Show #8960 - Friday, October 27, 2023

2023 Champions Wildcard Diamonds quarterfinal game 6.


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Brian Adams, a retired public educator from Big Bear Lake, California

Cory Burns Barger, an orchestra musician from Riverside, California

Erick Loh, a pastor from Northridge, California

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Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll have to name the movie.)
    $200 1
According to 3 of the Gospels, this Jewish holiday was being celebrated during the Last Supper
    $200 30
"I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!"
    $200 29
The language of the Maoris became an official language of this country in 1987
    $200 28
The layers of the skin are the epi-this, the this & the hypo-this
    $200 27
Jeans & overalls can be made from this fabric whose name comes from a city in the south of France
    $200 24
At 29 feet, 4 1/2 inches, Mike Powell holds the world record for this
    $400 2
Traditional 2-word name for the chalice used by Jesus during the Last Supper
    $400 9
"Wakanda forever!"
    $400 19
Called "moko" in Maori, these body adornments signal status & rank
    $400 13
The uvea, the eye's middle layer, includes this contractile diaphragm, the colored part of the eye
    $400 26
It sounds like hammerheads provide the material for this, but it's usually a worsted fabric for men's suits
    $400 23
"The Lottery" or "The Gold-Bug"
    $600 3
During the meal Jesus predicts that this man will deny knowing him 3 times
    $600 5
"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"
    $600 16
The 2nd-largest Hawaiian isle shares its name with this Maori hero of myth who slowed down the Sun for humans
    $600 12
The capitulum is a rounded protuberance in this arm joint, nudge nudge
    $600 25
Freshly groomed snow that's grooved is called this for its resemblance to a certain fabric
    $600 22
Traditionally, the main ingredients in these Scottish cookies are flour, sugar & an ample amount of butter
    $800 6
According to John, Satan entered this apostle during the Last Supper
    $800 4
"I'll have what she's having"
    $800 17
Named for a figure in Maori legend, sacred Mount Ruapehu is one of the world's most active ones of these
    $800 11
The gastrocnemius & soleus, 2 muscles of the calf, act like a lever system with this largest tendon to lift or lower the heel
    $800 15
This soft fabric originated in Wales; its name comes from the Welsh gwlanen ("woolen cloth")
    $800 21
Tinker, of "Tinker to Evers to Chance", was one of these
    $1000 7
Traditionally the Last Supper is thought to have taken place on this day of the week
    $1000 8
"They call me Mr. Tibbs!"
    $1000 18
In this 2002 movie starring Keisha Castle-Hughes, a 12-year-old girl wants to be chief of her Maori tribe; granddad says no
    DD: $1,000 10
Familiar to pitchers, the group of muscles called this includes the subscapularis muscle
    $1000 14
The name of this fabric can precede "steel" & "rose"
    $1000 20
This California port city is home to an aquarium & the Queen Mary

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Erick Cory Brian
$3,600 $1,000 $3,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Erick Cory Brian
$6,200 $1,400 $5,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 28
The crank-operated covered chariot Leo designed certainly predated the Sherman one of these
    $400 11
Danny Zuko
    $400 30
This prolific author used the name Paul French for some sci-fi works
    $400 26
A variety of this plague carrier is seen here
    $400 23
Zagreb, Croatia & Shoreham, New York each have a street named for this enigmatic inventor
    $400 22
The clue I am reading had an example of a shift in this
    $800 27
Leo called it "the noblest sense", hence his love for harmonious proportions in paintings
    $800 10
Hercules Mulligan & James Madison
    $800 29
According to legend, he was a Phrygian slave who may have lived from 620 to 560 B.C.
    $800 25
Half of the original you, seen here
    $800 24
The N.Y. Times won a Pulitzer in 2002 for covering this street, also in the name of another winning paper that year
    $800 21
Its the typographical mark that is missing in the first line of this clue.
    $1200 20
Late in life, a bitter Leonardo made apocalyptic drawings called this series, another word for flood
    $1200 9
Lazar Wolfe
    $1200 14
Her novels include "The House of the Spirits" & "Of Love and Shadows"
    $1200 19
It's a fertilizing element for ragweed
    DD: $5,000 3
This capital's Gran Vía was once named Avenida de José Antonio, after the founder of the Fascist Party
    $1200 17
In a sentence, this noun & its verb has--excuse me, have to agree in number
    DD: $6,000 6
Using Vitruvius' formulae, Leo showed how the proportions of this relate to the most perfect geometric figures
    $1600 8
Mafala Hatimbi &
Elder McKinley
    $1600 13
"Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" was brought to life by this author; a response of "42" won't help you
    $1600 18
The single-use weapon of this insect is seen here
    $1600 2
The city of Salford, near Manchester, has the real street that inspired this British soap opera
    $1600 16
Flout, meaning "to show scorn for", is often confused with this word meaning "to show off"
    $2000 5
As it has bird-like flapping wings, Leo's flying machine is designated one of these
    $2000 7
Deena Jones,
Effie White,
James "Thunder" Early
    $2000 12
This author's "Things Fall Apart" is set in an Igbo village
    $2000 15
You can identify some molds by the shape of these reproductive cells
    $2000 1
In Berlin Wilhelmstrasse runs parallel to this other major street bearing the name of a German emperor
    $2000 4
8-letter term for a "sentence" error. Found in the present clue.

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Erick Cory Brian
$12,200 $9,600 $5,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

On March 23, 1779 he became the first U.S. diplomat to serve overseas by presenting his credentials to a foreign government

Final scores:

Erick Cory Brian
$5,199 $6,600 $10,800
3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000 Winner: semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Erick Cory Brian
$12,200 $11,800 $5,400
19 R,
2 W
14 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $29,400

>" target="_blank">[game responses] >" target="_blank">[game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2023-09-13
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