Show #1722 - Tuesday, February 11, 1992

Frank Epstein game 5.


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Scott Brauneller, a law student from Indianapolis, Indiana

Elaine Geller, a teacher from Margate, New Jersey

Frank Epstein, a police officer from Los Angeles, California (whose 4-day cash winnings total $57,100)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 3
In names of dog food, this odd word precedes "and Chunks" or "'n Bits 'N Bits 'n Bits"
    $100 14
This antonym of "micro" differs by just 1 letter
    $100 7
The idea for this toy came from watching students throwing empty pie tins
    $100 1
In heraldry these 2 metals are known as "or" & "argent"
    $100 20
While there are 10 Commandments, there are this many deadly sins
    $100 26
The highest shade temperature recorded here was 134° F. at Furnace Creek Ranch in 1913
    $200 10
In other words, this dog food could be called "fortunate canine"
    $200 18
It's what the prefix "ante" means, whether it precedes "bellum" or "diluvian"
    $200 8
Initially called Crisscross, this board game was renamed for the "digging" of letters during play
    $200 2
A bar across the middle of a shield, or a Parker who played Davy Crockett
    $200 21
In hockey a player gets a hat trick when he scores this many goals in one game
    $200 27
Indian burial mounds can be seen at Mound City Group Nat'l Monument north of Chillicothe in this state
    $300 12
Boxes of Wagtime Beef Basted Biscuits say they're "for happy" ones, as the name implies
    $300 19
This extremely short prefix meaning "without" often precedes "moral" or "theism"
    $300 9
In 1989 Mattel introduced the Power Glove to be used with this home computer video game system
    $300 4
On a coat of arms the crest may sit atop this piece of armored headgear
    $300 22
An 1869 act of Congress increased Supreme Court membership from 7 to this current number
    $300 28
Scotts Bluff Nat'l Monument in Western Nebraska was a landmark for pioneers on this trail
    $400 13
The "T.C." in Milk-Bone's T.C. biscuits means it controls this, like some toothpastes
    $400 17
This prefix, from the Greek for "false", often comes before "science" or "intellectual"
    DD: $400 11
Donald Duncan adapted this Philippine weapon & toy & introduced it to America in 1928
    $400 5
"Menacing" name for the side of a shield on the bearer's left
    $400 23
Those who've plumbed the depths can tell you it's the number of feet in a fathom
    $400 29
1 of 2 cacti for which a national monument is named in Arizona
    $500 15
It's KEN-L Ration's "original beef burger for dogs"
    $500 16
"Star", "power" & "impose" often follow this 5-letter prefix
    $500 25
In the 1940s Minnesota mailman Herb Schaper created this "lousy" game
    $500 6
This North American capital's coat of arms depicts an eagle with a snake in its mouth on a cactus
    $500 24
Colonel Sanders created his famous chicken using this many "herbs and spices"
    $500 30
This natural arch in southeastern Utah is located within the Navajo Indian reservation

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Frank Elaine Scott
$1,200 $300 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Frank Elaine Scott
$2,900 -$100 $1,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
The main American arms storehouse was in this town less than 10 miles from Lexington
    $200 11
Confirmation was originally part of this rite
    $200 1
If someone asks you, "Sprechen sie Deutsch?", he's asking if you speak this language
    $200 22
In 1979 Denmark granted this large island home rule
    $200 12
She not only walks in her sleep, she reads & writes in her sleep
    $200 17
It begins, "It looked extremely rocky for the Mudville nine that day"
    $400 7
A flintlock musket with this attached was the chief weapon of the war
    $400 27
Kabbala is the mystical tradition of this religion
    $400 2
Since the 1920s Turkish has been written in this alphabet
    $400 23
In 1946 the U.S. removed about 200 inhabitants from this atoll in order to use it for A-bomb tests
    $400 13
"Antony and Cleopatra" opens in Cleopatra's palace in this city
    $400 18
Baby rabbits are known by this "feline" name
    $600 8
In 1780 Benedict Arnold attempted to betray this post which he commanded
    $600 28
The Buddha attained enlightenment in what's now Bodh Gaya in this country
    $600 3
Some consider this language of the Pyrenees the most difficult to learn
    $600 24
At 7,402 feet, Blue Mountain Peak is this Caribbean island's highest point
    $600 14
Rosalind says, "Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for" this emotion
    $600 19
In names of cocktails, this title precedes Elizabeth & Bee
    $800 9
His "The American Crisis" pamphlet helped inspire the American victory at Trenton
    $800 29
Caesar, Victor Hugo & Joan of Arc are saints of Cao Dai, a sect founded by Ngo Van Chieu in this country
    $800 4
Speakers of this Invented language sometimes identify themselves by wearing a green star
    $800 25
In 1973 NYC's Welfare Island was renamed for this president
    $800 15
Laertes says of her, "And from her fair and unpolluted flesh may violets spring!"
    $800 20
In the phrase "Captains Courageous", Courageous is this part of speech
    $1000 10
This Prussian had drill regulations printed in a manual for Washington's army
    DD: $1,300 30
The Catholic translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible named for a place in France
    DD: $2,500 5
Upper Lusatian, Macedonian & Russian are members of this branch of the Indo-European group
    $1000 26
This Michigan island was once a regional headquarters for John Jacob Astor's American Fur Company
    $1000 16
This king awakens from dreaming about ghosts screaming, "Give me another horse!"
    $1000 21
Rosa Bonheur achieved her fame in this profession; "The Horse Fair" is regarded as her masterpiece

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Frank Elaine Scott
$8,200 -$1,500 $10,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

James River Corp., maker of Brawny towels & Dixie cups, is based in this state capital

Final scores:

Frank Elaine Scott
$16,300 -$1,500 $5,199
5-day champion: $73,400 3rd place: Oneida gift certificate + Jeopardy! home game 2nd place: trip on Delta to Honolulu & stay at the Ala Moana Hotel + Jeopardy! home game

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Frank Elaine Scott
$9,900 -$1,500 $9,300
23 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
5 R,
7 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $17,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1991-11-19
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