The crank-operated covered chariot Leo designed certainly predated the Sherman one of these |
a tank
Rizzo, Sandy, Danny Zuko |
(Ken: [*] is the word, yes.)
This prolific author used the name Paul French for some sci-fi works |
(Isaac) Asimov
A variety of this plague carrier is seen here |
a flea
Zagreb, Croatia & Shoreham, New York each have a street named for this enigmatic inventor |
The clue I am reading had an example of a shift in this |
Leo called it "the noblest sense", hence his love for harmonious proportions in paintings |
Hercules Mulligan & James Madison |
According to legend, he was a Phrygian slave who may have lived from 620 to 560 B.C. |
Half of the original you, seen here |
a sperm
The N.Y. Times won a Pulitzer in 2002 for covering this street, also in the name of another winning paper that year |
(Ken: As in the Journal, right.)
Wall Street
Its the typographical mark that is missing in the first line of this clue. |
the apostrophe
Late in life, a bitter Leonardo made apocalyptic drawings called this series, another word for flood |
(Erick: What is Diluvian?) (Cory: What is Antediluvian?)
Tevye, Yente, Lazar Wolfe |
Fiddler on the Roof
Her novels include "The House of the Spirits" & "Of Love and Shadows" |
Isabel Allende
It's a fertilizing element for ragweed |
This capital's Gran Vía was once named Avenida de José Antonio, after the founder of the Fascist Party |
In a sentence, this noun & its verb has--excuse me, have to agree in number |
the subject
Using Vitruvius' formulae, Leo showed how the proportions of this relate to the most perfect geometric figures |
(Cory: What is the golden ratio?) ... (Ken: It's the picture of the guy in the circle with the square.)
the human body
Mafala Hatimbi & Elder McKinley |
(Brian: What is... A K--[Sighs])
The Book of Mormon
"Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" was brought to life by this author; a response of "42" won't help you |
Douglas Adams
The single-use weapon of this insect is seen here |
a bee
The city of Salford, near Manchester, has the real street that inspired this British soap opera |
Coronation Street
Flout, meaning "to show scorn for", is often confused with this word meaning "to show off" |
As it has bird-like flapping wings, Leo's flying machine is designated one of these |
an ornithopter
Deena Jones, Effie White, James "Thunder" Early |
This author's "Things Fall Apart" is set in an Igbo village |
(Chinua) Achebe
You can identify some molds by the shape of these reproductive cells |
their spores
In Berlin Wilhelmstrasse runs parallel to this other major street bearing the name of a German emperor |
(Erick: What is Kaiserstrasse?)
8-letter term for a "sentence" error. Found in the present clue. |
(Brian: What is... no... abbreviation, no.)
a fragment