It's over 4,000 miles long & has an average height of 25 feet |
(Bernie: What is the Great Barrier Reef?)
the Great Wall of China
The American or "ballpark" type of this condiment is made with yellow seeds; dijon, with brown |
Someone who puts on airs "thinks she's the Queen of" this, as Solomon could have told you |
In 1790 she fled Martinique because of an uprising; 6 years later she married Napoleon |
The knitting type of this item doesn't have an eye; the sewing type does |
a needle
William Beedle & Gloria Svensson in "Sunset Boulevard" |
William Holden & Gloria Swanson
Industrial plants on its shores remove about 300,000 tons of NaCl a year |
[Alex reads "NaCl" as "sodium chloride".]
the Great Salt Lake
The Santa Claus melon was so named because it's in the markets in this month |
A wealthy baby is said to be born this way because apostle spoons were once popular christening gifts |
with a silver spoon in his mouth
Her spouse Louis XVI lost his head almost 10 months before she did |
Marie Antoinette
Taken by Apollo 7, a 1968 photo of one of these over the Caribbean shows Gladys' eye |
a hurricane
Julia Wells & James Baumgarner in "Victor/Victoria" |
Julie Andrews & James Garner
Fodor's says the No. 1 law for people viewing this Aussie landmark is "don't remove the coral" |
(Bernie: This time it's the Great Coral Reef. [Chuckles]) (Alex: And...) (Bernie: What is the Great Coral Reef?) (Alex: All right. You have to be careful about that.) [Bernie is credited $300; judges shout "No! No!"] (Alex: Oh, I'm sorry. No, you said it wrong.) ... (Alex: [*]. Yes, not the Great Coral Reef. I'm sometimes mesmerized by your--[waves hand]--your beginning to extemporize and, uh, comment, and then we lose track of it.)
the Great Barrier Reef
Nopales, popular in Mexican cuisine, are the pads of the prickly pear type of this plant |
a cactus
It's "another man's poison" |
one man's meat
Her husband Akhenaton was quite odd-looking, but she was an exquisite beauty |
"In" this creature's "eye" means never |
a pig
Anna Maria Italiano & Anna Marie Duke in "The Miracle Worker" |
Anne Bancroft & Patty Duke
This plateau extends from the Saskatchewan River to the Rio Grande |
the Great Plains
Meat from a sheep over 1 year old isn't lamb, it's this |
From some birds' habit of lining their homes with down, it means to amass wealth for one's future comfort |
to feather one's nest
After this Roman emperor died in 14 A.D., his widow Livia took the name Julia Augusta |
Augustus Caesar
In 1962 Dean Rusk said, "We're eyeball to eyeball, and the other fellow just" did this |
Joe Yule, Jr. & Frances Gumm in "Babes on Broadway" |
Mickey Rooney & Judy Garland
Montana's first hydroelectric plant was built in this city |
Great Falls
Florida grows about 70% of the world's supply of this citrus fruit, a relative of the pomelo |
A rousing WWI song gave us the phrase "pack up your troubles in your old" one of these |
a kit-bag
After John Hays fainted in battle in 1778, this wife of his became famous |
Molly Pitcher
Total number of eyes on a current U.S. one-dollar bill |
(Bernie: What is three?) ... (Alex: There are two on George Washington, one on the pyramid, and one on the eagle. Bernie forgot the eagle. Sorry about that.)
Marion Michael Morrison & Maureen Fitzsimons in "The Quiet Man" |
John Wayne & Maureeen O'Hara