>1>Show #9096 - Monday, May 6, 2024>div>
>Weckiai Rannila game 4.


>[&lt;< previous game]

> href="showplayer.php?player_id=17536" rel="external">Carrie Klaus>, a French professor from Greencastle, Indiana

> href="showplayer.php?player_id=17537" rel="external">Matthew Smith>, a paramedic from New York, New York

> href="showplayer.php?player_id=17531" rel="external">Weckiai Rannila>, an engineer from Albuquerque, New Mexico (whose 3-day cash winnings total $35,200)

>[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

ble class="round"> <tr>
>IN THE 19th CENTURY>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr>
>STATE MOTTOES>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr>
>A FLORAL CATEGORY>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr>
>EMBRACE THE DARK SIDE>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr>
>RECORDED AT ABBEY ROAD>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> able> >Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):
>HOMOPHONES>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521492" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">24>td>
>It traces its roots to the founding of the International Committee for the Relief of the Wounded in 1863 <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521494" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">30>td>
>In the 1950s a 12-year-old boy went to Columbus & got this state's lawmakers to adopt "With God All Things Are Possible" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521496" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">29>td>
>Van Gogh painted 5 large canvases of these flowers using 3 chrome yellows & yellow ochre <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521498" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">26>td>
>These 2 adjectives describe the night in the much-parodied opening line of the 1830 novel "Paul Clifford" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521490" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">22>td>
>Music for this 1981 film debut of Indiana Jones was done at Abbey Road; the score is iconic, timeless & too much money for us to play <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521482" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">12>td>
>To stimulate an appetite & to dampen <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$400 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521493" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">23>td>
>In 1873 this shipping magnate donated $1 million to endow a Nashville university; guess who the university is named for <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$400 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521495" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">28>td>
>In 2006, 50 years after the United States made it official, Florida made it the state motto as well <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$400 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521497" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">27>td>
>Types of this flower include tiger, stargazer & Easter <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$400 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521499" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">25>td>
>This term for a period of supposed stagnation beginning around 500 A.D. is based on a 14th century passage by Petrarch <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$400 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521491" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">21>td>
>This singer recorded "Skyfall" at Abbey Road-->well, her & a 77-piece orchestra-->for a planned 0:07 a.m. local premiere time <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$400 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521483" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">11>td>
>Movement from a higher to lower elevation & religious nonconformity <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521473" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">5>td>
>At this 1805 naval battle, Lord Nelson gave his famous signal, "England expects that every man will do his duty" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521475" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">6>td>
>Kentucky's motto, "United We Stand" followed by these 3 words, has a lengthy history dating as far back as Aesop <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521485" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">20>td>
>The first U.S. envoy to Mexico introduced the U.S. to this flowering plant, now a favorite at Christmas <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521488" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">17>td>
>These ancient texts discovered in 1947 contain an account of an impending war between the Sons of Light & the Sons of Darkness <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521480" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">14>td>
>He found Abbey Road "Perfect" as he sang, "I whispered underneath my breath but you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521484" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">10>td>
>A racing boat propelled manually & a cranium <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >DD: $1,000 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521471" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">3>td>
>Spain's second queen of this name ruled from 1833 until 1868, when a revolution forced her into exile <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$800 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521470" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">1>td>
>L'etoile du Nord, or "star of the north", isn't the motto of Alaska but this state that's the northernmost of the lower 48 >WeckiaiMatthew>tr>>able width="100%">r>d class="wrong">Triple Stumper>tr>>td> </tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$800 19>td>
Head to the end of the alphabet for these flowers that come in shapes called beehive, button & cactus <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$800 15>td>
Often called the first dark horse president, this 11th chief executive waged the Mexican War & added vast new territory to the USA <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$800 7>td>
In 1967 Pink Floyd came over from Studio 3 to watch the Beatles work on a tune in Studio 2 about this "lovely" lady <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$800 9>td>
>A device in scientific instruments & a vessel used in church <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 4>td>
The Treaty of Nanjing in 1842 ended the first of these wars instigated by British drug dealers <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 2>td>
Tennessee's motto has the names of these 2 cabinet departments, one about sowing & one about selling <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 18>td>
The name of >this can mean an overly sympathetic person <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 16>td>
In 1933 astronomer Fritz Zwicky posited the existence of this, detected only by its gravitational effects <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 13>td>
In 2018, >this band, whose name is a year that's not 2018, hit Abbey Road to fill out "A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 8>td>
A small rabbit relative of the mountains & a unit of type size
>Weckiai >Matthew >Carrie
>$5,800 >$1,000 >$2,000
>Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
>Weckiai >Matthew >Carrie
>$10,000 >$2,800 >$3,000
>Double Jeopardy! Round ble class="round">
<tr>d class="category_name">COMBAT PILOTS>tr> <tr>
>td>tr> able> <tr>d class="category_name">THE PLOT SICKENS>tr> <tr>
>td>tr> able> <tr>d class="category_name">KNOWN BY THEIR INITIALS>tr> <tr>
>td>tr> able> <tr>d class="category_name">4-LETTER VERBS>tr> <tr> </tr> <tr>
>td>tr> able> <tr>d class="category_name">U.S. COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES>tr> <tr>
>td>tr> able> <tr>d class="category_name">TIME FOR SOME TV "AD"s>tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> able>

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

>td>tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$400 29>td>
Future U.S. senator >Martha McSally was the first woman to command a U.S. combat aviation unit, the 354th Fighter one of these <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$400 13>td>
"The Red Death" created by this 19th century author was a disease that killed people a half-hour from onset <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$400 7>td>
This author followed 1897's "The Invisible Man" with 1898's "The War of the Worlds" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$400 24>td>
Cook something in a microwave or bomb with atomic weapons <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$400 23>td>
In 2024 this university in Durham, North Carolina celebrated its centennial <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$400 30>td>
"Maidenform" & "Guy Walks into an Advertising Agency" were episodes of this Emmy-winning drama <tr> <td>
>&#160;   DD: $4,000 28>td>
In 1944 he became one of the first to shoot down a jet fighter & 3 years later, he reached Mach 1.06 <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$800 12>td>
In "Little Women", the hands of this character "seemed too feeble to hold even the rosy little shells they had been collecting" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$800 6>td>
He gave Jenny Lind the nickname "The Swedish Nightingale" & risked his fortune to bring her to the U.S. for a tour <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$800 18>td>
To roll up a flag; it can also mean to wrap a sail tightly around a pole <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$800 14>td>
In the early 17th c. plans to build this Virginia school were disrupted by the Powhatan uprising; it wasn't founded until 1693 <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$800 22>td>
Rowan Atkinson starred in 4 BBC alternate history comedy series as title characters with this colorfully reptilian name <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 27>td>
20/10 eyesight helped this Red Sox outfielder win batting titles & survive flying nearly 40 combat missions in Korea <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 2>td>
The title of this Rachael Lippincott bestseller was a distance kept by 2 sick teens, cutting the recommended boundary by a foot <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 5>td>
He succeeded P.W. Botha as the president of South Africa <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 9>td>
To catch fly balls in baseball practice <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 8>td>
Called one of the first HBCUs, Storer College was in this town, the site of a failed 1859 revolt <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 16>td>
The evil Dr. Claw is the perennial foe of this bumbling animated detective <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 26>td>
Called the "Ace of Aces" in the jet era, Israeli pilot Giora Epstein had 17 kills, including 12 in this 1973 conflict <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 3>td>
In Philip Roth's "Nemesis", an epidemic of this viral disease hits kids in Newark in 1944 before the vaccine is developed <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 1>td>
This sociologist was the first African-American person to get a Ph.D. from Harvard <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 10>td>
Put a vowel before a word for a secret agent & you get this verb meaning "catch sight of" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   DD: $2,000 19>td>
This university was founded in Philadelphia, after "night owls" studied in founder Russell Conwell's church <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521518" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">15>td>
>From 2014 to 2019 Téa Leoni starred as State Department Chief Elizabeth McCord, addressed by this title title <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521522" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">25>td>
>The Red Baron trained & flew with a unit known as the Flying this that struck fear into allied pilots <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521509" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">11>td>
>This author opens with "The Death of Ivan Ilych", then works backward as we see how Ivan got there <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521506" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">4>td>
>The cantata "Iphigenia in Brooklyn" was composed by Peter Schickele under this name <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521513" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">17>td>
>From the Latin for "praise", it means to praise or glorify as in a hymn <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521525" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">20>td>
>Chartered in 1901, this college in Southern California was named for a Quaker poet <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=521527" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">21>td>
>As the title indicated, Mr. Conover wrecked stuff as the host & title character of this investigative comedy series
>Weckiai >Matthew >Carrie
$19,600 $13,200 >$10,600

>[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

ble class="final_round">
<table> <tr>d class="category_name">HISTORIC GROUPS>tr>
<tr> <td id="clue_FJ" class="clue_text">Like their uniform, the flag of this group created in 1506 has stripes of red, blue & yellow, the colors of the Medici family able>

Final scores:

>Carrie>d rowspan="2" valign="top">What is the Italian army?>tr>r>d>$9,000>tr>>d class="right">Matthew>d rowspan="2" valign="top">What is the swiss guard?>tr>r>d>$13,200>tr>r>>Weckiai>d rowspan="2" valign="top">What is the French Foreign Legion?)>tr>r>d>$6,801>tr>table>m class="correct_response">the Swiss Guard>td> </tr> able> >var>
>Weckiai >Matthew >Carrie
$12,799 $26,400 $1,600
2nd place: $3,000 New champion: $26,400 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph > href="help.php#coryatscore">Coryat scores>:</h3>
>Weckiai >Matthew >Carrie
>$21,400 >$10,000 >$10,600
>28 R
(including 1 DD),
>2 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R
>(including 1 DD),
1 W
12 R,
>0 W
> href="help.php#combinedcoryat">Combined Coryat>: $42,000 > href="showgameresponses.php?game_id=8923&highlight=..." rel="external">[game responses]> <a href="showscores.php?game_id=8923&highlight=..." rel="external">[game scores]> <a href="suggestcorrection.php?game_id=8923" rel="nofollow">[suggest correction]>h4>
>Game tape date: 2024-04-02
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