Show #9098 - Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Allison Gross game 2.


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Ben Mills, an operations director from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Kelcy LópezFreeman, a hospital pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia

Allison Gross, a data scientist from Cleveland, Ohio (whose 1-day cash winnings total $9,599)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: We will need both names in each correct response.)
    $200 22
The sudden appearance of an arachnid frightens her off her stool
    $200 30
Sunlight reaches this planet in less than 4 minutes & is about 7 times as bright as received on Earth
    $200 23
Each finger has 3 of these; the thumb has 2
    $200 24
Bananas are a healthy source of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins & this indispensable chemical element with the symbol K
    $200 11
In 2023 this former member of OutKast released the album "New Blue Sun" that contained no rap bars, but a lot of his passion: flutes
    $200 29
Before he partnered with Tina, he had what some call rock's first hit with "Rocket 88"
    $400 13
Her quest to find canine sustenance in a storage cabinet ends in vain
    $400 28
Ancient astronomers didn't know the size of this gas giant when naming it for the Roman ruler of the gods
    $400 21
Miss Cleo, by TV profession; call me now!
    $400 20
Banana is a word in the language of these animated yellow sidekicks, whose banana song was in a trailer for "Despicable Me 2"
    $400 10
In a video for ESPN, Lil Wayne states his love for this sport & says he feels amped after doing a "flat ground trick off of a 50-50"
    $400 25
She had a cameo as herself in the 1996 film "The First Wives Club" saying, "Don't get mad, get everything"
    $600 7
She's misplaced her flock, but don't fret, they're bound to come back on their own
    $600 27
In Polish, this planet with 28 known moons is 2 letters shorter than in English & presents no pronunciation dilemmas
    $600 15
Junior lien is another term for a second one of these
    $600 19
Banana is one of the many fine flavors of this cocktail, & it's what Fredo Corleone orders in Cuba
    $600 9
Will Smith trained in this pastime with Grandmaster Maurice Ashley
    $600 18
The Detroit Pistons retired this great point guard's number 11 jersey
    $800 2
His impressive hurdling skills include leaping over a taper
    $800 26
Before it was discovered in 1846, scientists were able to predict its likely existence mathematically
    $800 5
Scattered remnants, the space type, millions of pieces strong, is a danger to satellites
    $800 14
"Travel & Safari Clothing Co." were part of its name when it began in California in 1978
    $800 3
The rapper Twista has an affinity for magic & also can make his puppet Tiny Twista rap as one of these voice-throwing performers
    $800 17
Married to actress Norma Shearer, this producer & boy wonder of Hollywood died at age 37
    $1000 1
This deceitful guy made off with some small pies but learned his lesson in the end
    DD: $1,000 12
Weak gravity there has led to the tallest-known volcanoes in the solar system
    $1000 6
Crypts for Christians in ancient Rome
    $1000 4
Bananas were introduced to the U.S. at the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition in this year
    $1000 8
In 2023 this rapper & Lando Calrissian actor opened a boba tea shop in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles
    $1000 16
This Russian author depicted "A Month in the Country"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Allison Kelcy Ben
$2,600 $2,600 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Allison Kelcy Ben
$4,400 $3,800 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 28
The institution called the First this, founded in 1791, issued the only notes accepted for paying federal taxes
    $400 25
In novels like "Sjalfstaett Folk", Nobel Prize winner Halldor Laxness examined life on this island
    $400 26
Made by Fiona Cairns, Prince William & Kate's had 8 tiers
    $400 30
Former Brat Packer Molly Ringwald played Mary Andrews, mom to Archie on this CW series
    $400 29
Meaning "near", this other 4-letter word that also starts with N follows "the end is" on apocalyptic signs
    $400 27
The forbidding Rub' al-Khali, one of these covering more than a fourth of Saudi Arabia, is also called the "Empty Quarter"
    $800 11
On December 9, 1793 New York City's first daily newspaper, the American Minerva, was established by this lexicographer
    $800 20
Khaled Hosseini looked back on his childhood in this country of his birth for his novel "The Kite Runner"
    $800 22
Bobby bighair in front of you is less of a problem in a movie theater with this tiered seating that sounds like a large arena
    $800 23
This sitcom character was mom to Becky, Darlene & D.J.
    $800 18
Latin for "closest", it comes before Centauri in the name of a star close to us
    $800 24
The fifth arrondissement is known for this "Quarter", so carpe diem!
    DD: $4,000 15
This horse-drawn wagon named for a Pennsylvania river, was first used in the early 1700s & had a curved floor & a white canvas top
    $1200 19
The devil in disguise exposes Soviet hypocrisy in Mikhail Bulgakov's "The Master and" her
    $1200 12
Inspiring the Mohican people, painters & authors, Kaaterskill is a 2-tiered one of these in the Catskill Mountains
    $1200 14
Glynis Johns, mom to Jane & Michael in the original of this film, passed away in 2024 at age 100
    $1200 17
2 people who are close in age or who live at the same time are these 14-letter folks
    $1200 5
Seen here, this Catalonian capital's Gothic Quarter is steeped in history
    $1600 16
In 1787 Arthur St. Clair was appointed the first governor of this vast territory & made his headquarters in Cincinnati
    $1600 2
A famed pilot, this author of "The Little Prince", was killed on a 1944 reconnaissance flight over France
    $1600 1
Japan's Horyuji Temple has a 5-tiered one of these structures rebuilt around 700 A.D.
    $1600 9
Before her Oscar-winning role in "Everything Everywhere All at Once", she played the matriarch in "Crazy Rich Asians"
    DD: $2,000 3
It sounds ordinal, but it means soon to happen, or in another sense, frank & cooperative
    $1600 7
Hats off to the Jewish quarter in this Moroccan city that can be spelled with an S or a Z at the end
    $2000 21
This Puritan minister who wrote "The Christian Philosopher" in 1721 was a leader in the fight for smallpox vaccinations
    $2000 10
In the epic named for him, this Mesopotamian hero turns down a marriage proposal from Ishtar, goddess of love
    $2000 13
The tiered Olympic podium debuted at the 1932 Winter Games here & local speed skater Jack Shea was the first winner atop it
    $2000 8
Only 4 years older than Robin Williams, Glenn Close was cast as his feminist mom Jenny Fields in this 1982 film
    $2000 4
A plant that grows close to the Earth, or someone who sits in the cheap theater seats
    $2000 6
New Orleans' French Quarter is called this in French, meaning "old square"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Allison Kelcy Ben
$12,400 $7,400 $3,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Telling the story of a duke, a jester & the jester's daughter, it was written by poet Francesco Maria Piave

Final scores:

Allison Kelcy Ben
$9,999 $4,800 $3,200
2-day champion: $19,598 2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Allison Kelcy Ben
$16,400 $7,400 $6,200
23 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
4 W
10 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $30,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-04-02
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