
No, it's the column-supported roof of this covered entranceway to a home
    DD: 6,800 18
Rejoice, sinners! The Latin for "indulgence" or "grace" gives us this adjective meaning easily pardoned
    800 7
(George Stephanopoulos delivers the clue.) My new book "The Situation Room" recounts some tense moments in that White House room, like during the Bosnian War, when this woman asked Colin Powell, "What's the point of having this superb military if we can't use it?"
    1200 24
"I don't like sand"
    1200 2
Visit Gibraltar & you're sure to see this tailless primate, actually a species of macaque
    1200 9
In "Misery" Paul Sheldon thinks about this Cyndi Lauper song after Annie Wilkes goes wild with an axe
    1200 21
Yes, the ones that give shoppers shade when they come out of Macy's flagship store in this New York City square
    1200 14
In "Foundation " Isaac Asimov pithily wrote that this "is the last refuge of the incompetent"
    1200 5
(George Stephanopoulos delivers the clue.) A shooting war between nuclear powers qualifies as a crisis, like in 1969, when a tiny island on the Soviet-Chinese border saw fierce fighting between the Red Army & this one, the PLA
    1600 17
"So, you're telling me there's a chance"
    1600 1
This "Grand" palace was where Napoleon lived at Versailles (guess the "Petit" one was too petit)
    1600 10
This Londoner has her narrator watch "Top of the Pops" & dance to "Thriller" in her 2016 novel "Swing Time"
    1600 20
Maybe, ask the rabbi: you're at a Jewish wedding & the canopy the bride & groom are under is called this
    1600 15
Are you terse, concise or taciturn like the Spartans? Then this adjective describes you (but maybe not the clue)
    1600 6
(George Stephanopoulos delivers the clue.) In the 1861 Trent Affair, the Union seized two Confederate envoys from a British ship, not pleasing this often-abrasive prime minister known as "Lord Pumice Stone"
    2000 13
"One does not simply walk into Mordor"
    2000 3
Mexico is home to many of these underground pools with a name from the Mayan language
    2000 12
The Sinfonietta by Czech composer Leos Janacek features prominently in this Murakami book partly set in a world with 2 moons
    2000 19
No, we're indoors, & that's this structure over an altar; it can end in just "N" or in "N-O", & one at St. Peter's is pretty elaborate
    2000 16
81.8% as long as "conceivable", in chemistry it's the term for the number of electron pairs an atom has to share with another atom
    2000 8
(George Stephanopoulos delivers the clue.) Three years before World War I, anti-German feeling in France & Britain grew when Germany sent a single gunboat to Morocco in what's known as the crisis of this port down the coast from Casablanca

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Yogesh James Matt
10,200 16,400 12,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In April 2020 Chief Master Sergeant Roger Towberman became the first enlisted member of this

Final scores:

Yogesh James Matt
0 25,015 24,800
3rd place: 10 match points (advance to semifinals) Winner: 9 match points (advance to semifinals) 2nd place: 2 match points (eliminated): 6th place: $50,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Yogesh James Matt
10,200 10,400 10,200
12 R,
0 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: 30,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-04-18
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