>1>Show #9021 - Monday, January 22, 2024>div>
>2024 Champions Wildcard Group 1 quarterfinal game 5.


>[&lt;< previous game]

> href="showplayer.php?player_id=17287" rel="external">Ron Cheung>, an economics professor from Lakewood, Ohio

> href="showplayer.php?player_id=17288" rel="external">Daniel Moore>, a contract compliance analyst from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

> href="showplayer.php?player_id=17289" rel="external">Holly Hassel>, an English professor from Calumet, Michigan

>[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

ble class="round"> <tr>
>WHAT A "DAY">tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr>
>LETTERS OF THE LAW>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr>
>WORD ORIGINS>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr>
>THE JOB IS THE MOVIE TITLE>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr>
>IT'S GETTING COLD IN HERRE>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> able> >Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):
>SO PUT ON ALL YOUR CLOTHES>tr> <tr>>td>tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=512994" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">23>td>
>In 1976, this was June 8, when California, New Jersey & Ohio primary voters went to the polls <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=512999" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">30>td>
A serious crime, like murder or kidnapping
<tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 29>td>
The solar system has 8 of these, from Greek for "wanderer" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 16>td>
This title job made Ron Burgundy "very important. I have many leather-bound books & my apartment smells of rich mahogany" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 28>td>
In Norwegian, this local town's name means "luck", but for us, it sounds like it can literally freeze over <tr> <td>
>&#160;   >$200 25>td>
Play it close to this piece of apparel, be it potholder or newmarket <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 22>td>
Reporting on this event, the Chicago Tribune said the victims "paid the penalty for being followers of George Moran" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 20>td>
T: This defense, first used in the case of Dan White, relating to his sugar consumption & mental state <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 17>td>
The word for this liquid derived from crushing fruit like apples comes from Hebrew for "strong drink" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 26>td>
Shockingly, belting out "Love Stinks" at the reception doesn't go over so well for Adam Sandler in this film <tr> <td>
>&#160;   DD: $3,000 27>td>
On Feb. 3, 1996 the Star Tribune & the Pioneer Press headlined a big stat for these 2 adjoining cities: -60 degrees <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 24>td>
The 1920s were a time of popularity for this feather scarf with a serpentine name <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $600 21>td>
A CBS news special that aired on April 22, 1970 was titled this: "A Question of Survival" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $600 8>td>
>The unlawful taking of personal property with the intent of keeping it
<tr> <td>
>&#160;   $600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=512981" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">11>td>
>This breakfast fare derives its name from the Roman goddess of agriculture <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=512972" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">1>td>
>&amp; Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii... will always love this 1992 film with Kevin Costner looking out for Whitney Houston <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=512992" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">18>td>
>In 1991 this island that's 3 times the size of Texas hit -93 at a weather station <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=512984" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">13>td>
> href="https://www.j-archive.com/media/2024-01-22_J_13.jpg" target="_blank">This> luxurious velvet jacket is named for an activity you probably shouldn't do whether you wear one or not <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=512973" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">5>td>
>The U.S. Army first used this term in 1918 to designate September 12 for the launch of a big attack in France <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=512976" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">7>td>
The self-removal of a judge or prosecutor from a case due to a conflict of interest
<tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 9>td>
This "status" an athlete might want to keep is from Latin for "lover" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 2>td>
Mickey Rourke threw his hat in the Oscar ring after his performance as Randy "The Ram" Robinson in this 2008 drama >Daniel>d class="wrong">Ron>tr>>td> </tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 19>td>
In 2014 the average summer temperature>--again, summer temperature>--in Cold Bay in this state was 54.1 degrees <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 12>td>
Sea if you can name this open-mesh weave, used for undershirts by the Norwegian army; it's better for stockings <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 4>td>
14 people were killed after British troops fired on Derry protesters on Jan. 30, 1972, known as this <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 6>td>
>A supplementary document that modifies or amends a will
<tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=512982" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">10>td>
>An Old English word for "sea" gave us this word for the creatures whose singing J. Alfred Prufrock has heard <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=512980" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">3>td>
>It was Ben Affleck's turn to be a math whiz when the books were cooking in this 2016 action film, & Ben did more than the title implies <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=512983" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">15>td>
>In 2022 this world capital hit -9, its lowest temperature since 1918; well, it is an Iceland <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1000 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=512986" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">14>td>
> href="https://www.j-archive.com/media/2024-01-22_J_14.jpg" target="_blank">This> Scottish article of headwear bears the name of a castle >Daniel>d class="wrong">Ron>tr>>able width="100%">r>d class="wrong">Triple Stumper>tr>>td> </tr> able>
>Holly >Daniel >Ron
>$2,600 >$4,200 >$200
>Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
>Holly >Daniel >Ron
>$3,200 >$9,600 >$1,200
>Double Jeopardy! Round ble class="round">
<tr>d class="category_name">SHORT STORIES>tr> <tr>
>td>tr> able> <tr>d class="category_name">TEMPERA-MENTAL ARTISTS>tr> <tr>
>td>tr> able> <tr>d class="category_name">THIS CATEGORY IS "MID">tr> <tr>d class="category_comments">(Ken: Each response will begin with those three letters.)>tr> able>
<tr>d class="category_name">WHOSE WHAT>tr> <tr> </tr> <tr>
>td>tr> able> <tr>d class="category_name">AVIATION PIONEERS>tr> <tr>
>td>tr> able> <tr>d class="category_name">JUKEBOX MUSICALS>tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> </tr> able>

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

>td>tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 27>td>
Agatha Christie's "The Tuesday Club Murders" features 13 tales of this sleuth & her friends sharing crime stories <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 25>td>
Painted in tempera, Botticelli's "Birth of Venus" is the first known Tuscan painting on this, now synonymous with painting material <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 22>td>
Australian women's health advocate Caroline Homer is an expert in this skill of aiding in pregnancy, childbirth & after <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 29>td>
In mythology all of the world's troubles escaped from this object, but hope remained <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 30>td>
>John Moisant made the first flight across this body of water carrying a passenger & his >cat, soon renamed Paris-London >Holly>d class="right">Daniel>tr>>td> </tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $400 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=513031" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">28>td>
>"We Will Rock You": them <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=513024" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">23>td>
>In Ray Bradbury's tale "A Sound of Thunder", the crushing of this insect "effected" the future >Holly>d class="wrong">Ron>tr>>td> </tr> able> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=513009" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">9>td>
>Before tempera art, John Schoenherr did book covers; Frank Herbert called him the only man to visit this title place <tr> <td>
>&#160;   DD: $3,000 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=513011" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">11>td>
>"The demon of noon" is the translation of the French term for this, which may lead to buying a red sports car <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=513013" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">12>td>
>Its appearance> in 1066 was depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry>td> <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=513018" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">20>td>
>In 1913 Lincoln Beachey became the first American to perform this repetitive-sounding maneuver, flying in a vertical circle <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $800 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=513014" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">14>td>
>"Once Upon a One More Time":
<tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 2>td>
His "The Pastures of Heaven" contained stories about the people of a fictional valley based on the Salinas Valley <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 8>td>
This title of Edward Wadsworth's 1937 surrealistic >work is a word for mystery & riddle used about Russia by Churchill around the same time <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 1>td>
It's the name of a type of fly as well as Barbie's pregnant bestie <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 5>td>
The creation of the USC Shoah Foundation & the Righteous Persons Foundation was a direct result of this Steven Spielberg film <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 19>td>
On the first coast-to-coast flight, in 1911 Cal Rodgers took off from Sheepshead Bay, N.Y. & landed in this Ca. "City of Roses" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1200 13>td>
"On Your Feet!":
<tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=513004" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">3>td>
>"A Perfect Day for Bananafish" & "The Laughing Man" are some of his stories featuring the Glass family, not the Caulfields <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=513026" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">24>td>
>In the Masaccio work in tempera seen here>, the Christ child is eating grapes, as a reminder of the wine in this sacrament <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=513006" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">6>td>
>In Norse myth, the gods killed a giant named Aurgelmir & used his body to create this place, the realm of humans <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=513012" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">10>td>
>In Audrey Niffenegger's bestseller, Clare Abshire, Henry DeTamble's beloved, is this title character <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=513020" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">18>td>
>Elrey Jeppesen made the first navigation charts for U.S. pilots, who until then had used this Illinois co.'s road maps <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $1600 > href="suggestcorrection.php?clue_id=513022" title="Suggest a correction for this clue" rel="nofollow">16>td>
>"Girl from the North Country":
this boy from Duluth
<tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 4>td>
Kristen Roupenian's 2017 tale about a date gone wrong, it became a 2023 movie with new events dreamed up by the screenwriter <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 26>td>
Learning to make it from his artist brother-in-law, he used tempera for the detailed brushwork of his iconic "Christina's World" <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 7>td>
This collection of rabbinic interpretation often adds colorful legends to the stories <tr> <td>
>&#160;   DD: $5,000 21>td>
Their name comes from Isaiah 43, & their belief that blood transfusions would displease God is based on other biblical passages <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 17>td>
In 1927 he launched his Wichita Aviation Company & produced the first of his small monoplanes, the Phantom <tr> <td>
>&#160;   $2000 15>td>
"A Beautiful Noise":
>this icon
>Holly >Daniel >Ron
$8,800 $13,200 $14,000

>[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

ble class="final_round">
<table> <tr>d class="category_name">PRESIDENTS & VICE PRESIDENTS>tr>
<tr> <td id="clue_FJ" class="clue_text">The first vice president & the first president not born in one of the original 13 states were both born in this state able>

Final scores:

>Holly>d rowspan="2" valign="top">What is Tennessee?>tr>r>d>$8,700>tr>r>>Daniel>d rowspan="2" valign="top">What is Tennesee>tr>r>d>$13,200>tr>r>>Ron>d rowspan="2" valign="top">What is New Hampshire?>tr>r>d>$12,401>tr>table>m class="correct_response">Kentucky>td> </tr> able> >var>
>Holly >Daniel >Ron
$100 $0 $1,599
2nd place: $5,000 3rd place: $5,000 Winner: semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph > href="help.php#coryatscore">Coryat scores>:</h3>
>Holly >Daniel >Ron
>$8,800 $10,600 >$8,800
>15 R,
3 W
19 R
>(including 1 DD),
3 W
16 R
>(including 2 DDs),
4 W

>Combined Coryat: $28,200

>[game responses] >[game scores] >[suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-01-04
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