A person who boasts about nothing is full of this |
hot air
His hand, the left one, is inside another character, the crocodile |
Captain Hook
In Georgia, a 7' tall "big smiling peanut" is part of a Nat'l Historic Site honoring this president |
(Larry: I almost said Jimmy--Jimmy Connors.)
Jimmy Carter
This Navy marching song became popular after the annual Army-Navy football game in 1907 |
"Anchors Aweigh"
A variety show, from the French meaning "song of vau de vire", a region in France |
(Alex: Larry, you get to pick first. I should point out that even though there is a Navy man as a contestant and NAVY as a category, it often happens that the player who would seem to be favored never gets a chance to ring in because of slow reflexes.) [Doug laughs.] (Alex: So Doug will have to guard against that. Larry, you pick the subject.) (Larry: Just in case, WORD ORIGINS for $100, please.)
Moses broke the first set of these after seeing the golden calf |
the (tablets on which the Ten) Commandments (were written)
In aviation lingo, when a plane hits a sudden downward stream of air it hits an "air" one of these |
an air pocket
The Heffalumps & Woozles who tried to steal his honey were imaginary; he dreamt them |
Winnie the Pooh
This boulevard between the White House & the Capitol was designated a Nat'l Historic Site in 1965 |
Pennsylvania Avenue
Trident & Poseidon missiles are launched from this type of ship |
a submarine
A farrier, one who shoes horses, comes from ferrum, Latin for this metal horseshoes are made of |
Even with a broken one of these, John Wilkes Booth escaped from Ford's Theatre |
a leg
In the 17th century this compound became the first part of the air to be identified |
(Larry: What is oxygen?) (Alex: No. Oxygen is an element, or a gas.)
carbon dioxide
In this 1977 film Bernard & Bianca save the orphan Penny from the evil clutches of Madame Medusa |
The Rescuers
Every May 10, Golden Spike Nat'l Historic Site reenacts the completion of this |
the Transcontinental Railroad
Command & strategy courses are taught at the Naval War College in this Rhode Island summer resort |
This central part of an atom is Latin for kernel |
a nucleus
In 1971 the Bee Gees asked, "How can you mend a broken" one |
a heart
In 1868 he used air power to operate a mechanical brake |
George Westinghouse
J. Worthington Foulfellow, a.k.a. Honest John, is this type of sly animal who charms Pinocchio |
a fox
A 17-room Victorian house belonging to this Sierra Club founder is part of a historic site in California |
(Alex: And we have less than a minute to go.)
(John) Muir
In 1866 this commander who fought at Mobile Bay became the 1st Navy officer promoted to the rank of admiral |
Admiral Farragut
The name of this symptom of certain diseases comes from Latin for greenish-yellow, "galbinus" |
(Doug: What is hepatitis?)
It was broken October 14, 1947 by Charles Yeager |
the speed of sound
These are 4 main classifications of air masses: polar, arctic, tropical & this |
(Doug: What is subtropical?) (Larry: What is temperate?)
Even the name of this wicked fairy in "Sleeping Beauty" sounds evil |
The Springfield Armory where Daniel Shays led a rebellion is a national historic site in this state |
During the 1950s the Navy named a class of aircraft carriers for this 1st Defense Sec'y |
(Alex: Would've been great if Mary had gotten this one.) [Mary laughs.]
James Forrestal
From Nawwab, a rank of government officials under India's Mogul rulers, it's a man of prominence & wealth |
a nabob
It was broken into in 1922 by Lord Carnarvon & Howard Carter |
the tomb of King Tut