Show #1915 - Friday, December 25, 1992

Jack Mahoney game 1.


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Jack Mahoney, an actor originally from Newport, Rhode Island

Tom Regan, a businessman from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Joe Santora, Jr., a teacher from Newton, New Jersey (whose 2-day cash winnings total $16,398)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
Designed by John C. Horsley in 1843, the first Christmas card wished the receiver Merry Christmas & this
    $100 1
The "weeping" species of this tree probably originated in China
    $100 18
This theatrical producer's original name was Joseph Papirofsky
    $100 30
It contains the line "Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick"
    $100 22
At the age of 4 he was enrolled in the same ballet school as his sister Adele
    $100 28
To do something impulsively is to do it "on" this part "of the moment", & we're not horsing around
    $200 7
To visit the city of Christ's birth today, you have to go to this country
    $200 2
The tallest tree ever measured was a 435-foot eucalyptus on this continent
    $200 23
This actor changed his last name to Cage because he's an admirer of composer John Cage
    $200 29
It begins, "On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country"
    $200 24
This country has won more Olympic gold medals in ice dancing than any other
    $200 12
This pronoun is often used with an adverbial modifier in the complimentary close of a letter—truly
    $300 8
The French equivalent of Santa Claus, his name means "father Christmas"
    $300 3
Often found on sloping island beaches, they have the largest seeds of any tree
    $300 17
This comedian's real name is Andrew Clay Silverstein
    $300 11
2 of 4 items 4-H Club members pledge for the betterment of their club, community, country & world
    $300 25
The Mexican Hat Dance used to be a courtship dance; if the girl did this at the end it meant "yes"
    $300 21
Confederate spy Boyd's first name, or any lovely, charming Southern woman
    $400 9
The name of this punch that includes ale, apples & spices comes from the Norse
    $400 4
The ships of Britain's Royal Navy were once built from the timber of these mighty "English" trees
    $400 13
She's the Swedish-born star who dropped her maiden name, Olsson, but kept the hyphen
    $400 14
It follows "I do solemnly swear that the testimony I am about to give will be the truth,..."
    $400 26
This dancer's choreography for "Hello, Dolly!" earned him a Tony; his wife Marge wasn't a bad hoofer either
    $400 19
This "lunar" stone used as a gem is a type of feldspar
    $500 10
The Church of the Eastern Roman Empire chose this date for Christmas & the Armenian Church still observes it
    $500 5
Although a conifer, this "bald" swamp tree sheds its leaves in the fall
    $500 16
"Moonlighting" co-star Allyce Tannenberg borrowed this last name from a football player
    $500 15
In the Pledge of Allegiance, this form of government is mentioned
    DD: $600 27
From 1963-1970 this company's director was Frederick Ashton
    $500 20
It's the only fox that shares its name with an ocean

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Joe Tom Jack
$500 -$500 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Joe Tom Jack
$300 $500 $1,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
In 1987 the Cairo Metro opened, the first of these transportation systems in Africa
    $200 1
In 1801, after 36 ballots, the House of Representatives chose Jefferson President & this man vice president
    $200 20
Christian Dior makes a dinnerware pattern named for this Moroccan city, sweetheart
    $200 11
After his death, the children of this man & Cleopatra were raised by his former wife Octavia
    $200 23
Scuppernong grapes were named for the Scuppernong river in this Tar Heel State
    $200 26
He disliked most operas, so it's just as well he never saw Iain Hamilton's opera of his "Anna Karenina"
    $400 12
The Egyptian Museum features treasures recovered in the 1920s from his tomb, including his gold mask
    $400 18
In 1969 he said that TV's power over public opinion was in the hands of "a small and unelected elite"
    $400 7
After this former gladiator died in battle, 6,000 of his rebels were crucified along the Appian Way
    $400 24
This 2-word rhyming phrase, a synonym for gibberish, may come from the Mandingo phrase Mama Dyumbo
    $400 25
Carlisle Floyd composed a 1958 opera based on this Emily Bronte novel set on the Moors
    $600 4
This suburb of Cairo is the home of Cairo University, the Botanical Gardens of Orman & the Sphinx
    $600 19
In November 1975 this vice president announced that he wouldn't be Gerald Ford's running mate
    $600 8
Despite initial victories by Hannibal, Carthage lost the second of these wars in 201 B.C.
    $600 6
This adjective meaning oppressively hot or just plain sexy is an alteration of "swelter"
    $600 13
This Sir Walter Scott novel about a knight was the source of Sir Arthur Sullivan's only grand opera
    $800 5
Cairo was built about 15 miles north of this first ancient Egyptian capital
    $800 2
In the 1940s he helped unite the Democratic & Farmer-Labor parties in Minnesota
    $800 9
By about 100 B.C., this capital city which flourished under such rulers as Hammurabi no longer existed
    $800 21
Lyme disease was named for the town where it was first reported in this New England state
    $800 14
Petr Tranchell turned his 1886 novel "The Mayor of Casterbridge" into a 1951 opera
    $1000 17
An impressive Cairo landmark is the Citadel, a fortress built in the 1170s by this Muslim warrior
    DD: $1,000 3
Known as "The Great Nullifier", he was VP under John Quincy Adams & Andrew Jackson
    $1000 10
For reasons unknown, this "Metamorphoses" author was banished by Augustus in 8 A.D.
    $1000 22
This synonym for bell tower comes from the Italian word for "bell"
    DD: $1,000 15
Of the many operas based on this Frenchman's novels, he wrote the libretto for only 1, "Esmeralda"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Joe Tom Jack
-$2,500 $5,700 $3,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

At age 25 in 1908, this future European leader wrote his only novel, "The Cardinal's Mistress"

Final scores:

Joe Tom Jack
-$2,500 $3,500 $3,700
3rd place: Konica iBorg 35mm camera + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! games for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis 2nd place: trip to New Orleans, Louisiana New champion: $3,700

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Joe Tom Jack
-$2,500 $6,700 $4,500
12 R,
10 W
17 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $8,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1992-09-14
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