Show #9035 - Friday, February 9, 2024

2024 Champions Wildcard Group 2 quarterfinal game 5.


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Patrick Curran, a consultant from Washington, D.C.

Jesse Matheny, a customer success specialist originally from Huntington, Indiana

Emma Hill Kepron, a librarian from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You need to locate the main campus of each school.)
    $200 28
He came into the world in Leningrad in 1952
    $200 27
This secretion is slang for a person's unwanted concern, as in "none of your..."
    $200 29
On the first episode of this show, a family moves to a new city where brother & sister meet new friends at the posh high school
    $200 30
During the Vietnam War, this toy of 80 feet of wire was sometimes used as a portable antenna for radios
    $200 26
Many have wondered why Mudville's opponent didn't walk this mighty slugger "at the bat" when first base was open
    $200 25
University of Florida: thisville
    $400 22
His dad was the prime minister when he was born in Ottawa in 1971
    $400 24
Adjective meaning curved or bowed outward
    $400 18
Based on a book by Jay Asher, this controversial Netflix series dealt with a teen suicide & its aftermath
    DD: $4,000 23
This toy with a sister named Yam was the first toy advertised on TV, back in 1952
    $400 6
In an Edward Lear poem, the Owl marries this other title animal & they dance "by the light of the moon"
    $400 21
University of Tennessee: thisville
    $600 10
Southampton-born financier who became P.M. of the U.K. in 2022
    $600 1
This 4-letter gemstone is often used to make cameos, like the one seen here
    $600 17
There was a new family in the neighborhood on this sitcom, not from another city, but from another planet
    $600 19
In 2016 this game introduced a new suspect: Dr. Orchid, the daughter of the mansion's owner
    $600 4
In a famous line from Maya Angelou, "You may kill me with your hatefullness, but still, like air, I'll" do this
    $600 13
University of Arkansas: thisville
    $800 9
Born in Amiens, he won a second term in 2022
    $800 7
The little hat worn by French words like hôtel & hôpital is called this
    $800 16
Working for the CTU, this character played by Kiefer Sutherland raced against time, often with just "24" hours to save the day
    $800 12
In 1963 the original model of this came packaged with pans & mixes for cake & cookies
    $800 5
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" is a line from his 1711 "Essay on Criticism"
    $800 2
University of Mississippi: this city
    $1000 11
This prime minister was born in Vadnagar, India & has a MA in political science
    $1000 8
It's the collective name for a flower's sepals
    $1000 15
Would you believe these were the 2 code numbers used by the 2 main CONTROL agents fighting KAOS on "Get Smart!"
    $1000 14
Alfred Butts invented this board game in 1931; he called it Criss-Cross Words
    $1000 20
Wallace Stevens wrote, "Among twenty snowy mountains, the only moving thing was the eye of" this creature
    $1000 3
University of Missouri: this city

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Emma Jesse Patrick
$800 $2,400 $5,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Emma Jesse Patrick
$1,600 $4,600 $11,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

____ OF ____
(Ken: We will need two responses for each clue.)
    $400 30
In 2015 gravitational waves were first directly observed after this man predicted them a century earlier
    $400 29
So the story goes, Ponce de León was searching for this legendary spring when he landed in Florida in 1513
    $400 26
First elected to the House of Representatives in 1987, she became its first female speaker in 2007
    $400 25
The New Testament is full of these stories told to convey a lesson, like the one of the lamp
    $400 28
Adele & Lionel Richie were greeted with No. 1 hits that had this title
    $400 27
Italian city with some history, about 15 miles inland from the Tyrrhenian Sea & wherefore art thou, village? Near Pontiac, Michigan
    $800 24
Honored in 2007, Frances E. Allen was the first woman to win the Turing Award for work in this science
    $800 23
While native to South Africa, this flower is a common sight in Southern California
    $800 21
Clara Barton served as a nurse at this Sept. 17, 1862 Maryland battle where nurses were badly needed
    $800 12
Want the perk of being respected for your vocabulary? Then show us you know that "perk" is short for this small privilege
    $800 20
This 1956 Elvis Presley title "found a new place to dwell" with Whitney Houston; different lyrics, of course
    $800 22
Present country stretching across Europe & Asia at 6.6 mil. sq. miles & ex-German land stretching from that country to Belgium
    $1200 14
Before its mission ended in 2017, the spacecraft named for this astronomer gave us a view of Saturn's moon Enceladus
    $1200 13
This narrative writing style allows a character's thoughts & feelings to flow freely
    $1200 8
A century before she was on a dollar coin, she was convicted & fined for casting a vote in the 1872 pres. election
    $1200 1
Natation is the act of doing this, & a natatorium is a place to do it
    $1200 10
In very different musical styles, The Beatles & The Chainsmokers implored, "Don't" do this
    $1200 4
Ohio city where Wright-Patterson Air Force Base takes off not far away & Florida beach where NASCAR takes off differently
    $1600 15
Casgevy for sickle cell disease is the first FDA-approved therapy using the genome editing therapy known by this acronym
    DD: $4,000 7
A member of the House of Lords, Arthur Charles Valerian Wellesley holds the title 9th this
    $1600 5
The first women's club in New York was La Liga de las Hijas de this island where a rebellion against Spain was sending refugees norte-ward
    $1600 11
Cicatrix is a fancy word for one of these souvenirs of something you may not want to remember
    $1600 9
In very different musical styles, The Animals, ELO & Sia implored, "Don't" do this
    $1600 2
Virginia county home to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier & South Carolina home to a museum commemorating NASCAR history
    $2000 19
A new hominin species of this, with a name meaning "southern ape", was discovered in 2008
    $2000 17
Yom Kippur is also known by this name because it's set aside to repent & ask for forgiveness
    $2000 6
Still going in Macon, a college with this Methodist-conscious name was the USA's first chartered to grant degrees to women
    DD: $6,000 16
An armored glove, or a double file of armed men you'd rather not have to "run"
    $2000 18
In 1980 this country star had a crossover No. 1 hit with "Lady", a feat not achieved by Styx with the same-titled song
    $2000 3
The Midwest's 29th state & a Colorado county, both named after Native American peoples

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Emma Jesse Patrick
$6,800 $17,800 $22,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

It's this character who's spoken of in the line "Reader, I forgave him at the moment & on the spot"

Final scores:

Emma Jesse Patrick
$13,593 $13,700 $8,799
2nd place: $5,000 Winner: semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Emma Jesse Patrick
$6,800 $15,400 $14,600
9 R,
2 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $36,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-01-18
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