Show #2037 - Tuesday, June 15, 1993

Al Lin game 4.


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Deborah Yaffe, a reporter originally from Colorado Springs, Colorado

Don Meade, a computer programmer from New York City, New York

Al Lin, a law student originally from Chesapeake, Virginia (whose 3-day cash winnings total $34,502)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
The clarinet uses one of these made of cane; the harmonica uses a series of metal ones
    $100 26
In the title of a comic strip, these 2 letters follow "Rex Morgan..."
    $100 22
If you're idyllically happy, you're on this cloud
    $100 16
If a Spaniard asks you, "Que hora es?" he wants to know this
    $100 6
When he attended Eton in the 1790s, this fashion plate was known as "Buck" Brummell
    $100 11
Herodotus estimated it took 100,000 men 20 years to complete this structure of Giza
    $200 2
This letter once means loud, twice, very loud & 3 times, extremely loud
    $200 27
An orphaned circus performer named Dick Grayson was this millionaire's ward
    $200 24
This legendary perfect society ran into a big problem when it sank beneath the sea
    $200 20
This word popular with magicians is Italian for "quick" or "nimble"
    $200 7
Benito Juarez, who had once studied for the priesthood, was elected president of this country in 1861
    $200 15
The 1929 stock market crash is blamed for starting this economic slump that lasted over a decade
    $300 3
A modern one is made of pernambuco wood & has the hair attached to a tension knob called a frog
    $300 28
Li'l Abner & his family lived in this rural community
    $300 25
The name of this imaginary island created by Sir Thomas More is synonymous with a perfect place
    $300 19
Square dancers use this anglicized form of the French for "back to back"
    $300 8
Charles VI's brother was the duke of this place before Joan of Arc was "The Maid of" it
    $300 14
Tiny Tim's 1968 version of this song wasn't quite as big as Jerry Lee Lewis'
    $400 4
It's the improvisational passage that immediately precedes a cadence
    $400 29
Herb & Tootsie Woodley have been neighbors of this couple for several decades
    $400 23
Region of China in which you'd find Shangri-La... if it's where it's supposed to be
    $400 18
It's Yiddish for a light snack
    $400 9
Before he was president, he was elected governor of Virginia in 1779, succeeding Patrick Henry
    $400 13
They form the boundary between North Carolina & Tennessee
    $500 5
It's the forcing of more air into an oboe to produce a tone an octave higher than normal
    $500 30
This freckle-faced little girl calls Charlie Brown "Chuck"
    $500 21
There were not one, not two, but this many cities of Cibola
    $500 17
The ancient battle cry "Erin go bragh" translates to this
    DD: $500 10
Albert Gallatin, the U.S.' fourth secretary of this department, was born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1761
    $500 12
it became the name for LBJ's domestic programs and Americans were told they could move upward to it

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Al Don Deborah
$1,200 $1,700 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Al Don Deborah
$2,300 $3,500 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
It's the popular name for a German submarine
    $200 25
Dandruff is made up of dead cells of this
    $200 6
A memorial statue of him in Claremore, Oklahoma is inscribed, "I never met a man I didn't like"
    $200 27
Pompion is an old name for this yellow-orange pie ingredient that's grown on vines
    $200 16
On January 1, 1993 Bratislava became the capital of this new European republic
    $200 1
Ernest Hemingway's "A Moveable Feast" is a memoir of his years in this European capital
    $400 29
This British Field Marshal accepted the surrender of all German forces in northern Europe
    $400 24
The pons is part of this organ's stem
    $400 7
On March 16, 1992 an int'l group claimed it had found metal from the fuselage of this aviatrix' plane
    $400 26
Stollen is a sweet, fruit-filled loaf served in Germany during this holiday season
    $400 17
In June 1992 this country & Russia settled a dispute over control of the Black Sea fleet
    $400 2
This author of the Mike Hammer novels began his career as a comic book writer
    $600 28
Col. Paul Tibbets named this plane after his mother
    DD: $1,700 13
The ducts between the gall bladder & the liver are called these
    $600 8
This actor's role as the voice of Darth Vader in the "Star Wars" films was uncredited
    $600 23
Before it's broiled, grilled or baked, a wahoo, one of these, often weighs over 40 pounds
    $600 18
Zagreb is the capital & largest city of this former Yugoslav republic
    $600 3
"Polar Star", published in 1989, was Martin Cruz Smith's long-awaited sequel to this novel
    $800 15
His cartoons & sketches of the war won him a Pulitzer Prize in 1945
    $800 12
This part of the large intestine is especially subject to diverticulitis
    $800 9
This "New Look" designer began as a fashion illustrator for "Le Figaro Illustre"
    $800 22
In England the name of this watery porridge is a synonym for punishment
    $800 19
On March 11, 1990 it became the first Baltic country to declare its independence
    $800 4
This author of "Alice Adams" was named for his uncle Newton Booth, a California governor
    $1000 14
She was Germany's equivalent of Tokyo Rose
    $1000 11
1 of the 2 pairs of bones that make up the pectoral girdle
    $1000 10
A U.S. senator from Kentucky before becoming vice president, he returned to the Senate in 1955
    DD: $2,000 21
What American Indians once called "sweet water" came from these trees
    $1000 20
1 of 2 former U.S. trust territories to join the U.N. on September 17, 1991
    $1000 5
She wrote the recent bestseller "Possessing the Secret of Joy"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Al Don Deborah
$9,400 $4,900 $7,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Using letters from their names, Harold Matson & Elliot Handler named their toy company this

Final scores:

Al Don Deborah
$14,000 $6,900 $14,000
4-day co-champion: $48,502 2nd place: trip on Delta to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico & stay at the Camino Real + Jeopardy! home game New co-champion: $14,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Al Don Deborah
$7,300 $4,900 $7,500
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
16 R,
1 W
16 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $19,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1993-02-02
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